

Ce glossaire offre une liste de termes et de définitions pour définir un vocabulaire relatif aux concepts OpenStack.

To add to OpenStack glossary, clone the openstack/openstack-manuals repository and update the source file doc/common/glossary.rst through the OpenStack contribution process.



Un mécanisme permettant aux paquets IPv6 d’être transmis sur un réseau IPv4 qui fournit un procédé de migration vers IPv6.


limite absolue

Limites maximum pour les VMs hôtes. Les paramètres comprennent la taille totale de la RAM, le nombre maximum de vCPUs et la taille disque maximum.

liste du contrôle d’accès
A list of permissions attached to an object. An ACL specifies which users or system processes have access to objects. It also defines which operations can be performed on specified objects. Each entry in a typical ACL specifies a subject and an operation. For instance, the ACL entry (Alice, delete) for a file gives Alice permission to delete the file.
clef d’accès
Alternative term for an Amazon EC2 access key. See EC2 access key.

Le contexte Stockage d’Objets d’un compte. Ne pas confondre avec un compte utilisateur venant d’un service d’authentification, comme Active Directory, /etc/passwd, OpenLDAP, OpenStack Identity, ou autre.

auditeur de compte

Recherche des replicas manquants et des objets incorrects ou corrompus dans un compte spécifique de stockage d’objets en interrogeant la base de donnée SQLite.

compte base de donnée

Une base de données SQLite qui contient des comptes Stockages d’Objets et les métadonnées associées et auquel le serveur de comptes accède.

faucheur de compte
An Object Storage worker that scans for and deletes account databases and that the account server has marked for deletion.
serveur de compte
Lists containers in Object Storage and stores container information in the account database.
service de compte
An Object Storage component that provides account services such as list, create, modify, and audit. Do not confuse with OpenStack Identity service, OpenLDAP, or similar user-account services.
The Compute service provides accounting information through the event notification and system usage data facilities.

Voir la liste du contrôle d’accès.

configuration actif/actif

Dans un environnement haute-disponibilité avec une configuration actif/actif, la charge est répartie sur plusieurs systèmes, si l’un d’entre eux fait défaut la charge est répartie sur les systèmes restants.

Active Directory

Service d’authentification et d’identité de Microsoft, basé sur LDAP. Supporté dans OpenStack.

configuration actif/passive

Dans un environnement haute-disponibilité avec une configuration actif/actif, les systèmes sont configurés pour fournir des ressources supplémentaires pour remplacer celles qui seraient indisponibles.

groupe d’adresses

Un groupe d’adresses fixes et/ou flottantes qui peuvent être assignées à un projet et peuvent être utilisées ou assignées aux instances de VM dans un projet.

API d’administration

Un sous-ensemble d’appels API qui sont accessibles par les administrateurs authorisés et qui ne sont généréralement pas accessibles aux utilisateurs finaux ou sur l’internet public. ils peuvent exister sous forme de service séparé (keystone) ou comme sous-ensemble d’une autre API (nova).

The person responsible for installing, configuring, and managing an OpenStack cloud.
serveur administrateur
In the context of the Identity service, the worker process that provides access to the admin API.
Protocole avancé de mise en file d’attente de messages (AMQP)

Protocole ouvert et standard d’échange de messages utilisé par les composants d’OpenStack pour les communications au sein des services, fournis par RabbitMQ, Qpid, or ZeroMQ.

Advanced RISC Machine (ARM)

Microprocesseur (CPU) basse consommation souvent trouvé dans les périphériques mobiles ou embarqués. Supporté par OpenStack.


Le service Compute peut envoyer des alertes via son système de notification, qui inclut un système de création de pilotes de notification personnalisés. Les alertes peuvent être envoyées et affichées sur le tableau de bord d’horizon.


Processus qui consiste à prendre une adresse IP flottante du pool d’adresses pour l’associer avec une IP fixe sur une VM invitée.

Amazon Kernel Image (AKI)

A la fois un format de conteneur de VM et un format de disque. Supporté par le service d’Image.

Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

A la fois un format de conteneur de VM et un format de disque. Supporté par le service d’Image.

Amazon Ramdisk Image (ARI)

A la fois un format de conteneur de VM et un format de disque. Supporté par le service d’Image.


Un projet de réécriture de DevStack, écrit en shell-script, en python.

The Apache Software Foundation supports the Apache community of open-source software projects. These projects provide software products for the public good.
Licence Apache 2.0

Tous les projets principaux d’OpenStack sont proposés selon les termes de la licence Apache License 2.0.

Serveur Web Apache

Le logiciel de serveur web le plus couramment utilisé sur Internet.

Point de terminaison d’API
The daemon, worker, or service that a client communicates with to access an API. API endpoints can provide any number of services, such as authentication, sales data, performance meters, Compute VM commands, census data, and so on.
extension API

Modules personnalisés qui étendent les APIs principales d’OpenStack.

Greffon d’extension d’API

Terme alternatif pour greffon de Réseau ou une extension d’API de Réseau.

Clé d’API

Autre terme désignant un jeton d’API

Serveur d’API
Any node running a daemon or worker that provides an API endpoint.
Jeton d’API

Passé dans une requête à une API et utilisé par OpenStack pour vérifier que les clients sont autorisés à exécuter l’opération demandée.

Version d’API
In OpenStack, the API version for a project is part of the URL. For example,

Un programme Java pouvant être embarqué dans une page web.

API (Application Programming Interface), interface de programmation d’application

Un ensemble de spécification utilisées pour accéder à un service, une application ou un programme. Cela inclut les appels aux services, les paramètres requis sur chaque appel, ainsi que les valeurs renvoyées attendues.

Application Catalog service
OpenStack project that provides an application catalog service so that users can compose and deploy composite environments on an application abstraction level while managing the application lifecycle. The code name of the project is murano.
serveur d’application

Morceau de logiciel qui rend accessible un autre morceau de logiciel à travers le réseau.

Fournisseur de Service d’Application (ASP)

Compagnies qui louent des applications spécialisées pour aider les entreprises et les organisations à fournir des services additionnels à moindre coût.

Protocole de Résolution d’Adresse (ARP)

Protocol par lequel les adresses IP de niveau-3 sont résolues en lien d’adresses locales de niveau-2.

tables arp
Tool used for maintaining Address Resolution Protocol packet filter rules in the Linux kernel firewall modules. Used along with iptables, ebtables, and ip6tables in Compute to provide firewall services for VMs.

Le processus associant une adresse IP flottante de Compute avec une adresse IP fixe.

Asynchrone JavaScript et XML (AJAX)
A group of interrelated web development techniques used on the client-side to create asynchronous web applications. Used extensively in horizon.
ATA sur Ethernet (AoE)

Protocole de stockage disque tunnelé à travers Ethernet.

The process of connecting a VIF or vNIC to a L2 network in Networking. In the context of Compute, this process connects a storage volume to an instance.
attachement (réseau)

Association entre un ID d’interface et un port logique. Branche l’interface sur le port.

Provided in Compute through the system usage data facility.
A worker process that verifies the integrity of Object Storage objects, containers, and accounts. Auditors is the collective term for the Object Storage account auditor, container auditor, and object auditor.

Nom de code de la livraison initiale d’OpenStack. Le premier sommet de design a pris place à Austin, au Texas, US.

node d’authentification

Autre mot pour nœud d’autorisation de Stockage Objet.


Processus qui confirme que l’utilisateur, le processus ou le client est vraiment qui il dit qu’il est grâce à une clé privée, un jeton secret, un mot de passe, une empreinte digitale ou une méthode similaire.

jeton d’authentification

Une chaine de caractères fournie au client après authentification. Elle doit être fournie par l’utilisateur ou le processus lors de ses prochaines requêtes au point de terminaison API.


Le composant service d’identité qui fournit les services d’authentification.


L’action de vérifier qu’un utilisateur, un processus, ou un client est autorisé à réaliser une action.

nœud d’autorisation

Noeud de stockage objet qui fournit les services d’autorisation.


Composant de gestion des identités qui fournit les services d’autorisation de haut niveau.

Auto ACK

Paramètre de configuration dans RabbitMQ qui active ou désactive l’acquittement des messages. Activé par défaut.

auto declare

Paramètre RabbitMQ de Compute qui détermine si un échange de message est créé automatiquement quand le programme démarre.

zone de disponibilité

Concept Amazon EC2 d’une zone isolée utilisée pour la tolérance de panne. Ne pas confondre avec les zones compute ou les cellules d’OpenStack.

Amazon Web Services.
AWS CloudFormation template
AWS CloudFormation allows AWS users to create and manage a collection of related resources. The Orchestration service supports a CloudFormation-compatible format (CFN).



Interactions et processus qui sont cachés à l’utilisateur, comme le montage des volumes Compute, la transmission des données à une target iSCSI par un daemon, ou les vérifications d’intégrité d’un objet du Stockage d’Objet.

catalogue de sauvegarde
The storage method used by the Identity service catalog service to store and retrieve information about API endpoints that are available to the client. Examples include an SQL database, LDAP database, or KVS back end.
back-end store

Stockage de donnée persistent utilisé pour sauvegarder et récupérer les informations pour un service, comme la liste des objets du Stockage d’Objets, l’état actuel des VMs, la liste des utilisateurs, etc... Désigne aussi la méthode qu’utilise le service Image pour obtenir et stocker les images de VMs. Les options possibles incluent Stockage d’Objets, système de fichier local, S3, et HTTP.

backup restore and disaster recovery as a service
The OpenStack project that provides integrated tooling for backing up, restoring, and recovering file systems, instances, or database backups. The project name is freezer.
bande passante
The amount of available data used by communication resources, such as the Internet. Represents the amount of data that is used to download things or the amount of data available to download.

Nom de code du service de gestion des clés d’OpenStack.


Format de conteneur du service d’Image qui indique qu’aucun conteneur n’existe pour cette image de VM.

