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 New, updated and deprecated options in Kilo for Database service

Table 5.37. New options
Option = default value (Type) Help string
[DEFAULT] agent_heartbeat_expiry = 60 (IntOpt) Time (in seconds) after which a guest is considered unreachable
[DEFAULT] cinder_endpoint_type = publicURL (StrOpt) Service endpoint type to use when searching catalog.
[DEFAULT] guest_info = guest_info.conf (StrOpt) The guest info filename found in the injected config location. If a full path is specified then it will be used as the path to the guest info file
[DEFAULT] heat_endpoint_type = publicURL (StrOpt) Service endpoint type to use when searching catalog.
[DEFAULT] injected_config_location = /etc/trove/conf.d (StrOpt) Path to folder on the Guest where config files will be injected during instance creation.
[DEFAULT] neutron_endpoint_type = publicURL (StrOpt) Service endpoint type to use when searching catalog.
[DEFAULT] nova_compute_endpoint_type = publicURL (StrOpt) Service endpoint type to use when searching catalog.
[DEFAULT] swift_endpoint_type = publicURL (StrOpt) Service endpoint type to use when searching catalog.
[DEFAULT] transport_url = None (StrOpt) A URL representing the messaging driver to use and its full configuration. If not set, we fall back to the rpc_backend option and driver specific configuration.
[couchdb] backup_incremental_strategy = {} (DictOpt) Incremental Backup Runner based on the default strategy. For strategies that do not implement an incremental, the runner will use the default full backup.
[couchdb] backup_namespace = None (StrOpt) Namespace to load backup strategies from.
[couchdb] backup_strategy = None (StrOpt) Default strategy to perform backups.
[couchdb] device_path = /dev/vdb (StrOpt) Device path for volume if volume support is enabled.
[couchdb] mount_point = /var/lib/couchdb (StrOpt) Filesystem path for mounting volumes if volume support is enabled.
[couchdb] replication_strategy = None (StrOpt) Default strategy for replication.
[couchdb] restore_namespace = None (StrOpt) Namespace to load restore strategies from.
[couchdb] root_on_create = False (BoolOpt) Enable the automatic creation of the root user for the service during instance-create. The generated password for the root user is immediately returned in the response of instance-create as the "password" field.
[couchdb] tcp_ports = 5984 (ListOpt) List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open in the security group (only applicable if trove_security_groups_support is True).
[couchdb] udp_ports = (ListOpt) List of UDP ports and/or port ranges to open in the security group (only applicable if trove_security_groups_support is True).
[couchdb] volume_support = True (BoolOpt) Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.
[database] connection = sqlite:///trove_test.sqlite (StrOpt) SQL Connection.
[database] idle_timeout = 3600 (IntOpt) None
[database] query_log = False (BoolOpt) None
[db2] backup_incremental_strategy = {} (DictOpt) Incremental Backup Runner based on the default strategy. For strategies that do not implement an incremental, the runner will use the default full backup.
[db2] backup_namespace = None (StrOpt) Namespace to load backup strategies from.
[db2] backup_strategy = None (StrOpt) Default strategy to perform backups.
[db2] device_path = /dev/vdb (StrOpt) Device path for volume if volume support is enabled.
[db2] ignore_users = PUBLIC, DB2INST1 (ListOpt) None
[db2] mount_point = /home/db2inst1/db2inst1 (StrOpt) Filesystem path for mounting volumes if volume support is enabled.
[db2] replication_strategy = None (StrOpt) Default strategy for replication.
[db2] restore_namespace = None (StrOpt) Namespace to load restore strategies from.
[db2] root_on_create = False (BoolOpt) Enable the automatic creation of the root user for the service during instance-create. The generated password for the root user is immediately returned in the response of instance-create as the 'password' field.
[db2] tcp_ports = 50000 (ListOpt) List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open in the security group (only applicable if trove_security_groups_support is True).
[db2] udp_ports = (ListOpt) List of UDP ports and/or port ranges to open in the security group (only applicable if trove_security_groups_support is True).
[db2] volume_support = True (BoolOpt) Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.
