watcher.notifications.base module

watcher.notifications.base module

service None

Bases: watcher.notifications.base.NotificationObject


Serialize the object to the wire format.

service None

Bases: watcher.notifications.base.NotificationObject

Base class for versioned notifications.

Every subclass shall define a ‘payload’ field.


Send the notification.


Load an additional attribute from the real object.

This should load self.$attrname and cache any data that might be useful for future load operations.

Save the changed fields back to the store.

This is optional for subclasses, but is presented here in the base class for consistency among those that do.

service None

Bases: watcher.objects.base.WatcherObject

Base class for every notification related versioned object.


Load an additional attribute from the real object.

This should load self.$attrname and cache any data that might be useful for future load operations.

Save the changed fields back to the store.

This is optional for subclasses, but is presented here in the base class for consistency among those that do.

service None

Bases: watcher.notifications.base.NotificationObject

Base class for the payload of versioned notifications.


Populate the object based on the SCHEMA and the source objects

Parameters:kwargs – A dict contains the source object at the key defined in the SCHEMA
service None

Bases: watcher.notifications.base.NotificationObject

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.