Bare Metal service

Projet OpenStack pour provisionner des machines physiques à partir de zéro, par opposition aux machines virtuelles. Le nom de code du projet est ironic.

image de base

Une image fournie par OpenStack.

modèle Bell-LaPadula
A security model that focuses on data confidentiality and controlled access to classified information. This model divide the entities into subjects and objects. The clearance of a subject is compared to the classification of the object to determine if the subject is authorized for the specific access mode. The clearance or classification scheme is expressed in terms of a lattice.
Service de Benchmark

Projet OpenStack qui fournit un framework pour l’analyse de performance et le benchmarking de composant individuels OpenStack aussi bien que de déploiement d’un cloud OpenStack complet de production. Le nom de code du projet est rally.

A grouped release of projects related to OpenStack that came out in February of 2011. It included only Compute (nova) and Object Storage (swift). Bexar is the code name for the second release of OpenStack. The design summit took place in San Antonio, Texas, US, which is the county seat for Bexar county.

Information composée uniquement de zéros et de uns, ce qui est le langages des ordinateurs.


Un bit est un nombre a un seul chiffre en base 2 (soit zéro ou un). L’utilisation de la bande passante est mesurée en bits par seconde.

bits par seconde (BPS)

La mesure universelle de vitesse de transfert des données d’un endroit à un autre.

périphérique de bloc
A device that moves data in the form of blocks. These device nodes interface the devices, such as hard disks, CD-ROM drives, flash drives, and other addressable regions of memory.
migration de bloc

Méthode de déplacement à chaud des VMs utilisée par KVM pour évacuer les instances d’un hôtes vers un autre avec très peu d’indisponibilité lors d’une bascule initiée par l’utilisateur. Ne nécessite pas de stockage partagé. Supporté par Compute.

Service de Stockage Bloc

Le projet clé d’OpenStack pour la gestion des volumes, des instantanés de volume et des types de volume. Le nom du projet de stockage par block est cinder.

API de stockage par blocs

Une API sur un point de terminaison séparé pour attacher, détacher, et créer du stockage par blocs pour les VMs de compute.

Baseboard Management Controller. The intelligence in the IPMI architecture, which is a specialized micro-controller that is embedded on the motherboard of a computer and acts as a server. Manages the interface between system management software and platform hardware.
image de disque bootable
A type of VM image that exists as a single, bootable file.
Protocole Bootstrap (BOOTP)
A network protocol used by a network client to obtain an IP address from a configuration server. Provided in Compute through the dnsmasq daemon when using either the FlatDHCP manager or VLAN manager network manager.
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
The Border Gateway Protocol is a dynamic routing protocol that connects autonomous systems. Considered the backbone of the Internet, this protocol connects disparate networks to form a larger network.

Tout client logiciel qui permet à un ordinateur ou un périphérique d’accéder à internet.

builder file
Contains configuration information that Object Storage uses to reconfigure a ring or to re-create it from scratch after a serious failure.

Le fait d’utiliser un second environnement pour démarrer des instances à la demande de façon élastique quand le premier environnement est à court de ressources.

classe de boutons

Un groupe de boutons en rapport dans horizon. Les boutons pour démarrer, arrêter ou suspendre les VMs sont dans une classe. Les boutons pour associer et désassocier les adresses IP sont dans une autre classe, et ainsi de suite.


Ensemble de bits composant un caractère; il y a en général 8 bits dans un octet.


Certificate Authority or Certification Authority. In cryptography, an entity that issues digital certificates. The digital certificate certifies the ownership of a public key by the named subject of the certificate. This enables others (relying parties) to rely upon signatures or assertions made by the private key that corresponds to the certified public key. In this model of trust relationships, a CA is a trusted third party for both the subject (owner) of the certificate and the party relying upon the certificate. CAs are characteristic of many public key infrastructure (PKI) schemes.
cache pruner
A program that keeps the Image service VM image cache at or below its configured maximum size.
An OpenStack grouped release of projects that came out in the spring of 2011. It included Compute (nova), Object Storage (swift), and the Image service (glance). Cactus is a city in Texas, US and is the code name for the third release of OpenStack. When OpenStack releases went from three to six months long, the code name of the release changed to match a geography nearest the previous summit.
Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) is a specification for audit event data. CADF is supported by OpenStack Identity.
One of the RPC primitives used by the OpenStack message queue software. Sends a message and waits for a response.

Définie les ressources allouées à une cellule, incluant CPU, stockage, et réseau. Peut s’appliquer à un service spécifique à l’intérieur d’une cellule ou à l’ensemble de la cellule.

capacity cache
A Compute back-end database table that contains the current workload, amount of free RAM, and number of VMs running on each host. Used to determine on which host a VM starts.
actualiseur de capacité

Un driver de notification qui supervise les instances de VM et met à jour le cache de capacité au besoin.

One of the RPC primitives used by the OpenStack message queue software. Sends a message and does not wait for a response.

Liste des API disponibles pour un utilisateur après son authentification auprès du service d’identité.

catalogue de service

Un service d’Identité qui liste les API disponibles pour un utilisateur après son authentification auprès du service d’identité.


Nom du projet pour le service de télémétrie, projet intégré qui fournit les outils de mesures pour OpenStack.

Provides logical partitioning of Compute resources in a child and parent relationship. Requests are passed from parent cells to child cells if the parent cannot provide the requested resource.
cell forwarding
A Compute option that enables parent cells to pass resource requests to child cells if the parent cannot provide the requested resource.
cell manager

Le composant Compute qui contient une liste des capacités courantes de chaque hôte à l’intérieur d’une cellule et dirige les requêtes en fonction.


Distribution Linux compatible avec OpenStack.

Massively scalable distributed storage system that consists of an object store, block store, and POSIX-compatible distributed file system. Compatible with OpenStack.

Le système de fichiers compatible POSIX fournit par Ceph.

certificate authority
A simple certificate authority provided by Compute for cloudpipe VPNs and VM image decryption.
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)

Méthode d’authentification iSCSI supportée par Compute.

chance scheduler

Méthode de planification utilisée par Compute qui choisit aléatoirement un host disponible dans le pool.

changements depuis
A Compute API parameter that downloads changes to the requested item since your last request, instead of downloading a new, fresh set of data and comparing it against the old data.
An operating system configuration management tool supporting OpenStack deployments.
cellule enfant

Si une ressource demandée comme le temps CPU, le stockage disque, ou la mémoire n’est pas disponible dans la cellule parent, la requête est transférée aux cellules enfants associées. Si la cellule enfant peut répondre à la requête, elle le fait. Sinon, elle essaie de passer la requête à un de ses enfants.


Projet OpenStack qui fournit les services de stockage par bloc pour les VMs.



Extension Cisco pour neutron

Un plug-in réseau pour les devices et technologies Cisco , incluant UCS et Nexus.

architecte cloud

Une personne qui planifie, designe et supervise la création d’un cloud.

cloud computing

Modèle qui permet l’accès à un ensemble de ressources informatiques partagées configurables, comme des réseaux, des serveurs, du stockage, des applications, et des services, qui peuvent être provisionnées et libérées rapidement avec un minimum d’effort de gestion ou d’interaction avec le fournisseur de service.

contrôleur de cloud
Collection of Compute components that represent the global state of the cloud; talks to services, such as Identity authentication, Object Storage, and node/storage workers through a queue.
cloud controller node

Un nœud qui fait tourner les services réseau, volume, API, scheduler et image. Chaque service peut être éclaté sur des nœuds séparés pour la scalabilité ou la disponibilité.

Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI)
SINA standard that defines a RESTful API for managing objects in the cloud, currently unsupported in OpenStack.
Cloud Infrastructure Management Interface (CIMI)
An in-progress specification for cloud management. Currently unsupported in OpenStack.

Package fréquemment installé dans les images de VM qui effectue l’initialisation d’une instance après son boot en utilisant les informations récupérées du service metadata, comme la clé public SSH et les user data.


Un des rôles par défaut dans le système RBAC de Compute. Donne les accès complets au système.


Projet windows permettant l’initialisation de VM guest, similaire à cloud-init.


Service Compute qui créé des VPNs par projet.

image cloudpipe
A pre-made VM image that serves as a cloudpipe server. Essentially, OpenVPN running on Linux.
Clustering service
The OpenStack project that OpenStack project that implements clustering services and libraries for the management of groups of homogeneous objects exposed by other OpenStack services. The project name of Clustering service is senlin.
Configuration Management Database.

Projet OpenStack qui fournit le service de Gouvernance.

filtre de commande
Lists allowed commands within the Compute rootwrap facility.
Common Internet File System (CIFS)
A file sharing protocol. It is a public or open variation of the original Server Message Block (SMB) protocol developed and used by Microsoft. Like the SMB protocol, CIFS runs at a higher level and uses the TCP/IP protocol.
projet communautaire

Projet qui n’est pas officiellement approuvé par la Fondation OpenStack. Si le projet réussi assez, il pourra être élevé au rang de projet incubé puis de projet principal, ou bien il peut être fusionné avec le tronc de code principal.


Réduire la taille des fichiers par un encodage spécial. Le fichier peut ensuite être décompressé vers son contenu d’origine. OpenStack supporte la compression au niveau du système de fichier Linux mais ne supporte pas la compression pour des choses comme les objets du Stockage d’Objet ou les images de VM du service d’Image.

Service Compute

Le projet OpenStack qui fournit les services de compute. Le nom du projet de Compute est nova.

API Compute
The nova-api daemon provides access to nova services. Can communicate with other APIs, such as the Amazon EC2 API.
compute controller

Composant compute qui choisit les hosts adéquates pour démarrer les instances de VMs.

Hôte de Compute

Serveur physique dédié pour faire tourner des nœuds de compute.

noeud de compute
A node that runs the nova-compute daemon that manages VM instances that provide a wide range of services, such as web applications and analytics.
Service Compute

Nom du composant Compute qui gère les VMs.

compute worker
The Compute component that runs on each compute node and manages the VM instance lifecycle, including run, reboot, terminate, attach/detach volumes, and so on. Provided by the nova-compute daemon.
concatenated object
A set of segment objects that Object Storage combines and sends to the client.

