novaclient.v2.migrations module

migration interface

class novaclient.v2.migrations.Migration(manager, info, loaded=False, resp=None)

Bases: Resource

Populate and bind to a manager.

  • manager – BaseManager object

  • info – dictionary representing resource attributes

  • loaded – prevent lazy-loading if set to True

  • resp – Response or list of Response objects

class novaclient.v2.migrations.MigrationManager(api)

Bases: ManagerWithFind

list(host=None, status=None, instance_uuid=None, marker=None, limit=None, changes_since=None, changes_before=None, migration_type=None, source_compute=None, user_id=None, project_id=None)

Get a list of migrations. :param host: filter migrations by host name (optional). :param status: filter migrations by status (optional). :param instance_uuid: filter migrations by instance uuid (optional). :param marker: Begin returning migrations that appear later in the migrations list than that represented by this migration UUID (optional). :param limit: maximum number of migrations to return (optional). Note the API server has a configurable default limit. If no limit is specified here or limit is larger than default, the default limit will be used. :param changes_since: Only return migrations changed later or equal to a certain point of time. The provided time should be an ISO 8061 formatted time. e.g. 2016-03-04T06:27:59Z . (optional). :param changes_before: Only return migrations changed earlier or equal to a certain point of time. The provided time should be an ISO 8061 formatted time. e.g. 2016-03-05T06:27:59Z . (optional). :param migration_type: Filter migrations by type. Valid values are: evacuation, live-migration, migration, resize :param source_compute: Filter migrations by source compute host name. :param user_id: filter migrations by user (optional). :param project_id: filter migrations by project (optional).


alias of Migration