Rocky Series Release Notes


Bug Fixes

  • Restore functionality when using the current release of keystoneauth by using the correct key file arguments (cacert, cert, key).


Bug Fixes

  • Prevent trying to access endpoints with /v1/v1 when using endpoint overrides containing /v1.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes an issue where an endpoint_override was not considered when performing version negotiation, which would can result in the client attempting to base version negotiation off of an entry in the service catalog as opposed to an endpoint_override.

  • The interface argument was being ignored so that the HTTP client was always using the public endpoint for Ironic. This fixes it so that the interface argument is taken into consideration. See story 2005118.


New Features

  • Adds support for the --conductor-group argument to the following CLI commands:

    • openstack baremetal node create

    • openstack baremetal node set

    • openstack baremetal node unset

    • openstack baremetal node list

    This feature requires bare metal API 1.46.

  • Adds support for a node’s deploy_step (read-only) field. The deploy step indicates which step is being performed during the deployment/provisioning of a node. It is available starting with Bare Metal API version 1.44. For more details, see story 1753128.

  • Adds new family of arguments to the openstack baremetal node set command: --reset-XXX-interface, where XXX is a name of a hardware interface. This argument resets the node’s XXX_interface field to its calculated default (based on the node’s hardware type and the configuration).

  • Adds the new argument --reset-interfaces to the openstack baremetal node set command. It can be used together with --driver to reset all interfaces to their defaults.


New Features

  • The client now supports none authorization method, which should be used if the Identity service is not present in the deployment that the client talks to. To use it:

    • openstack baremetal CLI – supported starting with osc-lib version 1.10.0, by providing --os-auth-type none and --os-endpoint argument to openstack command

    • ironic CLI – just specify the --ironic-url or --os-endpoint argument in the ironic command (or set the corresponding environment variable)

    • python API – specify the endpoint_override argument to the client.get_client() method (in addition to the required api_version)

  • Supports the node’s fault field, introduced in the Bare Metal API version 1.42, including displaying or querying nodes by this field.

  • Adds two new commands.

    • openstack baremetal node bios setting list <node_ident>

    • openstack baremetal node bios setting show <node_ident> <setting_name>

    The first command returns a list of BIOS settings for a given node, the second command returns a specified BIOS setting from the given node.

    Also adds support of bios_interface for the commands below.

    • openstack baremetal node create

    • openstack baremetal node show

    • openstack baremetal node set

    • openstack baremetal node unset

    • openstack baremetal driver list

    • openstack baremetal driver show

  • Adds support for NodeManager.set_provision_state, NodeManager.update, NodeManager.get, and NodeManager.list to accept an os_ironic_api_version keyword argument to override the API version for that specific call to the REST API.

    When overridden, the API version is not preserved, and if an unsupported version is requested from the remote API, an UnsupportedVersion exception is raised.

Deprecation Notes

  • common.http.HTTPClient class is deprecated and will be removed in the Stein release. If you initialize the ironic client via v1.client.Client class directly, please pass the keystoneauth session to the Client constructor, so that common.http.SessionClient is used instead.

  • As part of standardizing argument naming to the one used by keystoneauth, the following arguments to client.get_client method are deprecated and will be removed in Stein release:

    • os_auth_token: use token instead

    • os_username: use username instead

    • os_password: use password instead

    • os_auth_url: use auth_url instead

    • os_project_id: use project_id instead

    • os_project_name: use project_name instead

    • os_tenant_id: use tenant_id instead

    • os_tenant_name: use tenant_name instead

    • os_region_name: use region_name instead

    • os_user_domain_id: use user_domain_id instead

    • os_user_domain_name: use user_domain_name instead

    • os_project_domain_id: use project_domain_id instead

    • os_project_domain_name: use project_domain_name instead

    • os_service_type: use service_type instead

    • os_endpoint_type: use interface instead

    • ironic_url: use endpoint instead

    • os_cacert, ca_file: use cafile instead

    • os_cert, cert_file: use certfile instead

    • os_key, key_file: use keyfile instead

  • The endpoint argument to the v1.client.Client constructor is deprecated and will be removed in Stein release. Instead, please use the standard keystoneauth argument name endpoint_override.

Bug Fixes

  • Waiting for a provision state to be reached (via CLI --wait argument or the wait_for_provision_state function) no longer aborts when the node’s last_error field gets populated. It can cause a normal deployment to abort if a heartbeat from the ramdisk fails because of locking - see story 2002094.


New Features

  • Adds support for rescue_interface for the commands below. They are available starting with ironic API microversion 1.38.

    • openstack baremetal node create

    • openstack baremetal node show

    • openstack baremetal node set

    • openstack baremetal node unset

    • openstack baremetal driver list

    • openstack baremetal driver show

  • Adds the below commands to OSC to support rescue mode for ironic available starting with API version 1.38:

    • openstack baremetal node rescue

    • openstack baremetal node unrescue