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 Modular Layer 2 (ml2) OpenDaylight Mechanism configuration options

Use of VLANs with the OpenDaylight mechanism driver requires OpenDaylight Helium or newer to be installed.

Table 10.30. Description of ML2 OpenDaylight mechanism driver configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
backdoor_port = None (StrOpt) Enable eventlet backdoor. Acceptable values are 0, <port>, and <start>:<end>, where 0 results in listening on a random tcp port number; <port> results in listening on the specified port number (and not enabling backdoor if that port is in use); and <start>:<end> results in listening on the smallest unused port number within the specified range of port numbers. The chosen port is displayed in the service's log file.
policy_default_rule = default (StrOpt) Default rule. Enforced when a requested rule is not found.
policy_dirs = ['policy.d'] (MultiStrOpt) Directories where policy configuration files are stored. They can be relative to any directory in the search path defined by the config_dir option, or absolute paths. The file defined by policy_file must exist for these directories to be searched. Missing or empty directories are ignored.
policy_file = policy.json (StrOpt) The JSON file that defines policies.
run_external_periodic_tasks = True (BoolOpt) Some periodic tasks can be run in a separate process. Should we run them here?
password = None (StrOpt) HTTP password for authentication
session_timeout = 30 (IntOpt) Tomcat session timeout in minutes.
timeout = 10 (IntOpt) HTTP timeout in seconds.
url = None (StrOpt) HTTP URL of OpenDaylight REST interface.
username = None (StrOpt) HTTP username for authentication

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