Note de release pour Mitaka


Corrections de bugs

  • Added zone_name in zone trasfer request response. Closed bug#1580014


Nouvelles fonctionnalités

  • New method of updating Pools. We have a new sub command on the designate-manage utility.

  • Randomize SOA refresh interval to stagger AXFRs across multiple zones and resolvers. Introduce the new configuration parameters default-soa-refresh-min and default-soa-refresh-max

Problèmes connus

  • The fix for minidns’s issues TCP can cause minidns to fail to send some messages. This manifests itself with eventlet not being able to send all the data before socket is closed.

Notes de mises à jours

  • Upgrade from Liberty to Mitaka will require downtime due to migration of Pool Configuration data from config files, to the database. See the Upgrade Documentation for full details.

  • Pool Names are now required to be unique. If there is 2 pools with the same name - this will need to be changed before the upgrade is performed.

  • The default option for the scheduler filters will be attribute, pool_id_attribute, random.

  • To maintain exact matching behaviour (if you have multiple pools) you will need to set the scheduler_filters option in [service:central] to default_pool

Notes dépréciées

  • Create / Update / Delete API methods on /v2/pools/ Using these messages will cause unforseen issues with pools. We highly recommend that the policy file be updated to restrict create / update / delete from all users

  • default-soa-refresh configuration option

Erreurs critiques

  • Previous versions of eventlet changed the behaviour of socket.send() to match socket.sendall(). in eventlet 0.18.0 this changed and it reverted to the traditional behaviour. MiniDNS has been updated to allow minidns to push large zone transfers over long range network connections

Corrections de bugs

  • Designate no longer will attempt to guess content type based on an extension to the URL. So GET /v2/zones.json is no longer an acceptable URL.