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 New, updated and deprecated options in Juno for OpenStack Object Storage

Table 9.82. New options
Option = default value (Type) Help string
account-server.conf: [DEFAULT] log_max_line_length = 0 (StrOpt) Caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if set to 0, the default.
account-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] dump_interval = 5.0 (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
account-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] dump_timestamp = false (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
account-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] flush_at_shutdown = false (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
account-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] log_filename_prefix = /tmp/log/swift/profile/default.profile (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
account-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] path = /__profile__ (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
account-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] profile_module = (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
account-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] unwind = false (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
account-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] use = egg:swift#xprofile (StrOpt) Entry point of paste.deploy in the server
container-reconciler.conf: [DEFAULT] log_address = /dev/log (StrOpt) Location where syslog sends the logs to
container-reconciler.conf: [DEFAULT] log_custom_handlers = (StrOpt) Comma-separated list of functions to call to setup custom log handlers.
container-reconciler.conf: [DEFAULT] log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0 (StrOpt) Syslog log facility
container-reconciler.conf: [DEFAULT] log_level = INFO (StrOpt) Logging level
container-reconciler.conf: [DEFAULT] log_name = swift (StrOpt) Label used when logging
container-reconciler.conf: [DEFAULT] log_statsd_default_sample_rate = 1.0 (StrOpt) Defines the probability of sending a sample for any given event or timing measurement.
container-reconciler.conf: [DEFAULT] log_statsd_host = localhost (StrOpt) If not set, the StatsD feature is disabled.
container-reconciler.conf: [DEFAULT] log_statsd_metric_prefix = (StrOpt) Value will be prepended to every metric sent to the StatsD server.
container-reconciler.conf: [DEFAULT] log_statsd_port = 8125 (StrOpt) Port value for the StatsD server.
container-reconciler.conf: [DEFAULT] log_statsd_sample_rate_factor = 1.0 (StrOpt) Not recommended to set this to a value less than 1.0, if frequency of logging is too high, tune the log_statsd_default_sample_rate instead.
container-reconciler.conf: [DEFAULT] log_udp_host = (StrOpt) If not set, the UDP receiver for syslog is disabled.
container-reconciler.conf: [DEFAULT] log_udp_port = 514 (StrOpt) Port value for UDP receiver, if enabled.
container-reconciler.conf: [DEFAULT] swift_dir = /etc/swift (StrOpt) Swift configuration directory
container-reconciler.conf: [DEFAULT] user = swift (StrOpt) User to run as
container-reconciler.conf: [app-proxy-server] use = egg:swift#proxy (StrOpt) Entry point of paste.deploy in the server
container-reconciler.conf: [container-reconciler] interval = 30 (StrOpt) Minimum time for a pass to take
container-reconciler.conf: [container-reconciler] reclaim_age = 604800 (StrOpt) Time elapsed in seconds before an object can be reclaimed
container-reconciler.conf: [container-reconciler] request_tries = 3 (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
container-reconciler.conf: [filter-cache] use = egg:swift#memcache (StrOpt) Entry point of paste.deploy in the server
container-reconciler.conf: [filter-catch_errors] use = egg:swift#catch_errors (StrOpt) Entry point of paste.deploy in the server
container-reconciler.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] use = egg:swift#proxy_logging (StrOpt) Entry point of paste.deploy in the server
container-reconciler.conf: [pipeline-main] pipeline = catch_errors proxy-logging cache proxy-server (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
container-server.conf: [DEFAULT] log_max_line_length = 0 (StrOpt) Caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if set to 0, the default.
container-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] dump_interval = 5.0 (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
container-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] dump_timestamp = false (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
container-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] flush_at_shutdown = false (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
container-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] log_filename_prefix = /tmp/log/swift/profile/default.profile (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
container-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] path = /__profile__ (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
container-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] profile_module = (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
container-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] unwind = false (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
container-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] use = egg:swift#xprofile (StrOpt) Entry point of paste.deploy in the server
drive-audit.conf: [drive-audit] log_max_line_length = 0 (StrOpt) Caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if set to 0, the default.
