Victoria Series Release Notes


Security Issues

  • This patch ensures that we mask sensitive data when masking password, even if double quotes are used as password value.


Bug Fixes

  • Fix regex used to mask password. The strutils.mask_password function will now correctly handle passwords that contain single or double quotes. Previously, only the characters before the quote were masked.


New Features

  • New method is_json is_yaml added in fileutils. These can be used to check if file is JSON or YAML formatted.


New Features

  • New method netutils.get_mac_addr_by_ipv6(ipv6, dialect) extracts the MAC address from IPv6 addresses generated from MACs.


Bug Fixes

  • qemu 4.1.0 output shifts to scientific notation at 1000mb, breaking oslo.utils. QemuImgInfo is now fixed to support this notation.


Upgrade Notes

  • Support for Python 2.7 has been dropped. The minimum version of Python now supported is Python 3.6.


Security Issues

  • This patch ensures that we mask sensitive data when masking dicts, even if the case doesn’t match. This means the behaviour of mask_password and mask_dict_password is now the same.

  • Additional password names were included from real world logs that contained sensitive information.


Other Notes

  • Introduce reno for deployer release notes.


Bug Fixes

  • Expanded range of allowed ports by adding 0 to valid number.