[oslo_messaging_amqp] allow_insecure_clients = False (BoolOpt) Accept clients using either SSL or plain TCP
[oslo_messaging_amqp] broadcast_prefix = broadcast (StrOpt) address prefix used when broadcasting to all servers
[oslo_messaging_amqp] container_name = None (StrOpt) Name for the AMQP container
[oslo_messaging_amqp] group_request_prefix = unicast (StrOpt) address prefix when sending to any server in group
[oslo_messaging_amqp] idle_timeout = 0 (IntOpt) Timeout for inactive connections (in seconds)
[oslo_messaging_amqp] server_request_prefix = exclusive (StrOpt) address prefix used when sending to a specific server
[oslo_messaging_amqp] ssl_ca_file = (StrOpt) CA certificate PEM file for verifing server certificate
[oslo_messaging_amqp] ssl_cert_file = (StrOpt) Identifying certificate PEM file to present to clients
[oslo_messaging_amqp] ssl_key_file = (StrOpt) Private key PEM file used to sign cert_file certificate
[oslo_messaging_amqp] ssl_key_password = None (StrOpt) Password for decrypting ssl_key_file (if encrypted)
[oslo_messaging_amqp] trace = False (BoolOpt) Debug: dump AMQP frames to stdout
[oslo_messaging_qpid] amqp_auto_delete = False (BoolOpt) Auto-delete queues in AMQP.
[oslo_messaging_qpid] amqp_durable_queues = False (BoolOpt) Use durable queues in AMQP.
[oslo_messaging_qpid] qpid_heartbeat = 60 (IntOpt) Seconds between connection keepalive heartbeats.
[oslo_messaging_qpid] qpid_hostname = localhost (StrOpt) Qpid broker hostname.
[oslo_messaging_qpid] qpid_hosts = $qpid_hostname:$qpid_port (ListOpt) Qpid HA cluster host:port pairs.
[oslo_messaging_qpid] qpid_password = (StrOpt) Password for Qpid connection.
[oslo_messaging_qpid] qpid_port = 5672 (IntOpt) Qpid broker port.
[oslo_messaging_qpid] qpid_protocol = tcp (StrOpt) Transport to use, either 'tcp' or 'ssl'.
[oslo_messaging_qpid] qpid_receiver_capacity = 1 (IntOpt) The number of prefetched messages held by receiver.
[oslo_messaging_qpid] qpid_sasl_mechanisms = (StrOpt) Space separated list of SASL mechanisms to use for auth.
[oslo_messaging_qpid] qpid_tcp_nodelay = True (BoolOpt) Whether to disable the Nagle algorithm.
[oslo_messaging_qpid] qpid_topology_version = 1 (IntOpt) The qpid topology version to use. Version 1 is what was originally used by impl_qpid. Version 2 includes some backwards-incompatible changes that allow broker federation to work. Users should update to version 2 when they are able to take everything down, as it requires a clean break.
[oslo_messaging_qpid] qpid_username = (StrOpt) Username for Qpid connection.
[oslo_messaging_qpid] rpc_conn_pool_size = 30 (IntOpt) Size of RPC connection pool.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] amqp_auto_delete = False (BoolOpt) Auto-delete queues in AMQP.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] amqp_durable_queues = False (BoolOpt) Use durable queues in AMQP.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] fake_rabbit = False (BoolOpt) Deprecated, use rpc_backend=kombu+memory or rpc_backend=fake
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] heartbeat_rate = 2 (IntOpt) How often times during the heartbeat_timeout_threshold we check the heartbeat.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] heartbeat_timeout_threshold = 0 (IntOpt) Number of seconds after which the Rabbit broker is considered down if heartbeat's keep-alive fails (0 disables the heartbeat, >0 enables it. Enabling heartbeats requires kombu>=3.0.7 and amqp>=1.4.0). EXPERIMENTAL
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] kombu_reconnect_delay = 1.0 (FloatOpt) How long to wait before reconnecting in response to an AMQP consumer cancel notification.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] kombu_ssl_ca_certs = (StrOpt) SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL enabled).
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] kombu_ssl_certfile = (StrOpt) SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled).
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] kombu_ssl_keyfile = (StrOpt) SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled).
