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I18n SIG Chair Guide

This chapter describes tasks for I18n SIG Chair and gives some useful hints. If you want to be I18n SIG Chair or you new in this role, please read carefully. For all other is this chapter informal.


Since I18n team previously followed as a form of official projects, some of the below description may assume detail tasks as PTL responsibility. See Project Team Guide which is a reference for PTLs for more information, and I18n team now follows as a form of working group defined as SIGs (Special Interest Groups).

Cross Project Liaisons

I18n team participates in various cross project liaisons like Release Management, Documentation and Infrastructure tasks. Many other teams are liaisons in I18n. Visit the Cross Project Liaisons Wiki Page and designate a person for the I18n team. Note that such liaison roles do not have to be I18n SIG Chair. Active I18n cores are highly encouraged.

Project Goals And Translation Plan

In the beginning of each cycle it is a good idea to think about goals for the project in the next months and establish a translation plan. Goals are maybe still left from the last cycle and are to be reviewed. New goals are to be defined on PTG or an equivalent event. Orient the team to the OpenStack-wide goals.

The translation plan is announced on Zanata and contains the projects with the highest priority in translation. Usually these are all user-visible projects, like Horizon.

I18n Core Team

The SIG Chair is supported in the work by the I18n core team. The person designates such kind of project team members and reviews the list from time to time. The usual work of the core team is described in the Project Team Guide. Of course, core team member be can also proposed by the project team.

Launchpad I18n Core Team

As with I18n Core Team, the same things apply here. Launchpad I18n Core Team focuses on determining the importance of a translation and/or I18n bug and triaging bug priorities. You can find the member list on Launchpad I18n Core Member list.

Release Management

The work for SIG Chair and Zanata administrator is described in chapter Team activities with release. This covers also questions about string freezes and work with stable branches.

Extra-ACs Deadline

Each cycle has a date set for Extra-ACs, e.g. Queens Cycle. Maintenance on I18n site is described in chapter Project maintenance. All the OpenStack members can propose extra ACs, but I18n SIG Chair is highly encouraged to report the list in each cycle. Here are some useful proposals as example:

This Script in I18n repo collects all users and their activities.

Daily Work

Translation Job Control

Translated strings are automatically synced between translation server and Openstack infrastructure. The procedure is robust, but sometimes something can go wrong. For this reason there is a section Monitoring translation jobs status in the infrastructure chapter.

You can check on Gerrit, if the translated strings are imported by the project teams. Core reviewers in each repository are strong encouraged to approve translation sync patches but do not be sad if the translations are not accepted. Zanata Sync jobs are repeated every day until they are merged.

Open reviews I18n repository

Check from time to time open reviews on I18n repo. In addition to the PTL, the core reviewers are responsible.

Launchpad bugs & blueprints

Translation bugs are tracked on Launchpad. Often only the language teams are able to handle translation bugs, e.g. wrong translation words or senses. PTL fits thereon or designates bug triage liaison.

I18n blueprints are listed also on Launchpad. In normal case a blueprint has an assignee and describes a larger course of a process.

I18n Mailing List Management

In addition to IRC, I18n team communication takes place via a mailing list. The Mailing List Administrator is watching new subscribers, not allowed posts, and all the other things that come with the operation of such a list.