Zed Series Release Notes


New Features

  • Exposes switch_mgmt_addresses and switch_system_description in interface details.


New Features

  • Adds support for retrieving unprocessed introspection data via the new processed boolean argument to get_data, as well as the new --unprocessed CLI flag.

Bug Fixes

  • Provides a clear error message when trying to access an ironic URL with ironic-inspector-client.


Upgrade Notes

  • The dependency on oslo.i18n is now optional. If you would like messages from ironic-inspector-client to be translated, you need to install it explicitly.


Upgrade Notes

  • Python 2.7 support has been dropped. Last release of python-ironic-inspector-client to support Python 2.7 is OpenStack Train. The minimum version of Python now supported by python-ironic-inspector-client is Python 3.6.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes regression in 3.6.0 that caused the deprecated uuid argument to various calls to stop working.


Deprecation Notes

  • Parameter uuid is deprecated in ClientV1 and will be removed in future releases, please use node_id instead.


New Features

  • Adds --check-errors flag to verify if any error occurred when waiting for the introspection to finish for the selected nodes. If any error occurs no output is displayed and the exit status for the command is different from 0 (success). The --check-errors option can only be used with --wait.


New Features

  • Supports importing introspection rules from YAML files (in addition to already supported JSON format).


New Features

  • Adds Python library support for passing manage_boot to the introspection API.

Bug Fixes

  • The error message returned when running the openstack baremetal introspection interface show command with an interface not associated with the node has been fixed. It now indicates that the interface was invalid.


Upgrade Notes

  • Experimental setting IPMI credentials feature was removed.

  • Support for passing auth_token to ClientV1 was removed. Please create a keystoneauth session and pass it via the session argument instead. If no session is passed, a new session without authentication is created.

  • There is no longer a default introspection API endpoint. Previously, if no endpoint was requested and no endpoint found in the service catalog, was used by default.

  • The deprecated module ironic_inspector_client.client was removed, please use ironic_inspector_client.ClientV1 instead.

Other Notes

  • The ClientV1 constructor now raises a new EndpointNotFound exception when no introspection API endpoint can be detected. Previously this condition was ignored and was used as a fallback.

  • The tox func environment has been renamed to functional.


Upgrade Notes

  • The python-openstackclient package is no longer a requirement for python-ironic-inspector-client to be installed. If you wish to use the ironic-inspector cli, you should install python-openstackclient manually or use setuptools “extra” option to install both packages automatically:

    pip install python-ironic-inspector-client[cli]


New Features

  • Add introspection interface list and introspection interface show commands to display stored introspection data for the node including attached switch port information. In order to get switch data, LLDP data collection must be enabled by the kernel parameter ipa-collect-lldp=1 and the inspector plugin basic_lldp must be enabled.


New Features

  • the introspection status returns the error, finished, finished_at, links, started_at and uuid fields

  • Add support for listing introspection statuses both for the API and the CLI

Upgrade Notes

  • Service max API version bumped to 1.8

Deprecation Notes


Deprecation Notes

  • The following functions are deprecated in favor of ClientV1 methods:

    • ironic_inspector_client.introspect

    • ironic_inspector_client.get_status

    • ironic_inspector_client.server_api_versions


Upgrade Notes

  • osc-lib is a package of common support modules for writing OSC plugins. So use osc-lib instead of OpenStackClient.

  • command openstack baremetal introspection rule import prints created rules to stdout.

Other Notes

  • Bumped supported API version to 1.6.


New Features

  • Introduced command “openstack baremetal introspection reprocess <UUID>” to reprocess stored introspection data

Other Notes

  • Bumped supported API version to 1.5.


New Features

  • Introduced command “openstack baremetal introspection abort <UUID>” to abort running introspection for a node.

  • Introspection command got –wait flag to wait for introspection finish.

  • Python API now supports Keystone sessions instead of only authentication token.

  • Inspector service URL can now be fetched from the service catalog.

Upgrade Notes

  • When setting IPMI credentials is requested, the introspection commands prints a notice to stdout. This was not desired, and it is not printed to stderr instead.

Deprecation Notes

  • Passing auth_token directly to the client object constructor is deprecated, please pass session instead.

  • Using default service URL of locahost:5050 is deprecated now. Either use the service catalog or provide an explicit URL.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed MAX_API_VERSION incorrectly set to (1, 0) while API 1.2 is actually fully supported.


New Features

  • Added “introspection data save” command to retrieve stored introspection data for the node.


New Features

  • Add client.get_data() call for getting stored introspection data.

  • Allow multiple UUID’s in the ‘introspection start’ CLI command.