2023.1 Series Release Notes


Upgrade Notes

  • MariaDB backup now uses the same image as the running MariaDB server. The following variables relating to MariaDB backups are no longer used and have been removed:

    • mariabackup_image

    • mariabackup_tag

    • mariabackup_image_full

Bug Fixes

  • Add conditionals for IPv6 sysctl settings that have IPV6 disabled in kernel. Changing sysctl settings related to IPv6 on those systems lead to errors. LP#1906306

  • Fixes trove module imports. Path to the modules needed by trove-api changed in source trove package so the configuration was updated. LP#1937120

  • Fixes configuration of nova-compute and nova-compute-ironic, that will enable exposing vendordata over configdrive. LP#2049607

  • Modifies the MariaDB procedure to use the same container image as the running MariaDB server container. This should prevent compatibility issues that may cause the backup to fail.

  • Fixes a bug where Nova and Cinder would not register the required keystone service role if keystone tags are skipped. LP#2049762

  • Fixed ‘cinder-backup’ service when Swift with TLS enabled. LP#2051986

  • Fixes an idempotency issue in the OpenSearch upgrade tasks where subsequent runs of kolla-ansible upgrade would leave shard allocation disabled. LP#2049512

  • Fixes keystone port in skyline-console pointing to wrong endpoint port. LP#2069855

  • Fixes 2065168. Fix kolla systemd unit template to prevent restart all kolla services with docker.service restart. LP#[2065168]

  • Fixed an issue where the MariaDB Cluster recovery process would fail if the sequence number was not found in the logs. The recovery process now checks the complete log file for the sequence number and recovers the cluster. See LP#1821173 for details.

  • All stable RabbitMQ feature flags are now enabled during deployments, reconfigures, and upgrades. As such, the variable rabbitmq_feature_flags is no longer required. This is a partial fix to RabbitMQ SLURP support. LP#2049512

  • Fixes an issue where the Keystone admin endpoint would be recreated when upgrading Keystone. The endpoint is now explicitly removed during the upgrade process.

  • Fixes skyline’s old format of stop task. It used docker_container which would cause problems with podman deployments.


Upgrade Notes

  • If credentials are updated in passwords.yml kolla-ansible is now able to update these credentials in the keystone database and in the on disk config files.

    The changes to passwords.yml are applied once kolla-ansible -i INVENTORY reconfigure has been run.

    If you want to revert to the old behavior - credentials not automatically updating during reconfigure if they changed in passwords.yml - you can specify this by setting update_keystone_service_user_passwords: false in your globals.yml.

    Notice that passwords are only changed if you change them in passwords.yml. This mechanism is not a complete solution for automatic credential rollover. No passwords are changed if you do not change them inside passwords.yml.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes mariadb role deployment when using Ansible check mode. LP#2052501

  • Updated configuration of service user tokens for all Nova and Cinder services to stop using admin role for service_token and use service role.

    See LP#[2004555] and LP#[2049762] for more details.

  • Add Keystone Service role. Keystone is creating service in bootstrap since Bobcat. Service role is needed for SLURP to work from Antelope. This role is also needed in Antelope and Zed for Cinder for proper service token support. LP#2049762

  • Changes to service user passwords in passwords.yml will now be applied when reconfiguring services.

    This behaviour can reverted by setting update_keystone_service_user_passwords: false.

    Fixes LP#2045990


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes enabled usage audit notifications when they are not needed. See LP##2049503.

  • Fixes a bug where Octavia configuration couldn’t be generated for Antelope release while running Zed release kolla toolbox. LP#2049364


New Features

  • Updates apache grok pattern to match the size of response in bytes, time taken to serve the request and user agent.

  • You can now enable the usage of quorum queues in RabbitMQ for all services by setting the variable om_enable_rabbitmq_quorum_queues to true. Notice that you can’t use quorum queues and high availability at the same time. This is caught by a precheck.

  • Set a log retention policy for OpenSearch via Index State Management (ISM). Documentation.

  • Adds new restart_policy called oneshot that does not create systemd units and is used for bootstrap tasks.

Upgrade Notes

  • Added log retention in OpenSearch, previously handled by Elasticsearch Curator. By default the soft and hard retention periods are 30 and 60 days respectively. If you are upgrading from Elasticsearch, and have previously configured elasticsearch_curator_soft_retention_period_days or elasticsearch_curator_hard_retention_period_days, those variables will be used instead of the defaults. You should migrate your configuration to use the new variable names before the Caracal release.

  • restart_policy: no will now create systemd units, but with Restart property set to no.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix MariaDB backup if enable_proxysql is enable

  • Fixes 504 timeout when scraping openstack exporter. Ensures that HAProxy server timeout is the same as the scrape timeout for the openstack exporter backend. LP#2006051

  • Fixes non-persistent Neutron agent state data. LP2009884

  • Fix issue with octavia security group rules creation when using IPv6 configuration for octavia management network. See LP#2023502 for more details.