Dans Compute, le conductor est le processus qui proxifie les requêtes vers la base de données. Utiliser le conductor améliore la sécurité parce que les nœuds de compute n’ont pas besoin d’accès direct à la base de donnée.

consistency window

Temps qu’il faut pour qu’un nouvel objet du Stockage d’Objet devienne accessible à tous les clients.

journal de la console

Contient la sortie console d’une VM Linux dans Compute.

Organizes and stores objects in Object Storage. Similar to the concept of a Linux directory but cannot be nested. Alternative term for an Image service container format.
container auditor
Checks for missing replicas or incorrect objects in specified Object Storage containers through queries to the SQLite back-end database.
container database
A SQLite database that stores Object Storage containers and container metadata. The container server accesses this database.
format de conteneur
A wrapper used by the Image service that contains a VM image and its associated metadata, such as machine state, OS disk size, and so on.
container server
An Object Storage server that manages containers.
Service de conteneurs

Projet OpenStack qui fournit un ensemble de services pour la gestion de conteneurs d’application dans un environnement cloud multi-tenant. Le nom de code du projet est magnum.

service de conteneur

Composant du Stockage d’Objet qui fournit les services de conteneur, comme créer, supprimer, lister, etc...

content delivery network (CDN)
A content delivery network is a specialized network that is used to distribute content to clients, typically located close to the client for increased performance.
nœud de contrôle

Autre terme pour nœud contrôleur de cloud.

API principale

En fonction du contexte, l’API core est soit l’API OpenStack ou l’API principale d’un projet spécifique, comme Compute, Réseau, service d’Image, etc...

core service
An official OpenStack service defined as core by DefCore Committee. Currently, consists of Block Storage service (cinder), Compute service (nova), Identity service (keystone), Image service (glance), Networking service (neutron), and Object Storage service (swift).
Under the Compute distributed scheduler, this is calculated by looking at the capabilities of each host relative to the flavor of the VM instance being requested.

Donnée seulement connue ou accessible par un utilisateur et utilisée pour vérifier qu’un utilisateur est qui il dit qu’il est. Les accréditations sont présentées au serveur pendant l’authentification. Ça peut être, par exemple, un mot de passe, une clé secrété, un certificat digital, et une empreinte digitale.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
A mechanism that allows many resources (for example, fonts, JavaScript) on a web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which the resource originated. In particular, JavaScript’s AJAX calls can use the XMLHttpRequest mechanism.
An open source community project by Dell that aims to provide all necessary services to quickly deploy clouds.
current workload
An element of the Compute capacity cache that is calculated based on the number of build, snapshot, migrate, and resize operations currently in progress on a given host.

Autre terme désignant un locataire/un tenant.

module de personnalisation
A user-created Python module that is loaded by horizon to change the look and feel of the dashboard.


A process that runs in the background and waits for requests. May or may not listen on a TCP or UDP port. Do not confuse with a worker.
Discretionary access control. Governs the ability of subjects to access objects, while enabling users to make policy decisions and assign security attributes. The traditional UNIX system of users, groups, and read-write-execute permissions is an example of DAC.
The web-based management interface for OpenStack. An alternative name for horizon.
chiffrement des données
Both Image service and Compute support encrypted virtual machine (VM) images (but not instances). In-transit data encryption is supported in OpenStack using technologies such as HTTPS, SSL, TLS, and SSH. Object Storage does not support object encryption at the application level but may support storage that uses disk encryption.
database ID
A unique ID given to each replica of an Object Storage database.
database replicator
An Object Storage component that copies changes in the account, container, and object databases to other nodes.
Service de Base de Données
An integrated project that provide scalable and reliable Cloud Database-as-a-Service functionality for both relational and non-relational database engines. The project name of Database service is trove.
Data Processing service
OpenStack project that provides a scalable data-processing stack and associated management interfaces. The code name for the project is sahara.
data store
A database engine supported by the Database service.
désallouer, désassocier
The process of removing the association between a floating IP address and a fixed IP address. Once this association is removed, the floating IP returns to the address pool.

Distribution Linux compatible avec OpenStack.

The process of finding duplicate data at the disk block, file, and/or object level to minimize storage use—currently unsupported within OpenStack.
page par défaut
The default panel that is displayed when a user accesses the horizon dashboard.
locataire par défaut
New users are assigned to this tenant if no tenant is specified when a user is created.
jeton par défaut
An Identity service token that is not associated with a specific tenant and is exchanged for a scoped token.
delayed delete
An option within Image service so that an image is deleted after a predefined number of seconds instead of immediately.
mode de livraison
Setting for the Compute RabbitMQ message delivery mode; can be set to either transient or persistent.
Déni de service (DoS)
Denial of service (DoS) is a short form for denial-of-service attack. This is a malicious attempt to prevent legitimate users from using a service.
deprecated auth
An option within Compute that enables administrators to create and manage users through the nova-manage command as opposed to using the Identity service.
Code name for the DNS service project for OpenStack.
A platform that provides a suite of desktop environments that users access to receive a desktop experience from any location. This may provide general use, development, or even homogeneous testing environments.
One of the default roles in the Compute RBAC system and the default role assigned to a new user.
ID du Périphérique
Maps Object Storage partitions to physical storage devices.
device weight
Distributes partitions proportionately across Object Storage devices based on the storage capacity of each device.
Community project that uses shell scripts to quickly build complete OpenStack development environments.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network protocol that configures devices that are connected to a network so that they can communicate on that network by using the Internet Protocol (IP). The protocol is implemented in a client-server model where DHCP clients request configuration data, such as an IP address, a default route, and one or more DNS server addresses from a DHCP server.
Agent de relais DHCP

Agent réseau OpenStack qui fournit les services DHCP pour les réseaux virtuels.

A grouped release of projects related to OpenStack that came out in the fall of 2011, the fourth release of OpenStack. It included Compute (nova 2011.3), Object Storage (swift 1.4.3), and the Image service (glance). Diablo is the code name for the fourth release of OpenStack. The design summit took place in the Bay Area near Santa Clara, California, US and Diablo is a nearby city.
direct consumer
An element of the Compute RabbitMQ that comes to life when a RPC call is executed. It connects to a direct exchange through a unique exclusive queue, sends the message, and terminates.
direct exchange
A routing table that is created within the Compute RabbitMQ during RPC calls; one is created for each RPC call that is invoked.
direct publisher
Element of RabbitMQ that provides a response to an incoming MQ message.
The process of removing the association between a floating IP address and fixed IP and thus returning the floating IP address to the address pool.
Chiffrement de disque
The ability to encrypt data at the file system, disk partition, or whole-disk level. Supported within Compute VMs.
format du disque
The underlying format that a disk image for a VM is stored as within the Image service back-end store. For example, AMI, ISO, QCOW2, VMDK, and so on.
In Object Storage, tools to test and ensure dispersion of objects and containers to ensure fault tolerance.
distributed virtual router (DVR)
Mechanism for highly-available multi-host routing when using OpenStack Networking (neutron).
A web framework used extensively in horizon.
Domain Name System. A hierarchical and distributed naming system for computers, services, and resources connected to the Internet or a private network. Associates a human-friendly names to IP addresses.
enregistrement DNS
A record that specifies information about a particular domain and belongs to the domain.
service DNS
OpenStack project that provides scalable, on demand, self service access to authoritative DNS services, in a technology-agnostic manner. The code name for the project is designate.
Daemon that provides DNS, DHCP, BOOTP, and TFTP services for virtual networks.
An Identity API v3 entity. Represents a collection of projects, groups and users that defines administrative boundaries for managing OpenStack Identity entities. On the Internet, separates a website from other sites. Often, the domain name has two or more parts that are separated by dots. For example,,,, or Also, a domain is an entity or container of all DNS-related information containing one or more records.
Domain Name System (DNS)
A system by which Internet domain name-to-address and address-to-name resolutions are determined. DNS helps navigate the Internet by translating the IP address into an address that is easier to remember. For example, translating into All domains and their components, such as mail servers, utilize DNS to resolve to the appropriate locations. DNS servers are usually set up in a master-slave relationship such that failure of the master invokes the slave. DNS servers might also be clustered or replicated such that changes made to one DNS server are automatically propagated to other active servers. In Compute, the support that enables associating DNS entries with floating IP addresses, nodes, or cells so that hostnames are consistent across reboots.

Transfert de données, en général sous forme de fichiers, d’une ordinateur à un autre.

Dynamic root of trust measurement.
durable exchange
The Compute RabbitMQ message exchange that remains active when the server restarts.
durable queue
A Compute RabbitMQ message queue that remains active when the server restarts.
Protocole de configuration d’hôte dynamique (DHCP)
A method to automatically configure networking for a host at boot time. Provided by both Networking and Compute.
Dynamic HyperText Markup Language (DHTML)
Pages that use HTML, JavaScript, and Cascading Style Sheets to enable users to interact with a web page or show simple animation.


east-west traffic
Network traffic between servers in the same cloud or data center. See also north-south traffic.
EBS boot volume
An Amazon EBS storage volume that contains a bootable VM image, currently unsupported in OpenStack.
Filtering tool for a Linux bridging firewall, enabling filtering of network traffic passing through a Linux bridge. Used in Compute along with arptables, iptables, and ip6tables to ensure isolation of network communications.
The Amazon commercial compute product, similar to Compute.
EC2 access key
Used along with an EC2 secret key to access the Compute EC2 API.
OpenStack supports accessing the Amazon EC2 API through Compute.
EC2 Compatibility API
A Compute component that enables OpenStack to communicate with Amazon EC2.
EC2 secret key
Used along with an EC2 access key when communicating with the Compute EC2 API; used to digitally sign each request.
Bloc de Stockage Élastique (EBS)
The Amazon commercial block storage product.
OpenStack supports encryption technologies such as HTTPS, SSH, SSL, TLS, digital certificates, and data encryption.
Point de terminaison
See API endpoint.
endpoint registry
Alternative term for an Identity service catalog.
The practice of placing one packet type within another for the purposes of abstracting or securing data. Examples include GRE, MPLS, or IPsec.
endpoint template
A list of URL and port number endpoints that indicate where a service, such as Object Storage, Compute, Identity, and so on, can be accessed.
Any piece of hardware or software that wants to connect to the network services provided by Networking, the network connectivity service. An entity can make use of Networking by implementing a VIF.
image éphémère

Image de VM qui ne sauvegarde pas les changements faits à ses volumes et les remet à leur état d’origine quand la VM est terminée.

volume éphémère
Volume that does not save the changes made to it and reverts to its original state when the current user relinquishes control.
A grouped release of projects related to OpenStack that came out in April 2012, the fifth release of OpenStack. It included Compute (nova 2012.1), Object Storage (swift 1.4.8), Image (glance), Identity (keystone), and Dashboard (horizon). Essex is the code name for the fifth release of OpenStack. The design summit took place in Boston, Massachusetts, US and Essex is a nearby city.

