Current Series Release Notes


New Features

  • A new field is added to the model query hooks: “rbac_actions”. This field can modify the RBAC entries filter, setting the required RBAC actions for this specific model. This field is implemented initially for the “network” and the “subnet” model, that require an additional RBAC action (“access_as_external”).

Other Notes

  • API resources which do not really have project_id associated with them, because either it belongs to the project to which their parent belongs (QoS rules) or does not belong to any project (flavor and service profile), do not accept project_id nor tenant_id to be sent in the body of the POST or PUT request.

  • MechanismDrivers can now start their own RPC listeners by implementing start_rpc_listeners(). It is preferred to use this method instead of initialize() for this task to support the split between RPC and API workers.


Bug Fixes

  • The subnet:allocation_pools field IPv6 addresses are now converted to their canonical format.