  • Fixes glance-api failed to start privsep daemon when cinder_backend_ceph is set to true. See LP#2024541 for more details.

  • Fixes 2024554. Adds host and mariadb_port to the wsrep sync status check. This is so none standard ports can be used for mariadb deployments. LP#2024554

  • Starting with ansible-core 2.13, list concatenation format is changed which resulted in inability to override horizon policy files. See LP#2045660 for more details.

  • Fixes long service restarts while using systemd LP#2048130.

  • Fixes an issue with high CPU usage of the cAdvisor container by setting the per-container housekeeping interval to the same value as the Prometheus scrape interval. LP#2048223

  • Fixes an issue where Prometheus would fail to scrape the OpenStack exporter when using internal TLS with an FQDN. LP#2008208

  • Fixes Docker health check for the sahara_engine container. LP#2046268

  • Fixes an issue where Fluentd was parsing Horizon WSGI application logs incorrectly. Horizon error logs are now written to horizon-error.log instead of horizon.log. See LP#1898174

  • Added log retention in OpenSearch, previously handled by Elasticsearch Curator, now using Index State Management (ISM) OpenSearch bundled plugin. LP#2047037.

  • Fixes an issue where Prometheus scraping of Etcd metrics would fail if Etcd TLS is enabled. LP#2036950


New Features

  • Added capability to specify custom kernel modules for Neutron: neutron_modules_default: Lists default modules. neutron_modules_extra: For custom modules and parameters.

  • Supports Debian Bookworm (12) as host distribution.

  • Added a neutron check for ML2/OVS and ML2/OVN presence at the start of deploy phase. It will fail if neutron_plugin_agent is set to ovn and use of ML2/OVS container detected. In case where neutron_plugin_agent is set to openvswitch the check will fail when it detects ML2/OVN container or any of the OVN specific volumes.

  • In the configuration template of the Senlin service the cafile parameter is now set by default in the authentication section. This way the use of self-signed certificates on the internal Keystone endpoint is also usable in the Senlin service.

Upgrade Notes

  • Default keystone user role has been changed from deprecated role _member_ to member role.

  • Now ironic_tftp service does not bind on, by default it uses ip address of the api_interface. To revert to the old behaviour, please set ironic_tftp_interface_address: in globals.yml.

  • Configure Nova libvirt.num_pcie_ports to 16 by default. Nova currently sets ‘num_pcie_ports’ to “0” (defaults to libvirt’s “1”), which is not sufficient for hotplug use with ‘q35’ machine type.

  • Changes default value of nova libvirt driver setting skip_cpu_compare_on_dest to true. With the libvirt driver, during live migration, skip comparing guest CPU with the destination host. When using QEMU >= 2.9 and libvirt >= 4.4.0, libvirt will do the correct thing with respect to checking CPU compatibility on the destination host during live migration.

Security Issues

  • Restrict the access to the http Openstack services exposed /server-status by default through the HAProxy on the public endpoint. Fixes issue for Ubuntu/Debian installations. RockyLinux/CentOS not affected. LP#1996913

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes issues with OVN NB/SB DB deployment, where first node needs to be rebootstrapped. LP#1875223

  • enable_keystone_federation and keystone_enable_federation_openid have not been explicitly handled as bool in various templates in the keystone role so far. LP#2036390

  • Fixes an issue when Kolla is setting the producer tasks to None, and this disables all designate producer tasks. LP#1879557

  • Fixes ironic_tftp which binds to all ip addresses on the system. Added ironic_tftp_interface, ironic_tftp_address_family and ironic_tftp_interface_address parameters to set the address for the ironic_tftp service. LP#2024664

  • Fixes an issue where a Docker health check wasn’t configured for the OpenSearch Dashboards container. See bug 2028362.

  • Fixes an issue where ‘q35’ libvirt machine type VM could not hotplug more than one PCIe device at a time.

  • Fixes an issue where keepalived track script fails on single controller environment and keepalived VIP goes into BACKUP state. keepalived_track_script_enabled variable has been introduced (default: true), which can be used to disable track scripts in keepalived configuration. LP#2025219

  • Fixes an issue were an OVS-DPDK task had a different name to how it was being notified.


Upgrade Notes

  • Removes the restriction on the maximum supported version of 2.14.2 for ansible-core. Any 2.14 series release is now supported.

Security Issues

  • The kolla-genpwd, kolla-mergepwd, kolla-readpwd and kolla-writepwd commands now creates or updates passwords.yml with correct permissions. Also they display warning message about incorrect permissions.