object-expirer.conf: [DEFAULT] log_max_line_length = 0 (StrOpt) Caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if set to 0, the default.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] access_log_address = /dev/log (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] access_log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0 (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] access_log_headers = false (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] access_log_headers_only = (StrOpt) If access_log_headers is True and access_log_headers_only is set only these headers are logged. Multiple headers can be defined as comma separated list like this: access_log_headers_only = Host, X-Object-Meta-Mtime
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] access_log_level = INFO (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] access_log_name = swift (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] access_log_statsd_default_sample_rate = 1.0 (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] access_log_statsd_host = localhost (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] access_log_statsd_metric_prefix = (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] access_log_statsd_port = 8125 (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] access_log_statsd_sample_rate_factor = 1.0 (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] access_log_udp_host = (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] access_log_udp_port = 514 (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] log_statsd_valid_http_methods = GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,DELETE,COPY,OPTIONS (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] logged with access_log_headers = True. (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] reveal_sensitive_prefix = 16 (StrOpt) The X-Auth-Token is sensitive data. If revealed to an unauthorised person, they can now make requests against an account until the token expires. Set reveal_sensitive_prefix to the number of characters of the token that are logged. For example reveal_sensitive_prefix = 12 so only first 12 characters of the token are logged. Or, set to 0 to completely remove the token.
object-expirer.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] use = egg:swift#proxy_logging (StrOpt) Entry point of paste.deploy in the server
object-expirer.conf: [object-expirer] reclaim_age = 604800 (StrOpt) Time elapsed in seconds before an object can be reclaimed
object-expirer.conf: [object-expirer] recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift (StrOpt) Directory where stats for a few items will be stored
object-server.conf: [DEFAULT] log_max_line_length = 0 (StrOpt) Caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if set to 0, the default.
object-server.conf: [app-object-server] splice = no (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] dump_interval = 5.0 (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] dump_timestamp = false (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] flush_at_shutdown = false (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] log_filename_prefix = /tmp/log/swift/profile/default.profile (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] path = /__profile__ (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] profile_module = (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] unwind = false (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
object-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] use = egg:swift#xprofile (StrOpt) Entry point of paste.deploy in the server
object-server.conf: [object-auditor] concurrency = 1 (StrOpt) Number of replication workers to spawn
object-server.conf: [object-auditor] disk_chunk_size = 65536 (StrOpt) Size of chunks to read/write to disk
proxy-server.conf: [DEFAULT] log_max_line_length = 0 (StrOpt) Caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if set to 0, the default.
proxy-server.conf: [DEFAULT] strict_cors_mode = True (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
proxy-server.conf: [filter-container_sync] current = //REALM/CLUSTER (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
proxy-server.conf: [filter-keystoneauth] allow_names_in_acls = true (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
proxy-server.conf: [filter-keystoneauth] default_domain_id = default (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
proxy-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] dump_interval = 5.0 (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
proxy-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] dump_timestamp = false (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
proxy-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] flush_at_shutdown = false (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
proxy-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] log_filename_prefix = /tmp/log/swift/profile/default.profile (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
proxy-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] path = /__profile__ (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
proxy-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] profile_module = (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
proxy-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] unwind = false (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
proxy-server.conf: [filter-xprofile] use = egg:swift#xprofile (StrOpt) Entry point of paste.deploy in the server
swift.conf: [storage-policy-0] default = yes (StrOpt) 0 means to not use a per-disk thread pool. It is recommended to keep this value small, as large values can result in high read latencies due to large queue depths. A good starting point is 4 threads per disk.
swift.conf: [storage-policy-0] name = Policy-0 (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
swift.conf: [storage-policy-1] name = silver (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
Table 9.83. New default values
Option Previous default value New default value
dispersion.conf: [dispersion] auth_version 2.0 1.0
drive-audit.conf: [drive-audit] log_file_pattern /var/log/kern* /var/log/kern.*[!.][!g][!z]
object-expirer.conf: [pipeline-main] pipeline catch_errors cache proxy-server catch_errors proxy-logging cache proxy-server
proxy-server.conf: [DEFAULT] bind_port 80 8080
proxy-server.conf: [DEFAULT] disallowed_sections container_quotas, tempurl container_quotas, tempurl, bulk_delete.max_failed_deletes
proxy-server.conf: [app-proxy-server] client_chunk_size 8192 65536
proxy-server.conf: [app-proxy-server] object_chunk_size 8192 65536
proxy-server.conf: [filter-proxy-logging] reveal_sensitive_prefix 8192 16
proxy-server.conf: [filter-tempurl] methods GET HEAD PUT GET HEAD PUT POST DELETE
proxy-server.conf: [pipeline-main] pipeline catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache container_sync bulk tempurl slo dlo ratelimit tempauth container-quotas account-quotas proxy-logging proxy-server catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache container_sync bulk tempurl ratelimit tempauth container-quotas account-quotas slo dlo proxy-logging proxy-server
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