2023.1 Series Release Notes


Bug Fixes

  • The openstack share quota set command has been fixed to not set per_share_gigabytes unless the user has specified the parameter, and unless the user requests, and the server supports API version 2.62.

  • Share force delete command was sending two REST requests, first force delete and then delete. Fixed it by removing delete request. For more details, please refer to launchpad bug 2051737

  • Share network create command failed with 2.32 version of api, due to set availability zone argument for old version of create function, which doesn’t have this argument. The bug was fixed by adding a check that the user set the availability zone in query.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed default share type lookup associated with the “openstack share create” command. The lookup now resolves default share types correctly even on environments where the default type isn’t named “default”. See launchpad bug #2030686 for more details.


Bug Fixes

  • The OpenStackClient plugin will now use most suitable version for openstack commmands client generation if user supplied version is above max version supported by server. For more details, please refer Launchpad bug #1960490

  • Fixed the use of the “–availability-zone” option with the “openstack share network create” command.


New Features

  • Added ‘quiesce_wait_time’ option to share replica promote API. This will be used by driver as quiesce wait time for specified replica promote operation instead of global config value. For more details, refer Launchpad bug #2000171

  • Adds support to set snapshot property on snapshot create, filter list on snapshot property, and snapshot property set and unset. Only in OSC.

Bug Fixes

  • Support –os-key option and OS_KEY environment variable which allows to provide client cert and its private key separately.


Bug Fixes

  • Create Share group from snapshot failed due to a bug in OSC. The issue is fixed and its working as expected.