
Source code for ceilometer.compute.virt.vmware.inspector

# Copyright (c) 2014 VMware, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
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"""Implementation of Inspector abstraction for VMware vSphere"""

from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_utils import units
import six

from ceilometer.compute.virt import inspector as virt_inspector
from ceilometer.compute.virt.vmware import vsphere_operations
from ceilometer.i18n import _

vmware_api = None

opt_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='vmware',
                         title='Options for VMware')

OPTS = [
                       help='IP address of the VMware vSphere host.'),
                help='Port of the VMware vSphere host.'),
               help='Username of VMware vSphere.'),
               help='Password of VMware vSphere.',
               help='CA bundle file to use in verifying the vCenter server '
                help='If true, the vCenter server certificate is not '
                     'verified. If false, then the default CA truststore is '
                     'used for verification. This option is ignored if '
                     '"ca_file" is set.'),
               help='Number of times a VMware vSphere API may be retried.'),
                 help='Sleep time in seconds for polling an ongoing async '
               help='Optional vim service WSDL location '
                    'e.g http://<server>/vimService.wsdl. '
                    'Optional over-ride to default location for bug '

VC_AVERAGE_MEMORY_CONSUMED_CNTR = 'mem:consumed:average'
VC_AVERAGE_CPU_CONSUMED_CNTR = 'cpu:usage:average'
VC_NETWORK_RX_COUNTER = 'net:received:average'
VC_NETWORK_TX_COUNTER = 'net:transmitted:average'
VC_DISK_READ_RATE_CNTR = "disk:read:average"
VC_DISK_READ_REQUESTS_RATE_CNTR = "disk:numberReadAveraged:average"
VC_DISK_WRITE_RATE_CNTR = "disk:write:average"
VC_DISK_WRITE_REQUESTS_RATE_CNTR = "disk:numberWriteAveraged:average"

[docs]def get_api_session(conf): global vmware_api if vmware_api is None: vmware_api = __import__('oslo_vmware.api') api_session = vmware_api.api.VMwareAPISession( conf.vmware.host_ip, conf.vmware.host_username, conf.vmware.host_password, conf.vmware.api_retry_count, conf.vmware.task_poll_interval, wsdl_loc=conf.vmware.wsdl_location, port=conf.vmware.host_port, cacert=conf.vmware.ca_file, insecure=conf.vmware.insecure) return api_session
[docs]class VsphereInspector(virt_inspector.Inspector): def __init__(self, conf): super(VsphereInspector, self).__init__(conf) self._ops = vsphere_operations.VsphereOperations( get_api_session(self.conf), 1000) def _get_vm_mobj_not_power_off_or_raise(self, instance): vm_mobj = self._ops.get_vm_mobj(instance.id) if vm_mobj is None: raise virt_inspector.InstanceNotFoundException( _('VM %s not found in VMware vSphere') % instance.id) vm_powerState = self._ops.query_vm_property(vm_mobj, 'runtime.powerState') if vm_powerState == "poweredOff": raise virt_inspector.InstanceShutOffException( _('VM %s is poweredOff in VMware vSphere') % instance.id) return vm_mobj
[docs] def inspect_vnic_rates(self, instance, duration): vm_mobj = self._get_vm_mobj_not_power_off_or_raise(instance) vnic_stats = {} vnic_ids = set() for net_counter in (VC_NETWORK_RX_COUNTER, VC_NETWORK_TX_COUNTER): net_counter_id = self._ops.get_perf_counter_id(net_counter) vnic_id_to_stats_map = self._ops.query_vm_device_stats( vm_mobj, net_counter_id, duration) # The sample for this map is: {4000: 0.0, vmnic5: 0.0, vmnic4: 0.0, # vmnic3: 0.0, vmnic2: 0.0, vmnic1: 0.0, vmnic0: 0.0} # "4000" is the virtual nic which we need. # And these "vmnic*" are phynical nics in the host, so we remove it vnic_id_to_stats_map = {k: v for (k, v) in vnic_id_to_stats_map.items() if not k.startswith('vmnic')} vnic_stats[net_counter] = vnic_id_to_stats_map vnic_ids.update(six.iterkeys(vnic_id_to_stats_map)) # Stats provided from vSphere are in KB/s, converting it to B/s. for vnic_id in sorted(vnic_ids): rx_bytes_rate = (vnic_stats[VC_NETWORK_RX_COUNTER] .get(vnic_id, 0) * units.Ki) tx_bytes_rate = (vnic_stats[VC_NETWORK_TX_COUNTER] .get(vnic_id, 0) * units.Ki) yield virt_inspector.InterfaceRateStats( name=vnic_id, mac=None, fref=None, parameters=None, rx_bytes_rate=rx_bytes_rate, tx_bytes_rate=tx_bytes_rate)
[docs] def inspect_disk_rates(self, instance, duration): vm_mobj = self._get_vm_mobj_not_power_off_or_raise(instance) disk_stats = {} disk_ids = set() disk_counters = [ VC_DISK_READ_RATE_CNTR, VC_DISK_READ_REQUESTS_RATE_CNTR, VC_DISK_WRITE_RATE_CNTR, VC_DISK_WRITE_REQUESTS_RATE_CNTR ] for disk_counter in disk_counters: disk_counter_id = self._ops.get_perf_counter_id(disk_counter) disk_id_to_stat_map = self._ops.query_vm_device_stats( vm_mobj, disk_counter_id, duration) disk_stats[disk_counter] = disk_id_to_stat_map disk_ids.update(six.iterkeys(disk_id_to_stat_map)) for disk_id in disk_ids: def stat_val(counter_name): return disk_stats[counter_name].get(disk_id, 0) # Stats provided from vSphere are in KB/s, converting it to B/s. yield virt_inspector.DiskRateStats( device=disk_id, read_bytes_rate=stat_val(VC_DISK_READ_RATE_CNTR) * units.Ki, read_requests_rate=stat_val(VC_DISK_READ_REQUESTS_RATE_CNTR), write_bytes_rate=stat_val(VC_DISK_WRITE_RATE_CNTR) * units.Ki, write_requests_rate=stat_val(VC_DISK_WRITE_REQUESTS_RATE_CNTR) )
[docs] def inspect_instance(self, instance, duration): vm_mobj = self._get_vm_mobj_not_power_off_or_raise(instance) cpu_util_counter_id = self._ops.get_perf_counter_id( VC_AVERAGE_CPU_CONSUMED_CNTR) cpu_util = self._ops.query_vm_aggregate_stats( vm_mobj, cpu_util_counter_id, duration) # For this counter vSphere returns values scaled-up by 100, since the # corresponding API can't return decimals, but only longs. # For e.g. if the utilization is 12.34%, the value returned is 1234. # Hence, dividing by 100.0. cpu_util = cpu_util / 100.0 mem_counter_id = self._ops.get_perf_counter_id( VC_AVERAGE_MEMORY_CONSUMED_CNTR) memory = self._ops.query_vm_aggregate_stats( vm_mobj, mem_counter_id, duration) # Stat provided from vSphere is in KB, converting it to MB. memory = memory / units.Ki return virt_inspector.InstanceStats( cpu_util=cpu_util, memory_usage=memory)
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