




  1. 列出可用属性



    $ trove datastore-version-list mysql
    |                  id                  |    name   |
    | eeb574ce-f49a-48b6-820d-b2959fcd38bb | mysql-5.5 |

    使用:command:`trove configuration-parameter-list`命令传递数据存储版本ID以获取可用的选项:

    $ trove configuration-parameter-list DATASTORE_VERSION_ID
    |              name              |   type  |   min   |         max          | restart_required |
    |    auto_increment_increment    | integer |    1    |        65535         |      False       |
    |     auto_increment_offset      | integer |    1    |        65535         |      False       |
    |           autocommit           | integer |    0    |          1           |      False       |
    |    bulk_insert_buffer_size     | integer |    0    | 18446744073709547520 |      False       |
    |      character_set_client      |  string |         |                      |      False       |
    |    character_set_connection    |  string |         |                      |      False       |
    |     character_set_database     |  string |         |                      |      False       |
    |    character_set_filesystem    |  string |         |                      |      False       |
    |     character_set_results      |  string |         |                      |      False       |
    |      character_set_server      |  string |         |                      |      False       |
    |      collation_connection      |  string |         |                      |      False       |
    |       collation_database       |  string |         |                      |      False       |
    |        collation_server        |  string |         |                      |      False       |
    |        connect_timeout         | integer |    1    |        65535         |      False       |
    |        expire_logs_days        | integer |    1    |        65535         |      False       |
    |    innodb_buffer_pool_size     | integer |    0    |     68719476736      |       True       |
    |     innodb_file_per_table      | integer |    0    |          1           |       True       |
    | innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit | integer |    0    |          2           |      False       |
    |     innodb_log_buffer_size     | integer | 1048576 |      4294967296      |       True       |
    |       innodb_open_files        | integer |    10   |      4294967296      |       True       |
    |   innodb_thread_concurrency    | integer |    0    |         1000         |      False       |
    |      interactive_timeout       | integer |    1    |        65535         |      False       |
    |        join_buffer_size        | integer |    0    |      4294967296      |      False       |
    |        key_buffer_size         | integer |    0    |      4294967296      |      False       |
    |          local_infile          | integer |    0    |          1           |      False       |
    |       max_allowed_packet       | integer |   1024  |      1073741824      |      False       |
    |       max_connect_errors       | integer |    1    | 18446744073709547520 |      False       |
    |        max_connections         | integer |    1    |        65535         |      False       |
    |      max_user_connections      | integer |    1    |        100000        |      False       |
    |    myisam_sort_buffer_size     | integer |    4    | 18446744073709547520 |      False       |
    |           server_id            | integer |    1    |        100000        |       True       |
    |        sort_buffer_size        | integer |  32768  | 18446744073709547520 |      False       |
    |          sync_binlog           | integer |    0    | 18446744073709547520 |      False       |
    |          wait_timeout          | integer |    1    |       31536000       |      False       |

    在此示例中,:command:`trove configuration-parameter-list`命令返回适用与MySQL 5.5选项列表。

  2. 创建配置组


    可以使用:command:`trove configuration-create`命令创建配置组。此命令的一般语法为:

    $ trove configuration-create NAME VALUES --datastore DATASTORE_NAME
    • 名称。用于此组的名称。
    • 。键值对列表。
    • 数据存储名称。相关联的数据存储的名称。


    {"myFirstKey" : "someString", "mySecondKey" : 1}


    $ trove configuration-create group1 '{"sync_binlog" : 1}' --datastore mysql
    |       Property       |                Value                 |
    | datastore_version_id | eeb574ce-f49a-48b6-820d-b2959fcd38bb |
    |     description      |                 None                 |
    |          id          | 9a9ef3bc-079b-476a-9cbf-85aa64f898a5 |
    |         name         |                group1                |
    |        values        |          {"sync_binlog": 1}          |
  3. 检查现有配置


    $ mysql -u user7 -ppassword -h myDB7
     Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
     mysql> show variables like 'sync_binlog';
     | Variable_name | Value |
     | sync_binlog   | 0     |


  4. 使用配置组更改数据库配置

    可以通过将配置组附加到数据库实例来更改数据库的配置。可以使用:command:`trove configuration-attach`命令并传递数据库实例ID和配置组ID的方式来执行此操作。


    $ trove list
    |     id      |       name       | datastore | datastore_version | status | flavor_id | size |
    | 26a265dd... | mysql_instance_7 |   mysql   |     mysql-5.5     | ACTIVE |     6     |  5   |


    $ trove configuration-list
    |    id       |  name  | description |datastore_version_id |
    | 9a9ef3bc... | group1 |     None    |      eeb574ce...    |




    $ trove configuration-attach DB_INSTANCE_ID CONFIG_GROUP_ID
  5. 重新检查数据库配置


    mysql> show variables like 'sync_binlog';
    | Variable_name | Value |
    | sync_binlog   | 1     |


Conclusion. Using a configuration group to set a single option on a single database is obviously a trivial example. However, configuration groups can provide major efficiencies when you consider that:

  • A configuration group can specify a large number of option values.
  • You can apply a configuration group to hundreds or thousands of database instances in your environment.

Used in this way, configuration groups let you modify your database cloud configuration, on the fly, on a massive scale.

Maintenance. There are also a number of useful maintenance features for working with configuration groups. You can:

  • Disassociate a configuration group from a database instance, using the trove configuration-detach command.
  • Modify a configuration group on the fly, using the trove configuration-patch command.
  • Find out what instances are using a configuration group, using the trove configuration-instances command.
  • Delete a configuration group, using the trove configuration-delete command. You might want to do this if no instances use a group.
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