Hyperviseur supporté par OpenStack

MD5 hash of an object within Object Storage, used to ensure data integrity.
A collection of command-line tools for administering VMs; most are compatible with OpenStack.
Eucalyptus Kernel Image (EKI)
Used along with an ERI to create an EMI.
Eucalyptus Machine Image (EMI)
VM image container format supported by Image service.
Eucalyptus Ramdisk Image (ERI)
Used along with an EKI to create an EMI.
The process of migrating one or all virtual machine (VM) instances from one host to another, compatible with both shared storage live migration and block migration.
Alternative term for a RabbitMQ message exchange.
type d’échange
A routing algorithm in the Compute RabbitMQ.
exclusive queue
Connected to by a direct consumer in RabbitMQ—Compute, the message can be consumed only by the current connection.
attributs étendus (xattr)
File system option that enables storage of additional information beyond owner, group, permissions, modification time, and so on. The underlying Object Storage file system must support extended attributes.
Alternative term for an API extension or plug-in. In the context of Identity service, this is a call that is specific to the implementation, such as adding support for OpenID.
réseau externe
A network segment typically used for instance Internet access.
spécifications supplémentaires
Specifies additional requirements when Compute determines where to start a new instance. Examples include a minimum amount of network bandwidth or a GPU.


An easy method to create a local LDAP directory for testing Identity and Compute. Requires Redis.
fan-out exchange
Within RabbitMQ and Compute, it is the messaging interface that is used by the scheduler service to receive capability messages from the compute, volume, and network nodes.
federated identity
A method to establish trusts between identity providers and the OpenStack cloud.

Distribution Linux compatible avec OpenStack

Fibre Channel
Storage protocol similar in concept to TCP/IP; encapsulates SCSI commands and data.
Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)

Protocol fibre channel tunnelé à travers Ethernet.

fill-first scheduler
The Compute scheduling method that attempts to fill a host with VMs rather than starting new VMs on a variety of hosts.
The step in the Compute scheduling process when hosts that cannot run VMs are eliminated and not chosen.
Used to restrict communications between hosts and/or nodes, implemented in Compute using iptables, arptables, ip6tables, and ebtables.
A Networking extension that provides perimeter firewall functionality.
adresse IP fixe.
An IP address that is associated with the same instance each time that instance boots, is generally not accessible to end users or the public Internet, and is used for management of the instance.
Flat Manager
The Compute component that gives IP addresses to authorized nodes and assumes DHCP, DNS, and routing configuration and services are provided by something else.
flat mode injection
A Compute networking method where the OS network configuration information is injected into the VM image before the instance starts.
flat network
Virtual network type that uses neither VLANs nor tunnels to segregate tenant traffic. Each flat network typically requires a separate underlying physical interface defined by bridge mappings. However, a flat network can contain multiple subnets.
FlatDHCP Manager
The Compute component that provides dnsmasq (DHCP, DNS, BOOTP, TFTP) and radvd (routing) services.

Autre expression pour type d’instance de VM

ID du gabarit
UUID for each Compute or Image service VM flavor or instance type.
adresse IP flottante
An IP address that a project can associate with a VM so that the instance has the same public IP address each time that it boots. You create a pool of floating IP addresses and assign them to instances as they are launched to maintain a consistent IP address for maintaining DNS assignment.
A grouped release of projects related to OpenStack that came out in the fall of 2012, the sixth release of OpenStack. It includes Compute (nova), Object Storage (swift), Identity (keystone), Networking (neutron), Image service (glance), and Volumes or Block Storage (cinder). Folsom is the code name for the sixth release of OpenStack. The design summit took place in San Francisco, California, US and Folsom is a nearby city.
Object Storage middleware that uploads (posts) an image through a form on a web page.
OpenStack project that provides backup restore and disaster recovery as a service.
front end
The point where a user interacts with a service; can be an API endpoint, the horizon dashboard, or a command-line tool.


An IP address, typically assigned to a router, that passes network traffic between different networks.
generic receive offload (GRO)
Feature of certain network interface drivers that combines many smaller received packets into a large packet before delivery to the kernel IP stack.
generic routing encapsulation (GRE)
Protocol that encapsulates a wide variety of network layer protocols inside virtual point-to-point links.

Projet qui fournit le service d’images OpenStack

glance API server
Processes client requests for VMs, updates Image service metadata on the registry server, and communicates with the store adapter to upload VM images from the back-end store.
glance registry
Alternative term for the Image service image registry.
global endpoint template
The Identity service endpoint template that contains services available to all tenants.
A file system designed to aggregate NAS hosts, compatible with OpenStack.
golden image
A method of operating system installation where a finalized disk image is created and then used by all nodes without modification.
Governance service
OpenStack project to provide Governance-as-a-Service across any collection of cloud services in order to monitor, enforce, and audit policy over dynamic infrastructure. The code name for the project is congress.
Graphic Interchange Format (GIF)
A type of image file that is commonly used for animated images on web pages.
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
Choosing a host based on the existence of a GPU is currently unsupported in OpenStack.
Green Threads
The cooperative threading model used by Python; reduces race conditions and only context switches when specific library calls are made. Each OpenStack service is its own thread.
The code name for the seventh release of OpenStack. The design summit took place in San Diego, California, US and Grizzly is an element of the state flag of California.
An Identity v3 API entity. Represents a collection of users that is owned by a specific domain.
guest OS

Une instance de système d’exploitation tournant sous le contrôle d’un hyperviseur.


Apache Hadoop is an open source software framework that supports data-intensive distributed applications.
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
A distributed, highly fault-tolerant file system designed to run on low-cost commodity hardware.
An object state in Object Storage where a new replica of the object is automatically created due to a drive failure.
redémarrage matériel
A type of reboot where a physical or virtual power button is pressed as opposed to a graceful, proper shutdown of the operating system.
The code name for the eighth release of OpenStack. The design summit took place in Portland, Oregon, US and Havana is an unincorporated community in Oregon.
An integrated project that aims to orchestrate multiple cloud applications for OpenStack.
Heat Orchestration Template (HOT)
Heat input in the format native to OpenStack.
health monitor
Determines whether back-end members of a VIP pool can process a request. A pool can have several health monitors associated with it. When a pool has several monitors associated with it, all monitors check each member of the pool. All monitors must declare a member to be healthy for it to stay active.
Haute disponibilité (HA)
A high availability system design approach and associated service implementation ensures that a prearranged level of operational performance will be met during a contractual measurement period. High availability systems seeks to minimize system downtime and data loss.

Projet OpenStack qui fournit un tableau de bord, sous forme d’interface web.

horizon plug-in
A plug-in for the OpenStack dashboard (horizon).
A physical computer, not a VM instance (node).
agrégat d’hôte
A method to further subdivide availability zones into hypervisor pools, a collection of common hosts.
Host Bus Adapter (HBA)
Device plugged into a PCI slot, such as a fibre channel or network card.
cloud hybride
A hybrid cloud is a composition of two or more clouds (private, community or public) that remain distinct entities but are bound together, offering the benefits of multiple deployment models. Hybrid cloud can also mean the ability to connect colocation, managed and/or dedicated services with cloud resources.

Un des hyperviseurs supportés par OpenStack.

Any kind of text that contains a link to some other site, commonly found in documents where clicking on a word or words opens up a different website.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
An application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. It is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web. Hypertext is structured text that uses logical links (hyperlinks) between nodes containing text. HTTP is the protocol to exchange or transfer hypertext.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
An encrypted communications protocol for secure communication over a computer network, with especially wide deployment on the Internet. Technically, it is not a protocol in and of itself; rather, it is the result of simply layering the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) on top of the TLS or SSL protocol, thus adding the security capabilities of TLS or SSL to standard HTTP communications. most OpenStack API endpoints and many inter-component communications support HTTPS communication.
Software that arbitrates and controls VM access to the actual underlying hardware.
hypervisor pool

Collection d’hyperviseurs groupés ensemble par des agrégats d’hôtes.


Infrastructure-as-a-Service. IaaS is a provisioning model in which an organization outsources physical components of a data center, such as storage, hardware, servers, and networking components. A service provider owns the equipment and is responsible for housing, operating and maintaining it. The client typically pays on a per-use basis. IaaS is a model for providing cloud services.

Nom de code de la neuvième livraison d’OpenStack. Le sommet de design a pris place à Honk Kong et Ice House est une rue de cette ville.

