Additional configuration options for Application Catalog service

Additional configuration options for Application Catalog service

These options can also be set in the murano.conf file.

Description of common configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
backlog = 4096 (Integer) Number of backlog requests to configure the socket with
bind_host = (String) Address to bind the Murano API server to.
bind_port = 8082 (Port number) Port the bind the Murano API server to.
executor_thread_pool_size = 64 (Integer) Size of executor thread pool.
file_server = (String) Set a file server.
home_region = None (String) Default region name used to get services endpoints.
metadata_dir = ./meta (String) Metadata dir
publish_errors = False (Boolean) Enables or disables publication of error events.
tcp_keepidle = 600 (Integer) Sets the value of TCP_KEEPIDLE in seconds for each server socket. Not supported on OS X.
use_router_proxy = True (Boolean) Use ROUTER remote proxy.
api_limit_max = 100 (Integer) Maximum number of packages to be returned in a single pagination request
api_workers = None (Integer) Number of API workers
cacert = None (String) (SSL) Tells Murano to use the specified client certificate file when communicating with Murano API used by Murano engine.
cert_file = None (String) (SSL) Tells Murano to use the specified client certificate file when communicating with Murano used by Murano engine.
enabled_plugins = None (List) List of enabled Extension Plugins. Remove or leave commented to enable all installed plugins.
endpoint_type = publicURL (String) Murano endpoint type used by Murano engine.
insecure = False (Boolean) This option explicitly allows Murano to perform “insecure” SSL connections and transfers used by Murano engine.
key_file = None (String) (SSL/SSH) Private key file name to communicate with Murano API used by Murano engine.
limit_param_default = 20 (Integer) Default value for package pagination in API.
package_size_limit = 5 (Integer) Maximum application package size, Mb
url = None (String) Optional murano url in format like used by Murano engine
period = 5 (Integer) Statistics collection interval in minutes.Default value is 5 minutes.
Description of engine configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
agent_timeout = 3600 (Integer) Time for waiting for a response from murano agent during the deployment
class_configs = /etc/murano/class-configs (String) Path to class configuration files
disable_murano_agent = False (Boolean) Disallow the use of murano-agent
enable_model_policy_enforcer = False (Boolean) Enable model policy enforcer using Congress
enable_packages_cache = True (Boolean) Enables murano-engine to persist on disk packages downloaded during deployments. The packages would be re-used for consequent deployments.
engine_workers = None (Integer) Number of engine workers
load_packages_from = (List) List of directories to load local packages from. If not provided, packages will be loaded only API
packages_cache = None (String) Location (directory) for Murano package cache.
packages_service = murano (String) The service to store murano packages: murano (stands for legacy behavior using murano-api) or glance (stands for glance-glare artifact service)
use_trusts = True (Boolean) Create resources using trust token rather than user’s token
Description of glare configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
ca_file = None (String) (SSL) Tells Murano to use the specified certificate file to verify the peer running Glare API.
cert_file = None (String) (SSL) Tells Murano to use the specified client certificate file when communicating with Glare.
endpoint_type = publicURL (String) Glare endpoint type.
insecure = False (Boolean) This option explicitly allows Murano to perform “insecure” SSL connections and transfers with Glare API.
key_file = None (String) (SSL/SSH) Private key file name to communicate with Glare API.
url = None (String) Optional glare url in format like used by Glare API
Description of Orchestration service configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
ca_file = None (String) (SSL) Tells Murano to use the specified certificate file to verify the peer running Heat API.
cert_file = None (String) (SSL) Tells Murano to use the specified client certificate file when communicating with Heat.
endpoint_type = publicURL (String) Heat endpoint type.
insecure = False (Boolean) This option explicitly allows Murano to perform “insecure” SSL connections and transfers with Heat API.
key_file = None (String) (SSL/SSH) Private key file name to communicate with Heat API.
stack_tags = murano (List) List of tags to be assigned to heat stacks created during environment deployment.
url = None (String) Optional heat endpoint override
Description of Workflow service configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
ca_cert = None (String) (SSL) Tells Murano to use the specified client certificate file when communicating with Mistral.
endpoint_type = publicURL (String) Mistral endpoint type.
insecure = False (Boolean) This option explicitly allows Murano to perform “insecure” SSL connections and transfers with Mistral.
service_type = workflowv2 (String) Mistral service type.
url = None (String) Optional mistral endpoint override
Description of Networking service configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
create_router = True (Boolean) This option will create a router when one with “router_name” does not exist
default_dns = (List) List of default DNS nameservers to be assigned to created Networks
driver = None (String) Network driver to use. Options are neutron or nova.If not provided, the driver will be detected.
env_ip_template = (String) Template IP address for generating environment subnet cidrs
external_network = ext-net (String) ID or name of the external network for routers to connect to
max_environments = 250 (Integer) Maximum number of environments that use a single router per tenant
max_hosts = 250 (Integer) Maximum number of VMs per environment
network_config_file = netconfig.yaml (String) If provided networking configuration will be taken from this file
router_name = murano-default-router (String) Name of the router that going to be used in order to join all networks created by Murano
ca_cert = None (String) (SSL) Tells Murano to use the specified client certificate file when communicating with Neutron.
endpoint_type = publicURL (String) Neutron endpoint type.
insecure = False (Boolean) This option explicitly allows Murano to perform “insecure” SSL connections and transfers with Neutron API.
url = None (String) Optional neutron endpoint override
Description of Redis configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
check_timeout = 20000 (Integer) Time in ms to wait before the transaction is killed.
host = (String) DEPRECATED: Host to locate redis. Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url
password = (String) DEPRECATED: Password for Redis server (optional). Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url
port = 6379 (Port number) DEPRECATED: Use this port to connect to redis host. Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url
sentinel_group_name = oslo-messaging-zeromq (String) Redis replica set name.
sentinel_hosts = (List) DEPRECATED: List of Redis Sentinel hosts (fault tolerance mode) e.g. [host:port, host1:port ... ] Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url
socket_timeout = 10000 (Integer) Timeout in ms on blocking socket operations
wait_timeout = 2000 (Integer) Time in ms to wait between connection attempts.
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