Upgrade issues

This page documents upgrade issues and notes. These may apply to either of the three upgrade types (charms, OpenStack, series).


It is recommended to read the Issues, charm procedures, and OpenStack upgrade notes page before continuing.

The issues are organised by upgrade type:

Charm upgrades

rabbitmq-server charm

A timing issue has been observed during the upgrade of the rabbitmq-server charm (see bug LP #1912638 for tracking). If it occurs the resulting hook error can be resolved with:

juju resolved rabbitmq-server/N

openstack-dashboard charm: upgrading to revision 294

When Horizon is configured with TLS (openstack-dashboard charm option ssl-cert) revisions 294 and 295 of the charm have been reported to break the dashboard (see bug LP #1853173). The solution is to upgrade to a working revision. A temporary workaround is to disable TLS without upgrading.


Most users will not be impacted by this issue as the recommended approach is to always upgrade to the latest revision.

To upgrade to revision 293:

juju upgrade-charm openstack-dashboard --revision 293

To upgrade to revision 296:

juju upgrade-charm openstack-dashboard --revision 296

To disable TLS:

juju config enforce-ssl=false openstack-dashboard

Multiple charms: option worker-multiplier

Starting with OpenStack Charms 21.04 any charm that supports the worker-multiplier configuration option will, upon upgrade, modify the active number of service workers according to the following: if the option is not set explicitly the number of workers will be capped at four regardless of whether the unit is containerised or not. Previously, the cap applied only to containerised units.

manila-ganesha charm: package updates

To fix long-standing issues in the manila-ganesha charm related to Manila exporting shares after restart, the nfs-ganesha Ubuntu package must be updated on all affected units prior to the upgrading of the manila-ganesha charm in OpenStack Charms 21.10.

ceph-radosgw charm: upgrading to channel quincy/stable

Due to a ceph-radosgw charm change in the quincy/stable channel, URLs are processed differently by the RADOS Gateway. This will lead to breakage for an existing product-streams endpoint, set up by the glance-simplestreams-sync application, that includes a trailing slash in its URL.

The glance-simplestreams-sync charm has been fixed in the yoga/stable channel, but it will not update a pre-existing endpoint. The URL must be modified (remove the trailing slash) with native OpenStack tooling:

openstack endpoint list --service product-streams
openstack endpoint set --url <new-url> <endpoint-id>

OpenStack upgrades

Nova RPC version mismatches: upgrading Neutron and Nova

If it is not possible to upgrade Neutron and Nova within the same maintenance window, be mindful that the RPC communication between nova-cloud-controller, nova-compute, and nova-api-metadata is very likely to cause several errors while those services are not running the same version. This is due to the fact that currently those charms do not support RPC version pinning or auto-negotiation.

See bug LP #1825999.

Ceph BlueStore mistakenly enabled during OpenStack upgrade

The Ceph BlueStore storage backend is enabled by default when Ceph Luminous is detected. Therefore it is possible for a non-BlueStore cloud to acquire BlueStore by default after an OpenStack upgrade (Luminous first appeared in Queens). Problems will occur if storage is scaled out without first disabling BlueStore (set ceph-osd charm option bluestore to ‘False’). See bug LP #1885516 for details.

Ceph: option require-osd-release

Before upgrading Ceph its require-osd-release option should be set to the current Ceph release (e.g. ‘nautilus’ if upgrading to Octopus). Failing to do so may cause the upgrade to fail, rendering the cluster inoperable.

On any ceph-mon unit, the current value of the option can be queried with:

sudo ceph osd dump | grep require_osd_release

If it needs changing, it can be done manually on any ceph-mon unit. Here the current release is Nautilus:

sudo ceph osd require-osd-release nautilus

In addition, upon completion of the upgrade, the option should be set to the new release. Here the new release is Octopus:

sudo ceph osd require-osd-release octopus

The charms should be able to respond intelligently to these two situations. Bug LP #1929254 is for tracking this effort.


An Octavia upgrade may entail an update of its load balancers (amphorae) as a post-upgrade task. Reasons for doing this include:

  • API incompatibility between the amphora agent and the new Octavia service

  • the desire to use features available in the new amphora agent or haproxy

See the upstream documentation on Rotating amphora images.

Series upgrades

DNS HA: upgrade to focal

DNS HA has been reported to not work on the focal series. See LP #1882508 for more information.

Upgrading while Vault is sealed

If a series upgrade is attempted while Vault is sealed then manual intervention will be required (see bugs LP #1886083 and LP #1890106). The vault leader unit (which will be in error) will need to be unsealed and the hook error resolved. The vault charm README has unsealing instructions, and the hook error can be resolved with:

juju resolved vault/N