Current Series Release Notes


New Features

  • Extend the attach_vif and attach_vif_to_node methods of the baremetal proxy to to accept optional parameters for VIF port UUID and VIF portgroup UUID.


New Features

  • Adds support for querying a bare-metal node’s firmware as per functionality introduced in API 1.86.


New Features

  • Add functionality to list DNS resources for a certain project only, or for all projects, using the new project_id and all_projects parameters.

  • Add support for service providers to the identity service.

  • Add support for deleting all objects inside a namespace.

  • Added get and update to Quota Class Set to file system as a service.

  • The Server.clear_password and equivalent clear_server_password proxy method have been added.

  • The following new compute proxy methods have been added:

    • add_tag_to_server

    • remove_tag_from_server

    • remove_tags_from_server

  • Added support for managing volume image metadata.

  • can now be filtered by its associations to networks, routers and ports. Additionally, filtering for the attributes `name, project_id, local_pref, vni and type is now done on server-side.

  • Add support for inherited_to filter for listing identity role assignments in the cloud layer. This allows filtering by whether role grants are inheritable to sub-projects.

  • Add Tap Mirror and introduce the support for creating, reading, updating and deleting tap_mirrors.

Deprecation Notes

  • Deprecate os-inherit-extension-inherited-to in favor of inherited_to filter for listing identity role_assignments in the cloud layer.


New Features