2024.2 Series Release Notes


New Features

  • Users with the administrator role can configure the datastore registry external for each datastore version using a command, without editing configuration files.

  • Enable network_isolation by Default. This option has no impact on existing Trove instances. For more information, Please refer to the document network_isolation.

  • Support Alembic database migration tool.

Upgrade Notes

  • Trove has removed support for SQLAlchemy-Migrate. If users are upgrading from a version prior to “Wallaby,” they need to first upgrade to a version between “Wallaby” and “Bobocat” using SQLAlchemy-Migrate to complete the database schema migration, and then use trove-manage to upgrade to the latest version.

Deprecation Notes

  • The [DEFAULT] admin_roles option has been deprecated in favor of the new context_is_admin policy rule.

Bug Fixes

  • Rebuild of postgresql database instances is now supported. Older postgresql instances can be rebuilt as long as the target guest image is built from this release or later.