Bug Fixes

  • Set correct permissions for opensearch-dashboard data location LP#2020152 https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla-ansible/+bug/2020152

  • Fixes the incorrect endpoint URLs and service type information for the Cyborg service in the Keystone. LP#2020080

Other Notes

  • Refactors the MariaDB and RabbitMQ restart procedures to be compatible with Ansible 2.14.3+. See Ansible issue 80848 for details.


New Features

  • Adds the flag om_enable_rabbitmq_high_availablity. Setting this to true will enable both durable queues and classic mirrored queues in RabbitMQ. Note that classic queue mirroring and transient (aka non-durable) queues are deprecated and subject to removal in RabbitMQ version 4.0 (date of release unknown). Changes the pattern used in classic mirroring to exclude some queue types. This pattern is ^(?!(amq\\.)|(.*_fanout_)|(reply_)).*.

  • Since CVE-2022-29404 is fixed the default value for the LimitRequestBody directive in the Apache HTTP Server has been changed from 0 (unlimited) to 1073741824 (1 GiB). This limits the size of images (for example) uploaded in Horizon. Now this limit can be configured via horizon_httpd_limitrequestbody. LP#2012588

  • Add skyline ansible role

  • Adds support for container state control through systemd in kolla_docker. Every container logs only to journald and has it’s own unit file in /etc/systemd/system named kolla-<container name>-container.service. Systemd control is implemented in new file ansible/module_utils/kolla_systemd_worker.py.

  • etcd is now exposed internally via HAProxy on etcd_client_port.

  • Adds the command kolla-ansible validate-config. This runs oslo-config-validator against the configurgation files present in the deployed OpenStack services. By default, results are saved to /var/log/kolla/config-validate

  • With the parameter mariadb_datadir_volume it is possible to use a directory as volume for the mariadb service. By default, a volume named mariadb is used (the previous default).

  • Adds support for deploying neutron-ovn-agent. The agent is disabled by default and can be enabled using neutron_enable_ovn_agent. This new agent will run on a compute node using OVN as network backend, similar to other ML2 mechanism drivers as ML2/OVS or ML2/SRIOV. This new agent will perform those actions that the ovn-controller service cannot execute. More details in RFE <https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1998608>__

  • Masakari coordination backend can now be configured via masakari_coordination_backend variable. Coordination is optional and can now be set to either redis or etcd.

  • Adds ovn-monitor-all variable. A boolean value that tells if ovn-controller should unconditionally monitor all records in OVS databases. Setting ovn-monitor-all variable to ‘true’ will remove some CPU load from OVN SouthBound DB but will effect with more updates comming to ovn-controller. Might be helpfull in large deployments with many compute hosts.

  • Added two new flags to alter behaviour in RabbitMQ: * rabbitmq_message_ttl_ms, which lets you set a TTL on messages. * rabbitmq_queue_expiry_ms, which lets you set an expiry time on queues. See https://www.rabbitmq.com/ttl.html for more information on both.

  • Adds the ability to configure rabbitmq via rabbitmq_extra_config which can be overriden in globals.yml.

  • The config option rabbitmq_ha_replica_count is added, to allow for changing the replication factor of mirrored queues in RabbitMQ. While the flag is unset, the queues are mirrored across all nodes using “ha-mode”:”all”. Note that this only has an effect if the flag ` om_enable_rabbitmq_high_availability` is set to True, as otherwise queues are not mirrored.

  • The config option rabbitmq_ha_promote_on_shutdown has been added, which allows changing the RabbitMQ definition ha-promote-on-shutdown. By default ha-promote-on-shutdown is “when-synced”. We recommend changing this to be “always”. This basically means we don’t mind losing some messages, instead we give priority to rabbitmq availability. This is most relevant when restarting rabbitmq, such as when upgrading. Note that setting the value of this flag, even to the default value of “when-synced”, will cause RabbitMQ to be restarted on the next deploy. For more details please see: https://www.rabbitmq.com/ha.html#cluster-shutdown

  • Switch trove-api to WSGI running under Apache.

  • Added configuration options to enable backend TLS encryption from HAProxy to the Trove service.

  • Services using etcd3gw via tooz now use etcd via haproxy. This removes a single point of failure, where we hardcoded the first etcd host for backend_url.

Upgrade Notes

  • Minimum supported Ansible version is now 6 (ansible-core 2.13) and maximum supported is 7 (ansible-core 2.14). Due to a regression in ansible-core, it must not be greater than 2.14.2.

  • skydive service deployment support has been dropped, following removal of Kolla skydive images.

