Current Series Release Notes


New Features

  • Fixed the OS::Heat::UpdateWaitConditionHandle resource type, which caused stack update to fail consistently.

Upgrade Notes

  • Python 3.8 support was dropped. The minimum version of Python now supported is Python 3.9.

  • Integration with sahara has been removed because the sahara project has been retired. Because of the removal, the following resource types are no longer supported and now hidden.

    • OS::Senlin::Cluster

    • OS::Senlin::Node

    • OS::Senlin::Policy

    • OS::Senlin::Profile

    • OS::Senlin::Receiver

    Also, the options in [clients_sahara] section have been removed.

  • Default value of the [DEFAULT] hidden_stack_tags option has been updated and now stacks with the data-processing-cluster tag is not hidden by default.

  • Integration with senlin has been removed because the senlin project has been retired. Because of the removal, the following resource types are no longer supported and now hidden.

    • OS::Senlin::Cluster

    • OS::Senlin::Node

    • OS::Senlin::Policy

    • OS::Senlin::Profile

    • OS::Senlin::Receiver

    Also, the options in [clients_senlin] section have been removed.


New Features

  • Add OS::Aodh::PrometheusAlarm resource to enable autoscaling with Prometheus instead of Gnocchi.

  • Heat now supports limiting number of software configs, software deployments, stack snapshots which users can create, by the following config options. These limits are not enforced for users with admin role.

    • [DEFAULT] max_software_configis_per_tenant

    • [DEFAULT] max_software_deployments_per_tenant

    • [DEFAULT] max_snapshots_per_stack

Upgrade Notes

  • The heat-manage migrate_properties_data command is deprecated and is now a no-op. It will be removed in a future release.

  • Now heat enables the API policies (RBAC) new defaults and scope by default. The default value of config options [oslo_policy] enforce_scope and [oslo_policy] enforce_new_defaults have been changed from False to True.

  • The OS::Glance::Image type is now hidden.

  • Now the following limits are enforced by default, unless a request user has admin role.

    • Maximum number of software configs per project is 4096

    • Maximum number of software deployments per project is 4096

    • Maximum number of stack snapshots per tenant is 32

    Set the following options in case the limits should be increased. Limits can be disabled by setting -1 to these options.

    • [DEFAULT] max_software_configis_per_tenant

    • [DEFAULT] max_software_deployments_per_tenant

    • [DEFAULT] max_snapshots_per_stack

  • The [DEFAULT] onready option has been removed. This option has had no effect.

Deprecation Notes

  • The following resources have been deprecated, because monasca, sahara and senlin were marked inactive and will not get deliverables for the 2024.1 release. These resources will be removed in 23.0.0 release.

    • OS::Monasca::*

    • OS::Sahara::*

    • OS::Senlin::*


New Features

  • Heat policies have been modified to isolate the system and project level APIs policy. Because of this change, system users will not be allowed to perform any operations on project level resources.

Upgrade Notes

  • The following resources types are now hidden. Neutron LBaaS v2 was already retired thus these resource types can no longer be used.

    • OS::Neutron::LBaaS::LoadBalancer

    • OS::Neutron::LBaaS::Listener

    • OS::Neutron::LBaaS::Pool

    • OS::Neutron::LBaaS::PoolMember

    • OS::Neutron::LBaaS::HealthMonitor

    • OS::Neutron::LBaaS::L7Policy

    • OS::Neutron::LBaaS::L7Rule

  • The database migration engine has changed from sqlalchemy-migrate to alembic. For most deployments, this should have minimal to no impact and the switch should be mostly transparent. The main user-facing impact is the change in schema versioning. While sqlalchemy-migrate used a linear, integer-based versioning scheme, which required placeholder migrations to allow for potential migration backports, alembic uses a distributed version control-like schema where a migration’s ancestor is encoded in the file and branches are possible. The alembic migration files therefore use a arbitrary UUID-like naming scheme and the heat-manage db_sync command now expects such an version when manually specifying the version that should be applied. For example:

    $ heat-manage db_sync c6214ca60943

    Attempting to specify an sqlalchemy-migrate-based version will result in an error.

Bug Fixes

  • Honor hidden parameter in get stack environment API. Now values passed to hidden parameters are replaced by ‘**’, similarly to the other APIs such as show stack details API.