Internet Control Message Protocol, used by network devices for control messages. For example, ping uses ICMP to test connectivity.
ID number
Unique numeric ID associated with each user in Identity, conceptually similar to a Linux or LDAP UID.
Identity API
Alternative term for the Identity service API.
Identity back end
The source used by Identity service to retrieve user information; an OpenLDAP server, for example.
identity provider
A directory service, which allows users to login with a user name and password. It is a typical source of authentication tokens.
Service d’Identité
The OpenStack core project that provides a central directory of users mapped to the OpenStack services they can access. It also registers endpoints for OpenStack services. It acts as a common authentication system. The project name of Identity is keystone.
Identity service API
The API used to access the OpenStack Identity service provided through keystone.
Intrusion Detection System.
A collection of files for a specific operating system (OS) that you use to create or rebuild a server. OpenStack provides pre-built images. You can also create custom images, or snapshots, from servers that you have launched. Custom images can be used for data backups or as “gold” images for additional servers.
Image API
The Image service API endpoint for management of VM images.
image cache
Used by Image service to obtain images on the local host rather than re-downloading them from the image server each time one is requested.
image ID
Combination of a URI and UUID used to access Image service VM images through the image API.
image membership
A list of tenants that can access a given VM image within Image service.
propriétaire de l’image
The tenant who owns an Image service virtual machine image.
image registry
A list of VM images that are available through Image service.
Service Image
An OpenStack core project that provides discovery, registration, and delivery services for disk and server images. The project name of the Image service is glance.
API du Service d’Image
Alternative name for the glance image API.
statut de l’image
The current status of a VM image in Image service, not to be confused with the status of a running instance.
image store
The back-end store used by Image service to store VM images, options include Object Storage, local file system, S3, or HTTP.
image UUID

UUID utilisé par le service d’Image pour identifier de façon unique chaque image de VM.

incubated project
A community project may be elevated to this status and is then promoted to a core project.
ingress filtering
The process of filtering incoming network traffic. Supported by Compute.
The OpenStack configuration files use an INI format to describe options and their values. It consists of sections and key value pairs.
The process of putting a file into a virtual machine image before the instance is started.
A running VM, or a VM in a known state such as suspended, that can be used like a hardware server.
ID de l’instance
Alternative term for instance UUID.
statut de l’instance
The current state of a guest VM image.
instance tunnels network
A network segment used for instance traffic tunnels between compute nodes and the network node.
type d’instance
Describes the parameters of the various virtual machine images that are available to users; includes parameters such as CPU, storage, and memory. Alternative term for flavor.
instance type ID
Alternative term for a flavor ID.
UUID de l’instance
Unique ID assigned to each guest VM instance.
A physical or virtual device that provides connectivity to another device or medium.
interface ID
Unique ID for a Networking VIF or vNIC in the form of a UUID.
Internet protocol (IP)
Principal communications protocol in the internet protocol suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries.
Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Any business that provides Internet access to individuals or businesses.
Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)
Storage protocol that encapsulates SCSI frames for transport over IP networks.
OpenStack project that provisions bare metal, as opposed to virtual, machines.
IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) are a common performance measurement used to benchmark computer storage devices like hard disk drives, solid state drives, and storage area networks.
Adresse IP
Number that is unique to every computer system on the Internet. Two versions of the Internet Protocol (IP) are in use for addresses: IPv4 and IPv6.
IP Address Management (IPAM)
The process of automating IP address allocation, deallocation, and management. Currently provided by Compute, melange, and Networking.
Initial Program Loader.
Intelligent Platform Management Interface. IPMI is a standardized computer system interface used by system administrators for out-of-band management of computer systems and monitoring of their operation. In layman’s terms, it is a way to manage a computer using a direct network connection, whether it is turned on or not; connecting to the hardware rather than an operating system or login shell.
Tool used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of IPv6 packet filter rules in the Linux kernel. In OpenStack Compute, ip6tables is used along with arptables, ebtables, and iptables to create firewalls for both nodes and VMs.
Extension to iptables that allows creation of firewall rules that match entire “sets” of IP addresses simultaneously. These sets reside in indexed data structures to increase efficiency, particularly on systems with a large quantity of rules.
Used along with arptables and ebtables, iptables create firewalls in Compute. iptables are the tables provided by the Linux kernel firewall (implemented as different Netfilter modules) and the chains and rules it stores. Different kernel modules and programs are currently used for different protocols: iptables applies to IPv4, ip6tables to IPv6, arptables to ARP, and ebtables to Ethernet frames. Requires root privilege to manipulate.
iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) is the format most commonly used for iSCSI names, which uniquely identify nodes in an iSCSI network. All IQNs follow the pattern iqn.yyyy-mm.domain:identifier, where ‘yyyy-mm’ is the year and month in which the domain was registered, ‘domain’ is the reversed domain name of the issuing organization, and ‘identifier’ is an optional string which makes each IQN under the same domain unique. For example, ‘’.
The SCSI disk protocol tunneled within Ethernet, supported by Compute, Object Storage, and Image service.

Un des formats de disque d’image de VM supporté par le service d’Image.

A default role in the Compute RBAC system that can quarantine an instance in any project.


A programming language that is used to create systems that involve more than one computer by way of a network.

Langage de script utilisé pour construire les pages web.

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
One of the supported response formats in OpenStack.
Tool used to run jobs automatically for OpenStack development.
jumbo frame
Feature in modern Ethernet networks that supports frames up to approximately 9000 bytes.
The code name for the tenth release of OpenStack. The design summit took place in Atlanta, Georgia, US and Juno is an unincorporated community in Georgia.


A network authentication protocol which works on the basis of tickets. Kerberos allows nodes communication over a non-secure network, and allows nodes to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner.
kernel-based VM (KVM)
An OpenStack-supported hypervisor. KVM is a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-V), ARM, IBM Power, and IBM zSeries. It consists of a loadable kernel module, that provides the core virtualization infrastructure and a processor specific module.
Key Manager service
OpenStack project that produces a secret storage and generation system capable of providing key management for services wishing to enable encryption features. The code name of the project is barbican.
The project that provides OpenStack Identity services.
A tool to automate system configuration and installation on Red Hat, Fedora, and CentOS-based Linux distributions.
The code name for the eleventh release of OpenStack. The design summit took place in Paris, France. Due to delays in the name selection, the release was known only as K. Because k is the unit symbol for kilo and the reference artifact is stored near Paris in the Pavillon de Breteuil in Sèvres, the community chose Kilo as the release name.


large object
An object within Object Storage that is larger than 5 GB.

Le site de collaboration pour OpenStack.

Layer-2 network
Term used in the OSI network architecture for the data link layer. The data link layer is responsible for media access control, flow control and detecting and possibly correcting errors that may occur in the physical layer.
Layer-3 network
Term used in the OSI network architecture for the network layer. The network layer is responsible for packet forwarding including routing from one node to another.
Layer-2 (L2) agent
OpenStack Networking agent that provides layer-2 connectivity for virtual networks.
Layer-3 (L3) agent
OpenStack Networking agent that provides layer-3 (routing) services for virtual networks.
The code name for the twelfth release of OpenStack. The design summit took place in Vancouver, Canada and Liberty is the name of a village in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.
Virtualization API library used by OpenStack to interact with many of its supported hypervisors.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
An application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an IP network.
Linux bridge
Software that enables multiple VMs to share a single physical NIC within Compute.
Linux Bridge neutron plug-in
Enables a Linux bridge to understand a Networking port, interface attachment, and other abstractions.
Linux containers (LXC)

Hyperviseur supporté par OpenStack

migration à chaud
The ability within Compute to move running virtual machine instances from one host to another with only a small service interruption during switchover.
répartiteur de charge
A load balancer is a logical device that belongs to a cloud account. It is used to distribute workloads between multiple back-end systems or services, based on the criteria defined as part of its configuration.
répartition de charge
The process of spreading client requests between two or more nodes to improve performance and availability.
Enables Networking to distribute incoming requests evenly between designated instances.
Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
Provides a method of allocating space on mass-storage devices that is more flexible than conventional partitioning schemes.



Nom de code pour le projet OpenStack qui fournit le service de Conteneurs.

management API
Alternative term for an admin API.
management network
A network segment used for administration, not accessible to the public Internet.
Logical groupings of related code, such as the Block Storage volume manager or network manager.
Used to track segments of a large object within Object Storage.
manifest object
A special Object Storage object that contains the manifest for a large object.
OpenStack project that provides shared file systems as service to applications.
maximum transmission unit (MTU)
Maximum frame or packet size for a particular network medium. Typically 1500 bytes for Ethernet networks.
mechanism driver
A driver for the Modular Layer 2 (ML2) neutron plug-in that provides layer-2 connectivity for virtual instances. A single OpenStack installation can use multiple mechanism drivers.
Project name for OpenStack Network Information Service. To be merged with Networking.
The association between an Image service VM image and a tenant. Enables images to be shared with specified tenants.
membership list
A list of tenants that can access a given VM image within Image service.
A distributed memory object caching system that is used by Object Storage for caching.
memory overcommit
The ability to start new VM instances based on the actual memory usage of a host, as opposed to basing the decision on the amount of RAM each running instance thinks it has available. Also known as RAM overcommit.
message broker
The software package used to provide AMQP messaging capabilities within Compute. Default package is RabbitMQ.
message bus
The main virtual communication line used by all AMQP messages for inter-cloud communications within Compute.
message queue
Passes requests from clients to the appropriate workers and returns the output to the client after the job completes.
Message service
OpenStack project that aims to produce an OpenStack messaging service that affords a variety of distributed application patterns in an efficient, scalable and highly-available manner, and to create and maintain associated Python libraries and documentation. The code name for the project is zaqar.
Metadata agent
OpenStack Networking agent that provides metadata services for instances.
Meta-Data Server (MDS)
Stores CephFS metadata.
The process of moving a VM instance from one host to another.
OpenStack project that provides the Workflow service.
The code name for the thirteenth release of OpenStack. The design summit took place in Tokyo, Japan. Mitaka is a city in Tokyo.
OpenStack project that provides a Monitoring service.
High-availability mode for legacy (nova) networking. Each compute node handles NAT and DHCP and acts as a gateway for all of the VMs on it. A networking failure on one compute node doesn’t affect VMs on other compute nodes.
Facility in Compute that allows each virtual machine instance to have more than one VIF connected to it.
OpenStack project that provides an Application catalog.
Modular Layer 2 (ML2) neutron plug-in
Can concurrently use multiple layer-2 networking technologies, such as 802.1Q and VXLAN, in Networking.
Monitor (LBaaS)
LBaaS feature that provides availability monitoring using the ping command, TCP, and HTTP/HTTPS GET.
Monitor (Mon)
A Ceph component that communicates with external clients, checks data state and consistency, and performs quorum functions.
The OpenStack project that provides a multi-tenant, highly scalable, performant, fault-tolerant Monitoring-as-a-Service solution for metrics, complex event processing, and logging. It builds an extensible platform for advanced monitoring services that can be used by both operators and tenants to gain operational insight and visibility, ensuring availability and stability. The project name is monasca.
authentification multi-facteur
Authentication method that uses two or more credentials, such as a password and a private key. Currently not supported in Identity.
Facility in Compute that enables a virtual machine instance to have more than one VIF connected to it.


