
Usage - Development

A development server can be run as follows:

gulp dev

This will open a web browser and reload code automatically as it changes on the filesystem.

If you have subunit and dstat logs, you can create a config.json to display your runs:

stackviz-export -f <path/to/subunit> --dstat <path/to/dstat> app/data/

During gulp dev, files written to app/data/ will be automatically synchronized with the browser. Note that these files will not be copied to build/ during gulp prod, but you can copy them manually using gulp data.

Usage - Production

The production application can be build using:

gulp prod

The result will be written to ./build and should be appropriate for distribution. Note that all files are not required:

  • Directory structure (js/, css/, fonts/, images/): required.

  • Static resources (fonts/, images/): required.

  • Core files (index.html, js/main.js, css/main.css): required unless gzipped versions are used.

  • Gzipped versions of core files (*.gz): not required, but preferred. Use instead of plain core files to save on disk usage and bandwidth.

  • Source maps (js/, js/ only required for debugging purposes.

Data should be written to build/data/ using stackviz-export like above. Note that the static production code generated above is portable, and can be generated anywhere and copied to another host to be combined with exported data.