Pike Series Release Notes



This update contains bug fixes for the interoperable image import functionality introduced into Glance as an EXPERIMENTAL API during the Pike cycle.

Bug Fixes

  • The following bug fixes are included in this release:

    • Bug 1711090: stage call fails with TypeError

    • Bug 1711259: Fix image-import call

    • Bug 1711511: image-create-via-import fails with ValueError



This was a quiet development cycle for the python-glanceclient. There were several improvements made in the testing code, and the documentation was reorganized in accord with the new standard layout for OpenStack projects. The main feature in this release is the addition of support for the new image import functionality introduced into Glance during this cycle.

New Features

  • Client support has been added for the new image import functionality introduced into Glance in this cycle. This is a feature of the Images API version 2 only, and it is disabled by default in Glance. The following commands have been added to the command line interface:

    • import-info - gets information about the import configuration of the target Glance

    • image-stage - uploads image data to the staging area

    • image-import - initiates the import process for a previously created image record whose image data is currently in the staging area

    • image-create-via-import - this is an EXPERIMENTAL command that compresses the three-step import process of the Images API version 2 into a single call from the command line, just as the current client image-create command compresses a two-step process into one step. It is EXPERIMENTAL because the name of the command may change or it may be removed entirely in future releases. The intent is that as Glance image import is adopted by deployers, this command may be renamed to image-create as it behaves exactly the same from the user’s point of view. It is included in this release so that the Glance team can get feedback from deployers and end users.

Bug Fixes

  • The following are some highlights of the bug fixes included in this release.

    • Bug 1659010: Help text inaccurate for container_format, disk_format

    • Bug 1570766: Fix ‘UnicodeEncodeError’ for unicode values in url

    • Bug 1583919: –no-ssl-compression is deprecated

Other Notes

  • The deprecated --no-ssl-compression option to the python-glanceclient command line interface has been removed. The option has been inoperative since the Liberty release.

  • An optimization was added in the case where an image download is requested from the command line interface without specifying either a filename destination for the data or output redirection. The optimization properly delays opening a connection to the server until after the CLI has verified that the user has specified a location for the downloaded data. In the pre-optimized code, if a user did not have permission to download the requested image or if the image had no data associated with it, the CLI would fail with an appropriate message when the client attempted to create the connection but before it had determined that there was no place to put the data. With this optimization, a user will not be able to “probe” the server to see whether image data is available without specifying either the --file option or command line redirection.

  • The argument to the --profile option of the command line interface may now be specified by setting the value of the OS_PROFILE environment variable.