  • RabbitMQ replica count has changed from n to (n//2+1) where n is the number of RabbitMQ nodes. That is, for a 3 node clusters, we request exactly 2 replicas, for a 1 node cluster, we request 1 replica, and for a 5 node cluster, we request 3 replicas. This only has an effect if om_enable_rabbitmq_high_availability is set to True, otherwise queues are not replicated. The number of mirrored queues is not changed automatically, and instead requires the queues to be recreated (for example, by restarting RabbitMQ). This follows the good practice advice here: https://www.rabbitmq.com/ha.html#replication-factor A major motivation is to reduce the load on RabbitMQ in larger deployments. It is hoped, the improved performance should also help rabbitmq recover more quickly from cluster issues. Note that the contents of the RabbitMQ definitions.json are now changed, meaning RabbitMQ containers will be restarted on next deploy/upgrade.

  • The RabbitMQ variable rabbitmq-ha-promote-on-shutdown now defaults to “always”. This only has an effect if om_enable_rabbitmq_high_availability is set to True. When ha-promote-on-shutdown is set to always, queue mirrors are promted on shutdown even if they aren’t fully synced. This means that value availability over the risk of losing some messages. Note that the contents of the RabbitMQ definitions.json are now changed, meaning RabbitMQ containers will be restarted on next deploy/upgrade.

  • In RabbitMQ, messages now have a TTL of 10 minutes and inactive queues will expire after 1 hour. These queue arguments can be changed dynamically at runtime [1], but it should be noted that applying a TTL to queues which already have messages will discard the messages when specific events occur. See [2] for more details. Note that the contents of the RabbitMQ definitions.json are now changed, meaning RabbitMQ containers will be restarted on next deploy/upgrade. [1] https://www.rabbitmq.com/queues.html#optional-arguments [2] https://www.rabbitmq.com/ttl.html#per-message-ttl-caveats

  • Changes rabbitmq upgrade procedure from full stop of a cluster to a rolling upgrade that is supported since RabbitMQ 3.8.

  • OpenStack services (except Ironic and Keystone) stopped supporting the system scope in their API policy. Kolla who started using the system scope token during the OpenStack Xena release needs to revert it and use the project scope token to perform those services API operations. The Ironic and Keystone operations are still performed using the system scope token.

  • Default tags of neutron_tls_proxy and glance_tls_proxy have been changed to haproxy_tag, as both services are using haproxy container image. Any custom tag overrides for those services should be altered before upgrade.

Deprecation Notes

  • Deprecates support for deploying Sahara. Support for deploying Sahara will be removed from Kolla Ansible in the Bobcat Release.

  • Deprecates support for deploying Vitrage. Support for deploying Vitrage will be removed from Kolla Ansible in the Bobcat Release.

Bug Fixes

  • The precheck for RabbitMQ failed incorrectly when kolla_externally_managed_cert was set to true. LP#1999081

  • Fixes kolla_docker module which did not take into account the common_options parameter, so there were always module’s default values. LP#2003079

  • Fixes keystone’s task which is connecting via ssh instead locally. LP#2004224

  • Fixes create sasl account before config file is ready. LP#2015589

  • Configuration of service user tokens for all Nova and Cinder services is now done automatically, to ensure security of block-storage volume data.

    See LP#[2004555] for more details.

  • The value of [oslo_messaging_rabbit] heartbeat_in_pthread is explicitly set to either true for wsgi applications, or false otherwise.

  • Fixes deployment when using Ansible check mode. LP#2002661

  • Set the etcd internal hostname and cacert for tls internal enabled deployments. This allows services to work with etcd when coordination is enabled for TLS interal deployments. Without this fix, the coordination backend fails to connect to etcd and the service itself crashes.

  • Fix issue with octavia config generation when using octavia_auto_configure and the genconfig command. Note that access to the OpenStack API is necessary for Octavia auto configuration to work, even when generating config. See LP#1987299 for more details.

  • Fixes OVN deployment order - as recommended in OVN docs. LP#1979329

  • When upgrading Nova to a new release, we use the tool nova-status upgrade check to make sure that there are no nova-compute that are older than N-1 releases. This was performed using the current nova-api container, so computes which will be too old after the upgrade were not caught. Now the upgraded nova-api container image is used, so older computes are identified correctly. LP#1957080

  • Fixes an issue where some prechecks would fail or not run when running in check mode. LP#2002657

  • When upgrading or deploying RabbitMQ, the policy ha-all is cleared if om_enable_rabbitmq_high_availability is set to false.

  • In HA mode, parallel restart of neutron-l3-agent containers will cause a network outage. Adding routers increases the recovery time. This release makes restarts serial and adds a user-configurable delay to ensure each agent is returned to operation before the next one is restarted.

    The default value is 0. A nonzero starting value would only result in outages if the failover time was greater than the delay, which would be more difficult to diagnose than consistent behaviour.

  • Prevent haproxy-config role from attempting to configure firewalld during a kolla-ansible genconfig. LP#2002522