Network commands

Network commands


The Fuel command-line interface has been updated. Although old fuel commands are still available, we recommend that you use the new fuel2 commands instead. See the Fuel CLI commands comparison matrix.

You can manage network configurations using the following command:

fuel --env <ENV_ID> network <action> --dir <PATH>
Value Description
<ENV_ID> ID of an OpenStack environment
<PATH> Path to directory
<action> Action that will be performed for the network configuration.

The following table describes network management commands available in the Fuel CLI.

Network management commands
Command Description Example
fuel --env <ENV_ID> network --download --dir <PATH> Download network configuration for a specific environment.

Download network configuration for the environment with ID 1 to the current directory:

fuel --env 1 network --download
fuel --env <ENV_ID> network --upload --dir <PATH> Upload network configuration for a specific environment.

Upload network configuration for the environment with ID 1 from the current directory:

fuel --env 1 network --upload


The fuel network command can update configuration of all networks in an OpenStack environment, as well as corresponding Neutron parameters. However, you must update the related VIPs and network templates separately using the corresponding Fuel CLI commands.

fuel --env <ENV_ID> network --verify --dir <PATH> Verify network configuration. Verification does not work for multiple cluster networks, when an environment has more than one node group.

Verify network configuration of the OpenStack environment with ID 1 from the current directory:

fuel --env 1 network --verify

To view interaction with the Nailgun API, run the corresponding command with the --debug option.


fuel --env <ENV_ID> network --download --dir <PATH> --debug
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