Released as open source by NASA in 2010 and is the basis for Compute.
One of the default roles in the Compute RBAC system. Enables the user to allocate publicly accessible IP addresses to instances and change firewall rules.
NetApp volume driver
Enables Compute to communicate with NetApp storage devices through the NetApp OnCommand Provisioning Manager.
A virtual network that provides connectivity between entities. For example, a collection of virtual ports that share network connectivity. In Networking terminology, a network is always a layer-2 network.
Network Address Translation; Process of modifying IP address information while in transit. Supported by Compute and Networking.
network controller
A Compute daemon that orchestrates the network configuration of nodes, including IP addresses, VLANs, and bridging. Also manages routing for both public and private networks.
Network File System (NFS)
A method for making file systems available over the network. Supported by OpenStack.
ID de réseau
Unique ID assigned to each network segment within Networking. Same as network UUID.
network manager
The Compute component that manages various network components, such as firewall rules, IP address allocation, and so on.
network namespace
Linux kernel feature that provides independent virtual networking instances on a single host with separate routing tables and interfaces. Similar to virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) services on physical network equipment.
network node
Any compute node that runs the network worker daemon.
network segment
Represents a virtual, isolated OSI layer-2 subnet in Networking.
The code name for the fourteenth release of OpenStack. The design summit took place in Austin, Texas, US. The release is named after “Newton House” which is located at 1013 E. Ninth St., Austin, TX. which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Network Time Protocol; Method of keeping a clock for a host or node correct via communication with a trusted, accurate time source.
network UUID
Unique ID for a Networking network segment.
network worker
The nova-network worker daemon; provides services such as giving an IP address to a booting nova instance.
Service Réseau
A core OpenStack project that provides a network connectivity abstraction layer to OpenStack Compute. The project name of Networking is neutron.
API de réseau
API used to access OpenStack Networking. Provides an extensible architecture to enable custom plug-in creation.
A core OpenStack project that provides a network connectivity abstraction layer to OpenStack Compute.
API neutron
An alternative name for Networking API.
neutron manager
Enables Compute and Networking integration, which enables Networking to perform network management for guest VMs.
neutron plug-in
Interface within Networking that enables organizations to create custom plug-ins for advanced features, such as QoS, ACLs, or IDS.
Nexenta volume driver
Provides support for NexentaStor devices in Compute.
Disables server-side message acknowledgment in the Compute RabbitMQ. Increases performance but decreases reliability.
A VM instance that runs on a host.
non-durable exchange
Message exchange that is cleared when the service restarts. Its data is not written to persistent storage.
non-durable queue
Message queue that is cleared when the service restarts. Its data is not written to persistent storage.
non-persistent volume
Alternative term for an ephemeral volume.
north-south traffic
Network traffic between a user or client (north) and a server (south), or traffic into the cloud (south) and out of the cloud (north). See also east-west traffic.
OpenStack project that provides compute services.
API Nova
Alternative term for the Compute API.
A Compute component that manages IP address allocation, firewalls, and other network-related tasks. This is the legacy networking option and an alternative to Networking.


A BLOB of data held by Object Storage; can be in any format.
object auditor
Opens all objects for an object server and verifies the MD5 hash, size, and metadata for each object.
object expiration
A configurable option within Object Storage to automatically delete objects after a specified amount of time has passed or a certain date is reached.
object hash
Uniquely ID for an Object Storage object.
object path hash
Used by Object Storage to determine the location of an object in the ring. Maps objects to partitions.
object replicator
An Object Storage component that copies an object to remote partitions for fault tolerance.
object server
An Object Storage component that is responsible for managing objects.
Service de Stockage Objet :
The OpenStack core project that provides eventually consistent and redundant storage and retrieval of fixed digital content. The project name of OpenStack Object Storage is swift.
API du Stockage d’Objets
API used to access OpenStack Object Storage.
Object Storage Device (OSD)
The Ceph storage daemon.
object versioning
Allows a user to set a flag on an Object Storage container so that all objects within the container are versioned.
The code name for the fifteenth release of OpenStack. The design summit will take place in Barcelona, Spain. Ocata is a beach north of Barcelona.
Term for an Object Storage process that runs for a long time. Can indicate a hung process.
Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI)
A standardized interface for managing compute, data, and network resources, currently unsupported in OpenStack.
Open Virtualization Format (OVF)
Standard for packaging VM images. Supported in OpenStack.
Open vSwitch
Open vSwitch is a production quality, multilayer virtual switch licensed under the open source Apache 2.0 license. It is designed to enable massive network automation through programmatic extension, while still supporting standard management interfaces and protocols (for example NetFlow, sFlow, SPAN, RSPAN, CLI, LACP, 802.1ag).
Open vSwitch (OVS) agent
Provides an interface to the underlying Open vSwitch service for the Networking plug-in.
Open vSwitch neutron plug-in
Provides support for Open vSwitch in Networking.
An open source LDAP server. Supported by both Compute and Identity.
OpenStack is a cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a data center, all managed through a dashboard that gives administrators control while empowering their users to provision resources through a web interface. OpenStack is an open source project licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
Nom de code d’OpenStack
Each OpenStack release has a code name. Code names ascend in alphabetical order: Austin, Bexar, Cactus, Diablo, Essex, Folsom, Grizzly, Havana, Icehouse, Juno, Kilo, Liberty, and Mitaka. Code names are cities or counties near where the corresponding OpenStack design summit took place. An exception, called the Waldon exception, is granted to elements of the state flag that sound especially cool. Code names are chosen by popular vote.

Distribution Linux compatible avec OpenStack.


La personne responsable de l’organisation et de la maintenance d’une installation OpenStack.

optional service
An official OpenStack service defined as optional by DefCore Committee. Currently, consists of Dashboard (horizon), Telemetry service (Telemetry), Orchestration service (heat), Database service (trove), Bare Metal service (ironic), and so on.
Service d’Orchestration
An integrated project that orchestrates multiple cloud applications for OpenStack. The project name of Orchestration is heat.
In the context of Object Storage, this is a process that is not terminated after an upgrade, restart, or reload of the service.
OpenStack project that produces a set of Python libraries containing code shared by OpenStack projects.


parent cell
If a requested resource, such as CPU time, disk storage, or memory, is not available in the parent cell, the request is forwarded to associated child cells.
A unit of storage within Object Storage used to store objects. It exists on top of devices and is replicated for fault tolerance.
partition index
Contains the locations of all Object Storage partitions within the ring.
partition shift value
Used by Object Storage to determine which partition data should reside on.
path MTU discovery (PMTUD)
Mechanism in IP networks to detect end-to-end MTU and adjust packet size accordingly.

L’état d’une VM où aucun changement ne s’exécute (aucune modification de la mémoire, arrêt des échanges réseau, etc.) ; la VM est gelée mais pas arrêtée.

PCI passthrough
Gives guest VMs exclusive access to a PCI device. Currently supported in OpenStack Havana and later releases.
persistent message
A message that is stored both in memory and on disk. The message is not lost after a failure or restart.
persistent volume
Changes to these types of disk volumes are saved.
personality file
A file used to customize a Compute instance. It can be used to inject SSH keys or a specific network configuration.
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
Provides to the consumer the ability to deploy applications through a programming language or tools supported by the cloud platform provider. An example of Platform-as-a-Service is an Eclipse/Java programming platform provided with no downloads required.
Software component providing the actual implementation for Networking APIs, or for Compute APIs, depending on the context.
policy service
Component of Identity that provides a rule-management interface and a rule-based authorization engine.
A logical set of devices, such as web servers, that you group together to receive and process traffic. The load balancing function chooses which member of the pool handles the new requests or connections received on the VIP address. Each VIP has one pool.
pool member
An application that runs on the back-end server in a load-balancing system.
A virtual network port within Networking; VIFs / vNICs are connected to a port.
port UUID
Unique ID for a Networking port.
A tool to automate system configuration and installation on Debian-based Linux distributions.
image privée
An Image service VM image that is only available to specified tenants.
adresse IP privée
An IP address used for management and administration, not available to the public Internet.
réseau privé
The Network Controller provides virtual networks to enable compute servers to interact with each other and with the public network. All machines must have a public and private network interface. A private network interface can be a flat or VLAN network interface. A flat network interface is controlled by the flat_interface with flat managers. A VLAN network interface is controlled by the vlan_interface option with VLAN managers.
Projects represent the base unit of “ownership” in OpenStack, in that all resources in OpenStack should be owned by a specific project. In OpenStack Identity, a project must be owned by a specific domain.
project ID
User-defined alphanumeric string in Compute; the name of a project.
project VPN
Alternative term for a cloudpipe.
promiscuous mode
Causes the network interface to pass all traffic it receives to the host rather than passing only the frames addressed to it.
protected property
Generally, extra properties on an Image service image to which only cloud administrators have access. Limits which user roles can perform CRUD operations on that property. The cloud administrator can configure any image property as protected.
An administrator who has access to all hosts and instances.
proxy node
A node that provides the Object Storage proxy service.
serveur proxy
Users of Object Storage interact with the service through the proxy server, which in turn looks up the location of the requested data within the ring and returns the results to the user.
API publique
An API endpoint used for both service-to-service communication and end-user interactions.
image publique
An Image service VM image that is available to all tenants.
adresse IP publique

Une adresse IP accessible aux utilisateurs finaux.

authentification par clé publique

Une méthode d’authentification par clé plutôt que par mots de passe.

réseau public
The Network Controller provides virtual networks to enable compute servers to interact with each other and with the public network. All machines must have a public and private network interface. The public network interface is controlled by the public_interface option.

Un outil de configuration du système d’exploitation supporté par OpenStack


Le langage de programmation utilisé majoritairement dans OpenStack.


QEMU Copy On Write 2 (QCOW2)

Un des formats de disque d’image de VM supporté par le service d’Image.

Message queue software supported by OpenStack; an alternative to RabbitMQ.
If Object Storage finds objects, containers, or accounts that are corrupt, they are placed in this state, are not replicated, cannot be read by clients, and a correct copy is re-replicated.
Quick EMUlator (QEMU)
QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer. One of the hypervisors supported by OpenStack, generally used for development purposes.
In Compute and Block Storage, the ability to set resource limits on a per-project basis.


