The Image service (glance) enables users to discover, register, and retrieve virtual machine images. It offers a REST API that enables you to query virtual machine image metadata and retrieve an actual image. You can store virtual machine images made available through the Image service in a variety of locations, from simple file systems to object-storage systems like OpenStack Object Storage.
For simplicity, this guide describes configuring the Image service to
use the file
back end, which uploads and stores in a
directory on the controller node hosting the Image service. By
default, this directory is /var/lib/glance/images/
Before you proceed, ensure that the controller node has at least
several gigabytes of space available in this directory. Keep in
mind that since the file
back end is often local to a controller
node, it is not typically suitable for a multi-node glance deployment.
For information on requirements for other back ends, see Configuration Reference.
OpenStack镜像服务是IaaS的核心服务,如同 :ref:`get_started_conceptual_architecture`所示。它接受磁盘镜像或服务器镜像API请求,和来自终端用户或OpenStack计算组件的元数据定义。它也支持包括OpenStack对象存储在内的多种类型仓库上的磁盘镜像或服务器镜像存储。
大量周期性进程运行于OpenStack镜像服务上以支持缓存。同步复制(Replication)服务保证集群中的一致性和可用性。其它周期性进程包括auditors, updaters, 和 reapers。
glance-registry是私有内部服务,用于服务OpenStack Image服务。不要向用户暴露该服务
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