Current Series Release Notes

New Features

  • Adds prometheus_node_exporter_targets_extra to add additional scrape targets to the node exporter job. See kolla-ansible-doc:documentation <reference/logging-and-monitoring/prometheus-guide.html> for more information.

  • The ceilometer/pipeline.yaml file is now handled as a template file.

  • Adds support for configuring CloudKitty to use OpenSearch as storage backend.

  • Implements service-cert-copy role being able to copy certs to non-HAProxy container. Partial Blueprint mariadb-ssl-support <>

Upgrade Notes

  • MariaDB backup now uses the same image as the running MariaDB server. The following variables relating to MariaDB backups are no longer used and have been removed:

    • mariabackup_image

    • mariabackup_tag

    • mariabackup_image_full

  • To use OpenSearch for CloudKitty storage, set cloudkitty_storage_backend to opensearch. The following variables have been added and may need to be updated unless the default configuration is used:

    • cloudkitty_opensearch_index_name

    • cloudkitty_opensearch_url

    • cloudkitty_opensearch_cafile

    • cloudkitty_opensearch_insecure_connections

  • Support for OpenEuler host operating system has been dropped, due to no recent (3.10+) python availability that is required by ansible-core 2.16 and later.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes an deploy opensearch with enable TLS on the internal VIP.

  • Fixes trove module imports. Path to the modules needed by trove-api changed in source trove package so the configuration was updated. LP#1937120

  • Fixes the incorrect dictionary key reference in ‘Copy Policy File’ task. LP#2054867

  • Modifies the MariaDB procedure to use the same container image as the running MariaDB server container. This should prevent compatibility issues that may cause the backup to fail.

  • Fixes keystone service configuration for haproxy when using federation. LP#2058656

  • Fixes a bug where loadbalancer upgrade task fails, when podman was used as container engine. LP#2063896

  • Fixes a bug in kolla_podman_worker, where missing commas in list of strings create implicit concatenation of items that should be separate. LP#2067278

  • Fixes podman failure when enable_container_healthchecks is set to “no”. LP#2071912

  • Adds database configuration necessary for barbican. LP#2072554

  • Fixes the MariaDB recovery issue when kolla-ansible is running from a docker container. LP#2073370

  • Fixes configuration of CloudKitty when internal TLS is enabled. LP#1998831

  • Fixes the dimensions comparison when we set values like 1g in the container dimensions configuration, making the docker container getting restarted even with no changes, as we are comparing 1g with 1073741824, which is displayed in the docker inspect while 1g is in the configuration.

  • Fixes keystone port in skyline-console pointing to wrong endpoint port. LP#2069855

  • Fixes 2065168. Fix kolla systemd unit template to prevent restart all kolla services with docker.service restart. LP#[2065168]

  • Fixes an issue, when using podman, with named volumes that use a mode specifier. See LP#2054834 for more details.

  • All stable RabbitMQ feature flags are now enabled during deployments, reconfigures, and upgrades. As such, the variable rabbitmq_feature_flags is no longer required. This is a partial fix to RabbitMQ SLURP support. LP#2049512

  • Fixes skyline’s old format of stop task. It used docker_container which would cause problems with podman deployments.