The default message queue software used by OpenStack.
Rackspace Cloud Files
Released as open source by Rackspace in 2010; the basis for Object Storage.
RADOS Block Device (RBD)
Ceph component that enables a Linux block device to be striped over multiple distributed data stores.
The router advertisement daemon, used by the Compute VLAN manager and FlatDHCP manager to provide routing services for VM instances.
OpenStack project that provides the Benchmark service.
RAM filter
The Compute setting that enables or disables RAM overcommitment.
RAM overcommit
The ability to start new VM instances based on the actual memory usage of a host, as opposed to basing the decision on the amount of RAM each running instance thinks it has available. Also known as memory overcommit.
rate limit
Configurable option within Object Storage to limit database writes on a per-account and/or per-container basis.
One of the VM image disk formats supported by Image service; an unstructured disk image.
The process of distributing Object Storage partitions across all drives in the ring; used during initial ring creation and after ring reconfiguration.
Either a soft or hard reboot of a server. With a soft reboot, the operating system is signaled to restart, which enables a graceful shutdown of all processes. A hard reboot is the equivalent of power cycling the server. The virtualization platform should ensure that the reboot action has completed successfully, even in cases in which the underlying domain/VM is paused or halted/stopped.
Removes all data on the server and replaces it with the specified image. Server ID and IP addresses remain the same.
An Object Storage component that collects meters.
Belongs to a particular domain and is used to specify information about the domain. There are several types of DNS records. Each record type contains particular information used to describe the purpose of that record. Examples include mail exchange (MX) records, which specify the mail server for a particular domain; and name server (NS) records, which specify the authoritative name servers for a domain.
record ID
A number within a database that is incremented each time a change is made. Used by Object Storage when replicating.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

Distribution Linux compatible avec OpenStack.

architecture de référence
A recommended architecture for an OpenStack cloud.
A discrete OpenStack environment with dedicated API endpoints that typically shares only the Identity (keystone) with other regions.
Alternative term for the Image service registry.
registry server
An Image service that provides VM image metadata information to clients.
Reliable, Autonomic Distributed Object Store


A collection of components that provides object storage within Ceph. Similar to OpenStack Object Storage.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
The method used by the Compute RabbitMQ for intra-service communications.
Provides data redundancy and fault tolerance by creating copies of Object Storage objects, accounts, and containers so that they are not lost when the underlying storage fails.
replica count
The number of replicas of the data in an Object Storage ring.
The process of copying data to a separate physical device for fault tolerance and performance.
The Object Storage back-end process that creates and manages object replicas.
request ID
Unique ID assigned to each request sent to Compute.
rescue image
A special type of VM image that is booted when an instance is placed into rescue mode. Allows an administrator to mount the file systems for an instance to correct the problem.
Converts an existing server to a different flavor, which scales the server up or down. The original server is saved to enable rollback if a problem occurs. All resizes must be tested and explicitly confirmed, at which time the original server is removed.
A kind of web service API that uses REST, or Representational State Transfer. REST is the style of architecture for hypermedia systems that is used for the World Wide Web.
An entity that maps Object Storage data to partitions. A separate ring exists for each service, such as account, object, and container.
ring builder
Builds and manages rings within Object Storage, assigns partitions to devices, and pushes the configuration to other storage nodes.
Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
Provides a predefined list of actions that the user can perform, such as start or stop VMs, reset passwords, and so on. Supported in both Identity and Compute and can be configured using the horizon dashboard.
A personality that a user assumes to perform a specific set of operations. A role includes a set of rights and privileges. A user assuming that role inherits those rights and privileges.
role ID
Alphanumeric ID assigned to each Identity service role.
A feature of Compute that allows the unprivileged “nova” user to run a specified list of commands as the Linux root user.
round-robin scheduler
Type of Compute scheduler that evenly distributes instances among available hosts.
A physical or virtual network device that passes network traffic between different networks.
routing key
The Compute direct exchanges, fanout exchanges, and topic exchanges use this key to determine how to process a message; processing varies depending on exchange type.
RPC driver
Modular system that allows the underlying message queue software of Compute to be changed. For example, from RabbitMQ to ZeroMQ or Qpid.
Used by Object Storage to push object replicas.
RXTX cap
Absolute limit on the amount of network traffic a Compute VM instance can send and receive.
RXTX quota
Soft limit on the amount of network traffic a Compute VM instance can send and receive.


Object storage service by Amazon; similar in function to Object Storage, it can act as a back-end store for Image service VM images.
OpenStack project that provides a scalable data-processing stack and associated management interfaces.
SAML assertion
Contains information about a user as provided by the identity provider. It is an indication that a user has been authenticated.
scheduler manager
A Compute component that determines where VM instances should start. Uses modular design to support a variety of scheduler types.
scoped token
An Identity service API access token that is associated with a specific tenant.
Checks for and deletes unused VMs; the component of Image service that implements delayed delete.
clé secrète
String of text known only by the user; used along with an access key to make requests to the Compute API.
secure shell (SSH)
Open source tool used to access remote hosts through an encrypted communications channel, SSH key injection is supported by Compute.
groupe de sécurité
A set of network traffic filtering rules that are applied to a Compute instance.
segmented object
An Object Storage large object that has been broken up into pieces. The re-assembled object is called a concatenated object.
For IaaS, ability for a regular (non-privileged) account to manage a virtual infrastructure component such as networks without involving an administrator.
Linux kernel security module that provides the mechanism for supporting access control policies.
OpenStack project that provides a Clustering service.
Computer that provides explicit services to the client software running on that system, often managing a variety of computer operations. A server is a VM instance in the Compute system. Flavor and image are requisite elements when creating a server.
server image
Alternative term for a VM image.
server UUID
Unique ID assigned to each guest VM instance.
An OpenStack service, such as Compute, Object Storage, or Image service. Provides one or more endpoints through which users can access resources and perform operations.
service catalog
Alternative term for the Identity service catalog.
ID du service
Unique ID assigned to each service that is available in the Identity service catalog.
service provider
A system that provides services to other system entities. In case of federated identity, OpenStack Identity is the service provider.
service registration
An Identity service feature that enables services, such as Compute, to automatically register with the catalog.
service tenant
Special tenant that contains all services that are listed in the catalog.
service token
An administrator-defined token used by Compute to communicate securely with the Identity service.
session back end
The method of storage used by horizon to track client sessions, such as local memory, cookies, a database, or memcached.
persistance de session
A feature of the load-balancing service. It attempts to force subsequent connections to a service to be redirected to the same node as long as it is online.
stockage de session
A horizon component that stores and tracks client session information. Implemented through the Django sessions framework.
A remote, mountable file system in the context of the Shared File Systems. You can mount a share to, and access a share from, several hosts by several users at a time.
share network
An entity in the context of the Shared File Systems that encapsulates interaction with the Networking service. If the driver you selected runs in the mode requiring such kind of interaction, you need to specify the share network to create a share.
Shared File Systems API
A Shared File Systems service that provides a stable RESTful API. The service authenticates and routes requests throughout the Shared File Systems service. There is python-manilaclient to interact with the API.
Service de Systèmes de Fichiers Partagés
An OpenStack service that provides a set of services for management of shared file systems in a multi-tenant cloud environment. The service is similar to how OpenStack provides block-based storage management through the OpenStack Block Storage service project. With the Shared File Systems service, you can create a remote file system and mount the file system on your instances. You can also read and write data from your instances to and from your file system. The project name of the Shared File Systems service is manila.
adresse IP partagée
An IP address that can be assigned to a VM instance within the shared IP group. Public IP addresses can be shared across multiple servers for use in various high-availability scenarios. When an IP address is shared to another server, the cloud network restrictions are modified to enable each server to listen to and respond on that IP address. You can optionally specify that the target server network configuration be modified. Shared IP addresses can be used with many standard heartbeat facilities, such as keepalive, that monitor for failure and manage IP failover.
groupe IP partagé
A collection of servers that can share IPs with other members of the group. Any server in a group can share one or more public IPs with any other server in the group. With the exception of the first server in a shared IP group, servers must be launched into shared IP groups. A server may be a member of only one shared IP group.
stockage partagé
Block storage that is simultaneously accessible by multiple clients, for example, NFS.
Chien de berger
Distributed block storage system for QEMU, supported by OpenStack.
Simple Cloud Identity Management (SCIM)
Specification for managing identity in the cloud, currently unsupported by OpenStack.
Single-root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV)
A specification that, when implemented by a physical PCIe device, enables it to appear as multiple separate PCIe devices. This enables multiple virtualized guests to share direct access to the physical device, offering improved performance over an equivalent virtual device. Currently supported in OpenStack Havana and later releases.
Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Contractual obligations that ensure the availability of a service.
Runs automated tests against the core OpenStack API; written in Rails.
A point-in-time copy of an OpenStack storage volume or image. Use storage volume snapshots to back up volumes. Use image snapshots to back up data, or as “gold” images for additional servers.
redémarrage logiciel
A controlled reboot where a VM instance is properly restarted through operating system commands.
Software Development Lifecycle Automation service
OpenStack project that aims to make cloud services easier to consume and integrate with application development process by automating the source-to-image process, and simplifying app-centric deployment. The project name is solum.
SolidFire Volume Driver
The Block Storage driver for the SolidFire iSCSI storage appliance.
OpenStack project that provides a Software Development Lifecycle Automation service.
The Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments (SPICE) provides remote desktop access to guest virtual machines. It is an alternative to VNC. SPICE is supported by OpenStack.
spread-first scheduler
The Compute VM scheduling algorithm that attempts to start a new VM on the host with the least amount of load.

Une boite à outil SQL open source pour Python, utilisé par OpenStack.

A lightweight SQL database, used as the default persistent storage method in many OpenStack services.
A set of OpenStack resources created and managed by the Orchestration service according to a given template (either an AWS CloudFormation template or a Heat Orchestration Template (HOT)).
Community project that captures Compute AMQP communications; useful for debugging.
adresse IP statique

Autre expression pour une adresse IP fixe.

