Launch a container

In environments that include the Container service, you can launch a container.

  1. Source the demo credentials to perform the following steps as a non-administrative project:

    $ . demo-openrc
  2. Determine available networks.

    $ openstack network list
    | ID                                   | Name        | Subnets                              |
    | 4716ddfe-6e60-40e7-b2a8-42e57bf3c31c | selfservice | 2112d5eb-f9d6-45fd-906e-7cabd38b7c7c |
    | b5b6993c-ddf9-40e7-91d0-86806a42edb8 | provider    | 310911f6-acf0-4a47-824e-3032916582ff |


    This output may differ from your environment.

  3. Set the NET_ID environment variable to reflect the ID of a network. For example, using the selfservice network:

    $ export NET_ID=$(openstack network list | awk '/ selfservice / { print $2 }')
  4. Run a CirrOS container on the selfservice network:

    $ openstack appcontainer run --name container --net network=$NET_ID cirros ping
  5. After a short time, verify successful creation of the container:

    $ openstack appcontainer list
    | uuid                                 | name      | image  | status  | task_state | addresses                                       | ports |
    | 4ec10d48-1ed8-492a-be5a-402be0abc66a | container | cirros | Running | None       |, fd13:fd51:ebe8:0:f816:3eff:fe9c:7612 | []    |
  6. Access the container and verify access to the internet:

    $ openstack appcontainer exec --interactive container /bin/sh
    # ping -c 4
    # exit
  7. Stop and delete the container.

    $ openstack appcontainer stop container
    $ openstack appcontainer delete container