Current Series Release Notes


Bug Fixes

  • Share server list command now support filtering share servers by source share server IDs and identifiers. For more details, please refer to Launchpad bug #1896949.


Bug Fixes

  • Share network create command failed with 2.32 version of api, due to set availability zone argument for old version of create function, which doesn’t have this argument. The bug was fixed by adding a check that the user set the availability zone in query.


New Features

  • The commands “snapshot-create”, “snapshot-delete” and “revert-to-snapshot” now accept an optional “–wait” option that allows users to let the client poll for the completion of the operation.

  • The commands “snapshot-manage” and “snapshot-unmanage” now accept an optional “–wait” option that allows users to let the client poll for the completion of the operation.

  • In the 2.84 API version, a new option, mount_point_name, has been introduced to the share creation command. This option allow users to specify a more intuitive mount_point_name that will be reflected in the share’s export location. However, for this feature to be available to users, administrators must first enable an extra-spec in the share type. In addition, administrators need to set an extra-spec named provisioning:mount_point_prefix. The Manila service will combine this prefix with the mount point name that user provides during share creation. If the provisioning:mount_point_prefix is not set for a share type, but mount_point_name_support is enabled, the share’s export location will default to using the project_id as a prefix. Please note that shares created with a project_id prefix cannot be transferred. To move these shares to a different project, an admin must manually unmount them from the current project and mount them to the target project. A new capability, mount_point_name_support, allows the driver to inform the scheduler about its support for the mount_point_name feature.

Upgrade Notes

  • The --nova-net-id option has been removed from the manila CLI.

Bug Fixes

  • The format of the osc share network subnet create command output has been updated to return a list of hosts instead of a dictionary, as we do for other commands in the client.