watcher.applier.actions.base module

watcher.applier.actions.base module

service None

Bases: watcher.common.loader.loadable.Loadable


Executes the main logic of the action

This method can be used to perform an action on a given set of input parameters to accomplish some type of operation. This operation may return a boolean value as a result of its execution. If False, this will be considered as an error and will then trigger the reverting of the actions.

Returns:A flag indicating whether or not the action succeeded
Return type:bool
classmethod BaseAction.get_config_opts()[source]

Defines the configuration options to be associated to this loadable

Returns:A list of configuration options relative to this Loadable
Return type:list of oslo_config.cfg.Opt instances

Description of the action


Hook: called after the execution of an action

This function is called regardless of whether an action succeeded or not. So you can use it to perform cleanup operations.


Hook: called before the execution of an action

This method can be used to perform some initializations or to make some more advanced validation on its input parameters. So if you wish to block its execution based on this factor, raise the related exception.


Revert this action

This method should rollback the resource to its initial state in the event of a faulty execution. This happens when the action raised an exception during its execute().

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