Current Series Release Notes


New Features

  • Added driver for VastData filesystem.

Upgrade Notes

  • The service now requires a user’s “scope” to be defined with the OpenStack Identity service (Keystone) by the virtue of default Role Based Access Control (RBAC). This is being done in addition to changing the RBAC rules for GET requests to permit users possessing the “reader” role. The Default value of config options [oslo_policy] enforce_scope and [oslo_policy] oslo_policy.enforce_new_defaults has now changed to True. This means that, if you are using system scoped tokens to access Manila’s API, requests will fail with HTTP 403. Users must obtain a project scoped token to interact with the Manila API. You may also provide users with “reader” role where appropriate if they intend to make read-only API requests to Manila. If you would like to disable these changes, modify manila.conf file to set:


    However, be aware that you may not be able to disable these options in the future. Please see OpenStack’s Consistent and Secure Default RBAC goal for more details

Bug Fixes

  • -| Launchpad bug 1867030 has been fixed for delete share.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed share network subnets to be deleted when they were still related to a share group. An exception will now be raised when Manila identify such existing relationship. For more details, please refer to Launchpad Bug 2004212.

  • Launchpad bug 2023754 has been fixed for “next links” broken for limited share replicas api.

  • In case of NetApp ONTAP driver, when snpashots are soft deleted (i.e. they are renamed if delete fails) sometime we face issue in during rename. This is due to busy snapshots. To overcome this, Manila will stop clone split, perform rename and start clone split again. For more details, please refer to launchpad bug 2025641

  • NetApp driver bug #2058027: Fix the issue for NetApp driver for backup feature. Backup status update used to fail when administrator misconfigured backup settings configuration or SnapMirror relationship created during backup creation was not in healthy state.

  • NetApp driver bug #2058642: Fix the backup delete issue for NetApp driver when source and destination vserver are same. Added the logic in resource cleanup part to delete the vserver peering when source and destination vserver are not same.

  • NetApp driver bug #2059399: Fix the backup restore issue for NetApp driver for REST client. Backup restore is failing across the ONTAP cluster for REST client. Added the logic to use to destination vserver client for REST client to restore the backup and modify the restore lib for cmode REST client accordingly.

  • PowerFlex Driver bug #2066840: The default port value of 443 has been added for the PowerFlex NAS backend.

  • Share server deletion happens asynchronously and failure during this delete results in leakage of neutron ports. This is fixed in two steps, first by trying to delete ports before share server deletion. Second, after ports from Manila db entries are deleted, query is made to neutron to get ports which are allocated for share server and missing in db. And then try to delete those ports. For more details please check Launchpad bug 2067266

  • Share and snapshot in deferred deletion states will be hidden from non-admin user in show API along-with existing list API. For more details, please check Launchpad bug 2067456

  • NetApp driver bug #2069125: Fixed the issue for the NetApp ONTAP driver in the ZAPI workflow, where certain vserver accounts failed to add access rules for a share when the vserver network interface was not configured with kerberos.

  • NetApp ONTAP driver will now retry the sis operation (e.g. dedupe) if sis operation is currently active. This is needed because NetApp turns on efficiency (by default) on latest hardware which causes conflicting sis operation when Manila tries to turn it off. For more details, please check Launchpad bug #2071359

  • The periodic database queries made by the share manager service to process deferred deletion of shares has been fixed to consider the host in addition to the share’s state. This both improves performance of the periodic task, as well as fixes incorrect behavior where incorrect shares are retrieved by the query.