OpenStack Project Infrastructure Publications
Previous Publications
LinuxCon Brazil, 2011: Deploying OpenStack on Bare Metal
Ubuntu Developer Summit, Precise, 2011: How OpenStack Integrates Launchpad and Continuous Integration
Ubuntu Developer Summit, Precise, 2011: OpenStack Distributed QA
Jenkins Conference New York, 2012: Scaling OpenStack Development with Git, Gerrit, and Jenkins 2012: Scaling OpenStack Development with Git, Gerrit, and Jenkins
LinuxCon Europe, 2012: OpenStack Continuous Integration Testing with Cloud Servers
LinuxCon Europe, 2012: Scaling an Open Source Community: How we Grew the OpenStack Project
OpenStack Developer Summit, Folsom, 2012: CI and Developer Infrastructure Roadmap for Folsom
PuppetConf, 2012: Collaboratively managing the OpenStack project with Puppet
Bay Area LUG, 2013: Code Review for Systems Administrators 2013: OpenStack Project Continuous Integration 2013: OpenStack and Linux Distros 2013: Trunk Gating with Jenkins, Gerrit, and Zuul
LinuxCon North America, 2013: How OpenStack Improves Code Quality with Project Gating and Zuul
OSCON, 2013: Code Review for Systems Administrators
DORS/CLUC, 2014: Scaling OpenStack Development: Continuous Integration Overview
Gerrit User Summit, 2014: Scaling OpenStack Development: Continuous Integration Overview 2014: Scaling OpenStack Development: Continuous Integration Overview 2014: How OpenStack Improves Code Quality with Project Gating and Zuul
SCaLE12x, 2014: Code Review for Systems Administrators