Workload Balance Migration Strategy

Workload Balance Migration Strategy


display name: Workload Balance Migration Strategy

goal: workload_balancing

[PoC]Workload balance using live migration


It is a migration strategy based on the VM workload of physical servers. It generates solutions to move a workload whenever a server’s CPU or RAM utilization % is higher than the specified threshold. The VM to be moved should make the host close to average workload of all compute nodes.


  • Hardware: compute node should use the same physical CPUs/RAMs
  • Software: Ceilometer component ceilometer-agent-compute running in each compute node, and Ceilometer API can report such telemetry “cpu_util” and “memory.resident” successfully.
  • You must have at least 2 physical compute nodes to run this strategy.


  • This is a proof of concept that is not meant to be used in production
  • We cannot forecast how many servers should be migrated. This is the reason why we only plan a single virtual machine migration at a time. So it’s better to use this algorithm with CONTINUOUS audits.
  • It assume that live migrations are possible




The workload_balance strategy requires the following metrics:

metric service name plugins comment
cpu_util ceilometer none  
memory.resident ceilometer none  

Cluster data model

Default Watcher’s Compute cluster data model:

Nova cluster data model collector

The Nova cluster data model collector creates an in-memory representation of the resources exposed by the compute service.


Default Watcher’s actions:

action description

Migrates a server to a destination nova-compute host

This action will allow you to migrate a server to another compute destination host. Migration type ‘live’ can only be used for migrating active VMs. Migration type ‘cold’ can be used for migrating non-active VMs as well active VMs, which will be shut down while migrating.

The action schema is:

schema = Schema({
 'resource_id': str,  # should be a UUID
 'migration_type': str,  # choices -> "live", "cold"
 'destination_node': str,
 'source_node': str,

The resource_id is the UUID of the server to migrate. The source_node and destination_node parameters are respectively the source and the destination compute hostname (list of available compute hosts is returned by this command: nova service-list --binary nova-compute).


Nova API version must be 2.56 or above if destination_node parameter is given.


Default Watcher’s planner:

Weight planner implementation

This implementation builds actions with parents in accordance with weights. Set of actions having a higher weight will be scheduled before the other ones. There are two config options to configure: action_weights and parallelization.


  • This planner requires to have action_weights and parallelization configs tuned well.


Strategy parameters are:

parameter type default Value description
metrics String ‘cpu_util’ Workload balance base on cpu or ram utilization. choice: [‘cpu_util’, ‘memory.resident’]
threshold Number 25.0 Workload threshold for migration
period Number 300 Aggregate time period of ceilometer

Efficacy Indicator



For more information on the Workload Balance Migration Strategy please refer to:

How to use it ?

$ openstack optimize audittemplate create \
  at1 workload_balancing --strategy workload_balance

$ openstack optimize audit create -a at1 -p threshold=26.0 \
        -p period=310 -p metrics=cpu_util
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