Application Catalog API configuration

Application Catalog API configuration

Configuration options

The Application Catalog service can be configured by changing the following options:

Description of API configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
admin_role = admin (String) Role used to identify an authenticated user as administrator.
max_header_line = 16384 (Integer) Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may need to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs).
secure_proxy_ssl_header = X-Forwarded-Proto (String) The HTTP Header that will be used to determine which the original request protocol scheme was, even if it was removed by an SSL terminator proxy.
enable_proxy_headers_parsing = False (Boolean) Whether the application is behind a proxy or not. This determines if the middleware should parse the headers or not.
max_request_body_size = 114688 (Integer) The maximum body size for each request, in bytes.
secure_proxy_ssl_header = X-Forwarded-Proto (String) DEPRECATED: The HTTP Header that will be used to determine what the original request protocol scheme was, even if it was hidden by a SSL termination proxy.
policy_default_rule = default (String) Default rule. Enforced when a requested rule is not found.
policy_dirs = ['policy.d'] (Multi-valued) Directories where policy configuration files are stored. They can be relative to any directory in the search path defined by the config_dir option, or absolute paths. The file defined by policy_file must exist for these directories to be searched. Missing or empty directories are ignored.
policy_file = policy.json (String) The JSON file that defines policies.
config_file = None (String) Path to Paste config file
flavor = None (String) Paste flavor
Description of CFAPI configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
auth_url = localhost:5000 (String) Authentication URL
bind_host = localhost (String) Host for service broker
bind_port = 8083 (String) Port for service broker
packages_service = murano (String) Package service which should be used by service broker
project_domain_name = default (String) Domain name of the project
tenant = admin (String) Project for service broker
user_domain_name = default (String) Domain name of the user
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