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] kombu_ssl_version = (StrOpt) SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled). Valid values are TLSv1 and SSLv23. SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1_1, and TLSv1_2 may be available on some distributions.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_ha_queues = False (BoolOpt) Use HA queues in RabbitMQ (x-ha-policy: all). If you change this option, you must wipe the RabbitMQ database.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_host = localhost (StrOpt) The RabbitMQ broker address where a single node is used.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_hosts = $rabbit_host:$rabbit_port (ListOpt) RabbitMQ HA cluster host:port pairs.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_login_method = AMQPLAIN (StrOpt) The RabbitMQ login method.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_max_retries = 0 (IntOpt) Maximum number of RabbitMQ connection retries. Default is 0 (infinite retry count).
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_password = guest (StrOpt) The RabbitMQ password.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_port = 5672 (IntOpt) The RabbitMQ broker port where a single node is used.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_retry_backoff = 2 (IntOpt) How long to backoff for between retries when connecting to RabbitMQ.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_retry_interval = 1 (IntOpt) How frequently to retry connecting with RabbitMQ.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_use_ssl = False (BoolOpt) Connect over SSL for RabbitMQ.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_userid = guest (StrOpt) The RabbitMQ userid.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_virtual_host = / (StrOpt) The RabbitMQ virtual host.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] rpc_conn_pool_size = 30 (IntOpt) Size of RPC connection pool.
[profiler] enabled = False (BoolOpt) If False fully disable profiling feature.
[profiler] trace_sqlalchemy = True (BoolOpt) If False doesn't trace SQL requests.
[upgrade_levels] conductor = icehouse (StrOpt) Set a version cap for messages sent to conductor services
[upgrade_levels] guestagent = icehouse (StrOpt) Set a version cap for messages sent to guestagent services
[upgrade_levels] taskmanager = icehouse (StrOpt) Set a version cap for messages sent to taskmanager services
[vertica] api_strategy = trove.common.strategies.cluster.experimental.vertica.api.VerticaAPIStrategy (StrOpt) Class that implements datastore-specific API logic.
[vertica] backup_incremental_strategy = {} (DictOpt) Incremental Backup Runner based on the default strategy. For strategies that do not implement an incremental, the runner will use the default full backup.
[vertica] backup_namespace = None (StrOpt) Namespace to load backup strategies from.
[vertica] backup_strategy = None (StrOpt) Default strategy to perform backups.
[vertica] cluster_member_count = 3 (IntOpt) Number of members in Vertica cluster.
[vertica] cluster_support = True (BoolOpt) Enable clusters to be created and managed.
[vertica] device_path = /dev/vdb (StrOpt) Device path for volume if volume support is enabled.
[vertica] guestagent_strategy = trove.common.strategies.cluster.experimental.vertica.guestagent.VerticaGuestAgentStrategy (StrOpt) Class that implements datastore-specific Guest Agent API logic.
[vertica] mount_point = /var/lib/vertica (StrOpt) Filesystem path for mounting volumes if volume support is enabled.
[vertica] readahead_size = 2048 (IntOpt) Size(MB) to be set as readahead_size for data volume
[vertica] replication_strategy = None (StrOpt) Default strategy for replication.
[vertica] restore_namespace = None (StrOpt) Namespace to load restore strategies from.
[vertica] taskmanager_strategy = trove.common.strategies.cluster.experimental.vertica.taskmanager.VerticaTaskManagerStrategy (StrOpt) Class that implements datastore-specific task manager logic.
[vertica] tcp_ports = 5433, 5434, 22, 5444, 5450, 4803 (ListOpt) List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open in the security group (only applicable if trove_security_groups_support is True).
[vertica] udp_ports = 5433, 4803, 4804, 6453 (ListOpt) List of UDP ports and/or port ranges to open in the security group (only applicable if trove_security_groups_support is True).
[vertica] volume_support = True (BoolOpt) Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.
