The watcher.api.hooks Module

The watcher.api.hooks Module

class watcher.api.hooks.ContextHook[source]

Bases: pecan.hooks.PecanHook

Configures a request context and attaches it to the request.

The following HTTP request headers are used:

Used for context.user.
Used for context.user_id.
Used for context.project.
Used for context.project_id.
Used for context.auth_token.

Override this method to create a hook that gets called after routing, but before the request gets passed to your controller.

Parameters:state – The Pecan state object for the current request.
class watcher.api.hooks.NoExceptionTracebackHook[source]

Bases: pecan.hooks.PecanHook

Workaround rpc.common: deserialize_remote_exception.

deserialize_remote_exception builds rpc exception traceback into error message which is then sent to the client. Such behavior is a security concern so this hook is aimed to cut-off traceback from the error message.


Override this method to create a hook that gets called after the request has been handled by the controller.

Parameters:state – The Pecan state object for the current request.
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