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 Set up Hitachi storage

You need to specify settings as described below. For details about each step, see the user's guide of the storage device. Use a storage administrative software such as Storage Navigator to set up the storage device so that LDEVs and host groups can be created and deleted, and LDEVs can be connected to the server and can be asynchronously copied.

  1. Create a Dynamic Provisioning pool.

  2. Connect the ports at the storage to the Controller node and Compute nodes.

  3. For VSP G1000/VSP/HUS VM, set "port security" to "enable" for the ports at the storage.

  4. For HUS 100 Family, set "Host Group security"/"iSCSI target security" to "ON" for the ports at the storage.

  5. For the ports at the storage, create host groups (iSCSI targets) whose names begin with HBSD- for the Controller node and each Compute node. Then register a WWN (initiator IQN) for each of the Controller node and Compute nodes.

  6. For VSP G1000/VSP/HUS VM, perform the following:

    • Create a storage device account belonging to the Administrator User Group. (To use multiple storage devices, create the same account name for all the target storage devices, and specify the same resource group and permissions.)

    • Create a command device (In-Band), and set user authentication to ON.

    • Register the created command device to the host group for the Controller node.

    • To use the Thin Image function, create a pool for Thin Image.

  7. For HUS 100 Family, perform the following:

    • Use the command auunitaddauto to register the unit name and controller of the storage device to HSNM2.

    • When connecting via iSCSI, if you are using CHAP certification, specify the same user and password as that used for the storage port.

 Set up Hitachi Gigabit Fibre Channel adaptor

Change a parameter of the hfcldd driver and update the initram file if Hitachi Gigabit Fibre Channel adaptor is used.

# /opt/hitachi/drivers/hba/hfcmgr -E hfc_rport_lu_scan 1
# dracut -f initramfs-KERNEL_VERSION.img KERNEL_VERSION
# reboot
 Set up Hitachi storage volume driver
  1. Create directory.

    # mkdir /var/lock/hbsd
    # chown cinder:cinder /var/lock/hbsd
  2. Create "volume type" and "volume key".

    This example shows that HUS100_SAMPLE is created as "volume type" and hus100_backend is registered as "volume key".

    $ cinder type-create HUS100_SAMPLE
    $ cinder type-key HUS100_SAMPLE set volume_backend_name=hus100_backend

    Please specify any identical "volume type" name and "volume key".

    To confirm the created "volume type", please execute the following command:

    $ cinder extra-specs-list
  3. Edit /etc/cinder/cinder.conf as follows.

    If you use Fibre Channel:

    volume_driver =

    If you use iSCSI:

    volume_driver =

    Also, set volume_backend_name created by cinder type-key

    volume_backend_name = hus100_backend

    This table shows configuration options for Hitachi storage volume driver.

    Table 2.9. Description of Hitachi storage volume driver configuration options
    Configuration option = Default value Description
    hitachi_add_chap_user = False (BoolOpt) Add CHAP user
    hitachi_async_copy_check_interval = 10 (IntOpt) Interval to check copy asynchronously
    hitachi_auth_method = None (StrOpt) iSCSI authentication method
    hitachi_auth_password = HBSD-CHAP-password (StrOpt) iSCSI authentication password
    hitachi_auth_user = HBSD-CHAP-user (StrOpt) iSCSI authentication username
    hitachi_copy_check_interval = 3 (IntOpt) Interval to check copy
    hitachi_copy_speed = 3 (IntOpt) Copy speed of storage system
    hitachi_default_copy_method = FULL (StrOpt) Default copy method of storage system
    hitachi_group_range = None (StrOpt) Range of group number
    hitachi_group_request = False (BoolOpt) Request for creating HostGroup or iSCSI Target
    hitachi_horcm_add_conf = True (BoolOpt) Add to HORCM configuration
    hitachi_horcm_numbers = 200,201 (StrOpt) Instance numbers for HORCM
    hitachi_horcm_password = None (StrOpt) Password of storage system for HORCM
    hitachi_horcm_user = None (StrOpt) Username of storage system for HORCM
    hitachi_ldev_range = None (StrOpt) Range of logical device of storage system
    hitachi_pool_id = None (IntOpt) Pool ID of storage system
    hitachi_serial_number = None (StrOpt) Serial number of storage system
    hitachi_target_ports = None (StrOpt) Control port names for HostGroup or iSCSI Target
    hitachi_thin_pool_id = None (IntOpt) Thin pool ID of storage system
    hitachi_unit_name = None (StrOpt) Name of an array unit
    hitachi_zoning_request = False (BoolOpt) Request for FC Zone creating HostGroup

  4. Restart Block Storage service.

    When the startup is done, "MSGID0003-I: The storage backend can be used." is output into /var/log/cinder/volume.log as follows.

    2014-09-01 10:34:14.169 28734 WARNING
    hbsd_common [req-a0bb70b5-7c3f-422a-a29e-6a55d6508135 None None]
    MSGID0003-I: The storage backend can be used. (config_group:
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