Current Series Release Notes


New Features

  • The new tempest::magnum::keypair_name parameter has been added.

  • The new tempest::configure_flavors parameter has been added.

  • The new tempest::magnum::manage_tests_packages parameter has been added.

  • The following tempest class parameters have been removed.

    • ec2api_available

    • murano_available

    • sahara_available

    • ec2api_tester_roles

    • aws_ec2_url

    • aws_region

    • aws_image_id

    • aws_ebs_image_id

    • sahara_plugins

Upgrade Notes

  • The following tempest class parameters have been removed.

    • tempest_config_file

    • cli_dir

    • login_url

Deprecation Notes

  • The new tempest::magnum::keypair_id parameter has been deprecated and has no effect now.

  • The tempest::magnum::tempest_config_file parameter is deprecated and has no effect now.