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 Firewall-as-a-Service driver

Use the following options in the fwaas_driver.ini file for the FWaaS driver.

Table 10.62. Description of Firewall-as-a-Service configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
enabled = False (BoolOpt) Enable FWaaS

Table 10.63. Description of FWaaS NGFW plug-in configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
smc_api_auth_key = (StrOpt) Authentication key to SMC API
smc_api_version = (StrOpt) verion of SMC API
smc_url = (StrOpt) URL to contact SMC server

Table 10.64. Description of FWaaS vArmour plug-in configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
director = localhost (StrOpt) vArmour director ip
director_port = 443 (StrOpt) vArmour director port
password = varmour (StrOpt) vArmour director password
username = varmour (StrOpt) vArmour director username

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