Table 5.38. New default values
Option Previous default value New default value
[DEFAULT] default_log_levels amqp=WARN, amqplib=WARN, boto=WARN, qpid=WARN, sqlalchemy=WARN, suds=INFO, oslo.messaging=INFO, iso8601=WARN, requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN, urllib3.connectionpool=WARN, websocket=WARN amqp=WARN, amqplib=WARN, boto=WARN, qpid=WARN, sqlalchemy=WARN, suds=INFO, oslo.messaging=INFO, iso8601=WARN, requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN, urllib3.connectionpool=WARN, websocket=WARN, keystonemiddleware=WARN, routes.middleware=WARN, stevedore=WARN
[DEFAULT] guest_config $pybasedir/etc/trove/trove-guestagent.conf.sample /etc/trove/trove-guestagent.conf
[DEFAULT] ignore_dbs lost+found, mysql, information_schema lost+found, #mysql50#lost+found, mysql, information_schema
[DEFAULT] notification_service_id {'postgresql': 'ac277e0d-4f21-40aa-b347-1ea31e571720', 'couchbase': 'fa62fe68-74d9-4779-a24e-36f19602c415', 'mongodb': 'c8c907af-7375-456f-b929-b637ff9209ee', 'redis': 'b216ffc5-1947-456c-a4cf-70f94c05f7d0', 'mysql': '2f3ff068-2bfb-4f70-9a9d-a6bb65bc084b', 'cassandra': '459a230d-4e97-4344-9067-2a54a310b0ed'} {'vertica': 'a8d805ae-a3b2-c4fd-gb23-b62cee5201ae', 'db2': 'e040cd37-263d-4869-aaa6-c62aa97523b5', 'postgresql': 'ac277e0d-4f21-40aa-b347-1ea31e571720', 'mysql': '2f3ff068-2bfb-4f70-9a9d-a6bb65bc084b', 'couchbase': 'fa62fe68-74d9-4779-a24e-36f19602c415', 'mongodb': 'c8c907af-7375-456f-b929-b637ff9209ee', 'couchdb': 'f0a9ab7b-66f7-4352-93d7-071521d44c7c', 'redis': 'b216ffc5-1947-456c-a4cf-70f94c05f7d0', 'cassandra': '459a230d-4e97-4344-9067-2a54a310b0ed'}
[DEFAULT] os_region_name None RegionOne
[DEFAULT] rpc_backend trove.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu rabbit
[DEFAULT] rpc_zmq_matchmaker trove.openstack.common.rpc.matchmaker.MatchMakerLocalhost local
[couchbase] backup_namespace trove.guestagent.strategies.backup.couchbase_impl trove.guestagent.strategies.backup.experimental.couchbase_impl
[couchbase] restore_namespace trove.guestagent.strategies.restore.couchbase_impl trove.guestagent.strategies.restore.experimental.couchbase_impl
[mongodb] api_strategy trove.common.strategies.mongodb.api.MongoDbAPIStrategy trove.common.strategies.cluster.experimental.mongodb.api.MongoDbAPIStrategy
[mongodb] guestagent_strategy trove.common.strategies.mongodb.guestagent.MongoDbGuestAgentStrategy trove.common.strategies.cluster.experimental.mongodb.guestagent.MongoDbGuestAgentStrategy
[mongodb] taskmanager_strategy trove.common.strategies.mongodb.taskmanager.MongoDbTaskManagerStrategy trove.common.strategies.cluster.experimental.mongodb.taskmanager.MongoDbTaskManagerStrategy
[mysql] replication_namespace trove.guestagent.strategies.replication.mysql_binlog trove.guestagent.strategies.replication.mysql_gtid
[mysql] replication_strategy MysqlBinlogReplication MysqlGTIDReplication
[percona] replication_namespace trove.guestagent.strategies.replication.mysql_binlog trove.guestagent.strategies.replication.mysql_gtid
[percona] replication_strategy MysqlBinlogReplication MysqlGTIDReplication
[postgresql] backup_namespace trove.guestagent.strategies.backup.postgresql_impl trove.guestagent.strategies.backup.experimental.postgresql_impl
[postgresql] restore_namespace trove.guestagent.strategies.restore.postgresql_impl trove.guestagent.strategies.restore.experimental.postgresql_impl
Table 5.39. Deprecated options
Deprecated option New Option
[DEFAULT] use_syslog None
[rpc_notifier2] topics [DEFAULT] notification_topics
[DEFAULT] sql_query_log [database] query_log
[DEFAULT] sql_connection [database] connection
[DEFAULT] sql_idle_timeout [database] idle_timeout
[DEFAULT] log_format None
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