Xena Series Release Notes


New Features

  • The ironic::conductor class now supports the following two new parameters.

    • heartbeat_interval

    • heartbeat_timeout

  • The new ironic::disk_utils class has been added.

  • The new ironic::pxe::tftp_use_xinetd parameter has been added. When this parameter is set to false, the ironic-dnsmasq-tftp-server service, which actually manages a dnsmasq process, is used instead of xinetd, to implement TFTP server. Note that the dnsmasq service is currently available only in RDO.

  • The pxe parameter uefi_pxe_bootfile_name is now managed by puppet, keeping the ironic default of bootx64.efi.

    The shim EFI binary is copied to the TFTP root directory, to a file named the value of uefi_pxe_bootfile_name. The grub EFI binary is copied to the TFTP root directory to a file named grubx64.efi.

    With these changes, using the pxe boot driver with UEFI boot will result in a grub network boot which is Secure Boot capable.

Bug Fixes

  • Now the ironic::pxe class properly installs the pxelinux.0 file using the separate pxelinux package in Debian and Ubuntu. The new pxelinux_file_path parameter can be used to determine the source path to locate the file. When this parameter is set to false then the class does not manage the file.

  • The wrong source directory to copy syslinux files in Debiand or Ubuntu has been fixed.

  • Fixed an issue where dnsmasq DHCP configuration for ironic- inspector would point to the wrong UEFI iPXE bootfile. See bug: 1952652.

  • Now the tftpd-hap package is installed insted of the tftpd package in Debian and Ubuntu.


New Features

  • The new ironic::logging::watch_log_file parameter has been added. The new ironic::inspector::logging::watch_log_file parameter has been added.

  • It is now possible to disable sequential ip addressing in the ironic inspector dnsmasq service. The ironic::inspector class has the new parameter dnsmasq_dhcp_sequential_ip (defaults to: true). Set it to false to disable sequential ip addressing.

  • The new ironic::inspector::healthcheck class has been added.

  • Adds new purge_config parameter. When set to true, the policy file is cleared during configuration process. This allows to remove any existing rules before applying them or clean the file when all policies got removed.

Deprecation Notes

  • The ironic::drivers::pxe::pxe_append_params parameter has been deprecated in favor of the new kernel_append_params parameter.