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 New, updated and deprecated options in Juno for Orchestration

Table 10.33. New options
Option = default value (Type) Help string
[DEFAULT] action_retry_limit = 5 (IntOpt) Number of times to retry to bring a resource to a non-error state. Set to 0 to disable retries.
[DEFAULT] cloud_backend = heat.engine.clients.OpenStackClients (StrOpt) Fully qualified class name to use as a client backend.
[DEFAULT] enable_cloud_watch_lite = True (BoolOpt) Enable the legacy OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm resource.
[DEFAULT] enable_stack_abandon = False (BoolOpt) Enable the preview Stack Abandon feature.
[DEFAULT] enable_stack_adopt = False (BoolOpt) Enable the preview Stack Adopt feature.
[DEFAULT] kombu_reconnect_delay = 1.0 (FloatOpt) How long to wait before reconnecting in response to an AMQP consumer cancel notification.
[DEFAULT] loadbalancer_template = None (StrOpt) Custom template for the built-in loadbalancer nested stack.
[DEFAULT] num_engine_workers = 1 (IntOpt) Number of heat-engine processes to fork and run.
[DEFAULT] qpid_receiver_capacity = 1 (IntOpt) The number of prefetched messages held by receiver.
[DEFAULT] rabbit_login_method = AMQPLAIN (StrOpt) the RabbitMQ login method
[DEFAULT] stack_user_domain_id = None (StrOpt) Keystone domain ID which contains heat template-defined users. If this option is set, stack_user_domain_name option will be ignored.
[DEFAULT] stack_user_domain_name = None (StrOpt) Keystone domain name which contains heat template-defined users. If `stack_user_domain_id` option is set, this option is ignored.
[DEFAULT] transport_url = None (StrOpt) A URL representing the messaging driver to use and its full configuration. If not set, we fall back to the rpc_backend option and driver specific configuration.
[DEFAULT] use_syslog_rfc_format = False (BoolOpt) (Optional) Enables or disables syslog rfc5424 format for logging. If enabled, prefixes the MSG part of the syslog message with APP-NAME (RFC5424). The format without the APP-NAME is deprecated in I, and will be removed in J.
[clients_cinder] http_log_debug = False (BoolOpt) Allow client's debug log output.
[clients_glance] ca_file = None (StrOpt) Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections.
[clients_glance] cert_file = None (StrOpt) Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file.
[clients_glance] endpoint_type = publicURL (StrOpt) Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for communication with the OpenStack service.
[clients_glance] insecure = False (BoolOpt) If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified.
[clients_glance] key_file = None (StrOpt) Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key.
[clients_nova] http_log_debug = False (BoolOpt) Allow client's debug log output.
[database] db_inc_retry_interval = True (BoolOpt) If True, increases the interval between database connection retries up to db_max_retry_interval.
[database] db_max_retries = 20 (IntOpt) Maximum database connection retries before error is raised. Set to -1 to specify an infinite retry count.
[database] db_max_retry_interval = 10 (IntOpt) If db_inc_retry_interval is set, the maximum seconds between database connection retries.
[database] db_retry_interval = 1 (IntOpt) Seconds between database connection retries.
[database] mysql_sql_mode = TRADITIONAL (StrOpt) The SQL mode to be used for MySQL sessions. This option, including the default, overrides any server-set SQL mode. To use whatever SQL mode is set by the server configuration, set this to no value. Example: mysql_sql_mode=
[database] sqlite_db = oslo.sqlite (StrOpt) The file name to use with SQLite.
[database] sqlite_synchronous = True (BoolOpt) If True, SQLite uses synchronous mode.
[database] use_db_reconnect = False (BoolOpt) Enable the experimental use of database reconnect on connection lost.
[keystone_authtoken] check_revocations_for_cached = False (BoolOpt) If true, the revocation list will be checked for cached tokens. This requires that PKI tokens are configured on the Keystone server.
[keystone_authtoken] hash_algorithms = md5 (ListOpt) Hash algorithms to use for hashing PKI tokens. This may be a single algorithm or multiple. The algorithms are those supported by Python standard The hashes will be tried in the order given, so put the preferred one first for performance. The result of the first hash will be stored in the cache. This will typically be set to multiple values only while migrating from a less secure algorithm to a more secure one. Once all the old tokens are expired this option should be set to a single value for better performance.
[keystone_authtoken] identity_uri = None (StrOpt) Complete admin Identity API endpoint. This should specify the unversioned root endpoint e.g. https://localhost:35357/
Table 10.34. New default values
Option Previous default value New default value
[DEFAULT] control_exchange heat openstack
[DEFAULT] default_log_levels amqp=WARN, amqplib=WARN, boto=WARN, qpid=WARN, sqlalchemy=WARN, suds=INFO, iso8601=WARN amqp=WARN, amqplib=WARN, boto=WARN, qpid=WARN, sqlalchemy=WARN, suds=INFO, oslo.messaging=INFO, iso8601=WARN, requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN
[DEFAULT] list_notifier_drivers ['heat.openstack.common.notifier.no_op_notifier'] None
[DEFAULT] rpc_zmq_matchmaker heat.openstack.common.rpc.matchmaker.MatchMakerLocalhost oslo.messaging._drivers.matchmaker.MatchMakerLocalhost
[database] connection sqlite:////usr/lib/python/site-packages/heat/heat/openstack/common/db/$sqlite_db None
[database] slave_connection None
[keystone_authtoken] revocation_cache_time 300 10
Table 10.35. Deprecated options
Deprecated option New Option
[DEFAULT] db_backend [database] backend
[DEFAULT] stack_user_domain [DEFAULT] stack_user_domain_id
[rpc_notifier2] topics [DEFAULT] notification_topics
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