WSGI middleware component of Object Storage that serves container data as a static web page.
storage back end
The method that a service uses for persistent storage, such as iSCSI, NFS, or local disk.
nœud de stockage
An Object Storage node that provides container services, account services, and object services; controls the account databases, container databases, and object storage.
gestionnaire de stockage
A XenAPI component that provides a pluggable interface to support a wide variety of persistent storage back ends.
storage manager back end
A persistent storage method supported by XenAPI, such as iSCSI or NFS.
services de stockage
Collective name for the Object Storage object services, container services, and account services.
Specifies the authentication source used by Image service or Identity. In the Database service, it refers to the extensions implemented for a data store.
sous domaine
A domain within a parent domain. Subdomains cannot be registered. Subdomains enable you to delegate domains. Subdomains can themselves have subdomains, so third-level, fourth-level, fifth-level, and deeper levels of nesting are possible.
Logical subdivision of an IP network.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)

Distribution Linux compatible avec OpenStack.

Alternative term for a paused VM instance.

Mémoire virtuelle basée sur disque utilisée par le système d’exploitation pour fournir plus de mémoire qu’il y en a effectivement.

An authentication and authorization service for Object Storage, implemented through WSGI middleware; uses Object Storage itself as the persistent backing store.

Projet OpenStack qui fournit les services de stockage objets.

swift All in One (SAIO)
Creates a full Object Storage development environment within a single VM.
swift middleware
Collective term for Object Storage components that provide additional functionality.
serveur de proxy rapide
Acts as the gatekeeper to Object Storage and is responsible for authenticating the user.
nœud de stockage rapide

Un nœud qui exécute le compte Object Storage, conteneur et les services d’objet.

point de synchro
Point in time since the last container and accounts database sync among nodes within Object Storage.
One of the default roles in the Compute RBAC system. Enables a user to add other users to a project, interact with VM images that are associated with the project, and start and stop VM instances.
system usage
A Compute component that, along with the notification system, collects meters and usage information. This information can be used for billing.


Service de Télémétrie
An integrated project that provides metering and measuring facilities for OpenStack. The project name of Telemetry is ceilometer.
An authentication facility within Object Storage that enables Object Storage itself to perform authentication and authorization. Frequently used in testing and development.
Automated software test suite designed to run against the trunk of the OpenStack core project.
An Object Storage middleware component that enables creation of URLs for temporary object access.

Un groupe d’utilisateurs; utilisé pour isoler l’accès aux ressources Compute. Une autre expression pour projet.

API Projet

Une API qui est accessible aux projets.

point d’accès du projet
An Identity service API endpoint that is associated with one or more tenants.
ID du projet

ID unique assigné à chaque tenant dans le service d’Identité. L’ID de projet correspond à l’ID du tenant.


Chaîne de texte alpha-numérique utilisée pour l’accès aux APIs et resources OpenStack.

services de jeton

Composant du service d’Identité qui gère et valide les jetons après qu’un utilisateur ou un tenant ait été authentifié.


Utilisé pour marquer les objets de stockage d’objets qui ont été supprimés; afin de s’assurer que l’objet n’est pas mis à jour sur un autre nœud après sa suppression.

éditeur de sujet
A process that is created when a RPC call is executed; used to push the message to the topic exchange.
Community project used to run automated tests against the OpenStack API.
ID de la transaction
Unique ID assigned to each Object Storage request; used for debugging and tracing.

Autre expression pour bref.

échange transitoire
Alternative term for a non-durable exchange.
message transitoire

Un message qui stocké dans la mémoire et qui est perdu après un redémarrage du serveur.

File d’attente transitoire

Autre expression pour une brève file d’attente.


Programme OpenStack-on-OpenStack. Le nom de code pour le programme OpenStack Deployment.


Le projet OpenStack qui fournit des services de base de données à des applications.



Une distribution Linux basé sur Debian.

jeton hors-scope

Autre terme pour un jeton par défaut du service d’Identité.

Collective term for a group of Object Storage components that processes queued and failed updates for containers and objects.
In OpenStack Identity, entities represent individual API consumers and are owned by a specific domain. In OpenStack Compute, a user can be associated with roles, projects, or both.
donnée utilisateur
A blob of data that the user can specify when they launch an instance. The instance can access this data through the metadata service or config drive. Commonly used to pass a shell script that the instance runs on boot.
User Mode Linux (UML)

Hyperviseur supporté par OpenStack



ID unique assignée à chaque Réseau VIF.

The primary load balancing configuration object. Specifies the virtual IP address and port where client traffic is received. Also defines other details such as the load balancing method to be used, protocol, and so on. This entity is sometimes known in load-balancing products as a virtual server, vserver, or listener.
Virtual Central Processing Unit (vCPU)

Subdivise des CPUs physiques. Les instances peuvent ensuite utiliser ces divisions.

Virtual Disk Image (VDI)

Un des formats de disque d’image de VM supporté par le service d’Image.

A network virtualization technology that attempts to reduce the scalability problems associated with large cloud computing deployments. It uses a VLAN-like encapsulation technique to encapsulate Ethernet frames within UDP packets.
Disque dur virtuel (VHD)

Un des formats de disque d’image de VM supporté par le service d’Image.

IP virtuel

Adresse IP (Internet Protocol) configurée sur le load balancer pour être utilisée par les clients se connectant au service qui est load balancé. La distribution des connexions entrantes aux noeuds en arrière plan est basée sur la configuration du load balancer.

machine virtuel (VM)

Instance d’un système d’exploitation qui tourne par dessus un hyperviseur. Plusieurs VMs peuvent tourner en même temps sur le même host physique.

réseau virtuel
An L2 network segment within Networking.
réseau virtuel
A generic term for virtualization of network functions such as switching, routing, load balancing, and security using a combination of VMs and overlays on physical network infrastructure.
Virtual Network Computing (VNC)

Outils GUI et CLI open source utilisés pour l’accès distant aux consoles des VMs. Supportés par Compute.

Virtual Network InterFace (VIF)
An interface that is plugged into a port in a Networking network. Typically a virtual network interface belonging to a VM.
port virtuel

Point de jonction où une interface virtuelle se connecte à un réseau virtuel.

virtual private network (VPN)
Provided by Compute in the form of cloudpipes, specialized instances that are used to create VPNs on a per-project basis.
serveur virtuel

Autre expression pour une VM ou un invité.

commutateur virtuel (vSwitch)

Logiciel qui s’exécute sur un hôte ou un nœud et fournit les caractéristiques et fonctionnalités d’une switch réseau matériel.

VLAN virtuel

Autre expression pour un réseau virtuelle.


Hyperviseur supporté par OpenStack

gestionnaire VLAN
A Compute component that provides dnsmasq and radvd and sets up forwarding to and from cloudpipe instances.
réseau VLAN
The Network Controller provides virtual networks to enable compute servers to interact with each other and with the public network. All machines must have a public and private network interface. A VLAN network is a private network interface, which is controlled by the vlan_interface option with VLAN managers.
disque VM (VMDK)

Un des formats de disque d’image de VM supporté par le service d’Image.

image VM

Autre expression pour une image.

VM Remote Control (VMRC)

Méthode pour accéder aux consoles d’instance VM en utilisant un navigateur. Supporté par Compute.

API VMware

Supporte l’intégration avec les produits VMware dans Compute.

Plug-in WMware NSX pour Neutron

Fournit le support de VMware NSX dans Neutron.

proxy VNC

Composant Compute qui permet aux utilisateurs d’accéder aux consoles de leurs instances via VNC ou VMRC.


Stockage de donnée sur disque généralement représenté par une target iSCSI avec un système de fichier qui supporte les attributs étendus; peut être persistant ou éphémère.

API de volume

Autre nom pour l’API de stockage par blocs.

contrôleur de volume
A Block Storage component that oversees and coordinates storage volume actions.
pilote de volume

Autre terme désignant un plug-in de volume.

ID du volume

ID unique appliqué à chaque volume de stockage sous le contrôle du Stockage par Blocs.

gestionnaire de volume

Composant de stockage par blocs qui créé, attache, et détache des volumes de stockage persistants.

nœud d’un volume
A Block Storage node that runs the cinder-volume daemon.
volume plug-in
Provides support for new and specialized types of back-end storage for the Block Storage volume manager.
volume worker
A cinder component that interacts with back-end storage to manage the creation and deletion of volumes and the creation of compute volumes, provided by the cinder-volume daemon.

Hyperviseur supporté par OpenStack



Process Compute qui détermine l’aptitude des instances de VM pour un travail sur un host particulier. Par example, pas assez de RAM sur le host, trop de CPUs sur le host, et ainsi de suite.

Used by Object Storage devices to determine which storage devices are suitable for the job. Devices are weighted by size.
coût pondéré

Sommes de tous les coûts utilisée pour décider où démarrer une nouvelle instance de VM dans Compute.

A daemon that listens to a queue and carries out tasks in response to messages. For example, the cinder-volume worker manages volume creation and deletion on storage arrays.
Workflow service
OpenStack project that provides a simple YAML-based language to write workflows, tasks and transition rules, and a service that allows to upload them, modify, run them at scale and in a highly available manner, manage and monitor workflow execution state and state of individual tasks. The code name of the project is mistral.


Xen is a hypervisor using a microkernel design, providing services that allow multiple computer operating systems to execute on the same computer hardware concurrently.

API d’administration de Xen, supportée par Compute.

Xen Cloud Platform (XCP)

Hyperviseur supporté par OpenStack

Pilote du Gestionnaire de Stockage Xen
A Block Storage volume plug-in that enables communication with the Xen Storage Manager API.

Hyperviseur supporté par OpenStack


Système de fichier haute performance créé par Silicon Graphics. Excelle dans les opérations d’I/O parallèles et la consistance des données.



Projet OpenStack fournissant un service de messages aux applications.


Logiciel de mise en file de messages supporté par OpenStack. Une alternative à RabbitMQ. Également épelé 0MQ.

Tool used in OpenStack development to ensure correctly ordered testing of changes in parallel.
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.