Wallaby Series Release Notes


Corrections de bugs

  • Fixed bug 2015762 which could cause managed records to occasionally fail to delete due to a race condition.

  • Fixed an issue in central where « designate manage pool update » may return an error designate.exceptions.MissingProjectID when attempting to create a new pool.


Corrections de bugs

  • Fixed an issue that caused the recordset_records quota to not be enforced.

  • Fixes bug 1934252 which ignored invalid denylist patterns. The fix entailed checking the pattern string via regular expression compiler and testing for zero length.

    Previously you could create blacklist/denylist using string that cannot be used either as a regex or as a zone name, for example: patterns = [“”, '#(*&^%$%$#@$']

    In addition, the server will return a 400 BadRequest response to an invalid pattern.

  • Fixed an issue where new BIND9 pool instances may fail on zone update.

  • Fixed an issue where set-quotas will always return the default quotas if it was called with a non-project scoped token and the all-projects flag was not set.

  • Fixes support for keystone default roles and scoped tokens.

  • Fixed a bug where deleting a zone transfer request may fail when using a system scoped token.


Notes de mises à jours

  • The default value of [oslo_policy] policy_file config option has been changed from policy.json to policy.yaml. Operators who are utilizing customized or previously generated static policy JSON files (which are not needed by default), should generate new policy files or convert them in YAML format. Use the oslopolicy-convert-json-to-yaml tool to convert a JSON to YAML formatted policy file in backward compatible way.

Notes dépréciées

  • Use of JSON policy files was deprecated by the oslo.policy library during the Victoria development cycle. As a result, this deprecation is being noted in the Wallaby cycle with an anticipated future removal of support by oslo.policy. As such operators will need to convert to YAML policy files. Please see the upgrade notes for details on migration of any custom policy files.