Xena Series Release Notes


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes missing way for kolla-toolbox to be built offline. LP#2020761

  • Fixes an issue with Elasticsearch curator not working due to too new python elasticsearch-curator library not compatible with Elasticsearch version 7. LP#2028048


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes an issue where the script kolla_ensure_openvswitch_configured in the openvswitch-db-server image would ignore errors encountered while configuring bridges and ports. LP#1999778


Bug Fixes

  • RabbitMQ version has been updated to 3.9 and ERLang has been updated to 25. Previously used versions (3.8 and 23) have been marked as end-of-life and are not supported anymore as of August 2022.

  • Fixes an issue with Swift deployment via Kolla Ansible caused by the fix to CVE-2022-38060. The kolla-toolbox container now have its own sudoers secure_path configuration which allows the necessary binaries to execute.


Other Notes

  • Added ‘–retry 5’ to curlrc to improve curl downloads during image builds.


Upgrade Notes

  • To fix CVE-2022-38060, support for KOLLA_CONFIG and KOLLA_CONFIG_FILE environment variables in kolla-built containers has been dropped. Now, only the single trusted path of /var/lib/kolla/config_files/config.json will be utilised for loading container config. We believe this is a reasonable tradeoff as these environment variables were not used by any known downstream and potential users in the wild can easily adapt as this does not limit the functionality per se, only making it stricter as to where the config can come from.

Security Issues

  • Fixes CVE-2022-38060, a sudo privilege escalation vulnerability. LP#1985784


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes problems when running with docker-py >=6. LP#1988121


New Features

  • Add templating block for base image helping to customize pip settings used at build time for offline build scenario. We need some required environment variables configured at the top level for all containers, for example the variable UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE used by the bifrost-deploy installation scripts. Also here we can override the address of the PyPI repository via PIP_INDEX_URL, PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL, and PIP_TRUSTED_HOST variables.

Upgrade Notes

  • All Dockerfile files which uses curl to download any external files from the Internet URLs now have the corresponding version templating block which can be used to override them. Also all the ENV instructions inside these blocks converted to the ARG instructions to minimize the unneeded variables.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes wrong update-alternatives usage on CentOS. LP#1936947


New Features

  • Updates the OpenStack exporter for Prometheus to version 1.6.0.

  • Added an –repos-yaml argument to allow user to provide own file with definitions of external package repositories. Useful for those building in offline environments with set of internal mirrors.

Upgrade Notes

  • The updated OpenStack exporter for Prometheus uses the latest Nova API microversion by default, resulting in changes to existing metrics. To keep existing behaviour, set prometheus_openstack_exporter_compute_api_version to 2.1.

Bug Fixes

  • The apt-get update command by default didn’t fail on erroneous source repositories, it show the warning ‘W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.’ and continue to work. This causes some containers (eg. rabbitmq, kolla-toolbox) successfully built, but makes them inconsistent because the official Ubuntu repository contains packages with the same names. Now we use apt-get -eany update command to stop building with an error in such cases.

  • Fixes CentOS builds of Skydive SEGV on startup. Skydive versions prior to 0.28.0 panic on newer versions of libc. This especially affects Centos 8. LP#1940862


New Features

  • Added a container image for Prometheus libvirt exporter, to be used for monitoring deployments which provide VMs with libvirt.

  • Adds Cyrus SASL packages necessary for the DIGEST-MD5 and SCRAM-SHA-256 mechanisms. These can be used for libvirt SASL authentication. LP#1964013

  • Quiet mode (enabled with --quiet argument) can be combined with --logs-dir option now. Console output will be quiet as expected while building output will be stored in separate log files.

Upgrade Notes

  • The Debian and Ubuntu images use rabbitmq and erlang from cloudsmith now. Operators might want to mirror/proxy this new source as it provides the correct set of packages unlike the previous combination.

Security Issues

  • Adds mitigation for Apache Log4j 2 Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046 to Apache Storm.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes an issue with Ironic deployments using UEFI and iPXE, where the default UEFI iPXE bootloader in Ironic was not available in the TFTP server. This affects all Kolla releases on CentOS, and Xena on Debian/Ubuntu. LP#1959203

  • Installs glusterfs-client in Debian and Ubuntu manila-share images to support GlusterFS across supported distributions. LP#1964140

  • Latest version of the elasticsearch gem no longer works with older (OSS) versions of Elasticsearch. This is fixed by capping the version of the elasticsearch gem installed into the fluentd container. LP#1954759

  • Fixes an issue when older version of Python OpenvSwitch bindings package was used, than the running OpenvSwitch code. LP#1961874

  • Fix AArch64 ubuntu ironic-python-agent images UEFI PXE booting failure. Also fix x86_64 lacking of GRUB efi files issue. LP#1879265

  • Fixes an issue building images that use a source with a type of git, when using a git that includes the fix for CVE-2022-24765 (2.35.2 or later). By default, this includes the gnocchi-base image, but may include other images with a non-default configuration. LP#837710

  • Fixes disabling the use of the curlrc configuration file in healthcheck_curl. LP#1967272

  • Fixes an issue seen when using Jinja2 3.1.0.

  • Fixes an issue with missing Magnum Keystone auth default policy. LP#1957159

  • Fixes the Debian and Ubuntu images to use rabbitmq and erlang from cloudsmith so that the images are still buildable and use proper versions.

  • Fixes set_configs.py configuring same permission for directories and files, causing directories lacking execute permission if not set for files.


Bug Fixes

  • CentOS nova-compute image has linux-firmware package removed to save image size by ~500MB. LP#1926801

  • Fixes “Permission denied” issue for swift-recon tool that appears when swift-recon tool tries to access deafult recon_lock_path

  • Nova images are built without pypowervm package. It is needed only for POWER architecture support (which we do not support) and breaks CentOS builds by trying to install (Python 2 only) ‘futures’ package.

  • Ensures the nvme-cli package is present in nova-compute images, as it expected by os-brick.


New Features

  • Add masakari-dashboard to Debian binary Horizon image.

  • Adds the Monasca datasource plugin to the Grafana image. This allows Monasca users to visualise metrics in Grafana without using the Monasca Grafana fork.

  • Updates Ceph client packages in CentOS images to Pacific.

  • Support for Debian/Ubuntu binary (aka packaged) CloudKitty images.

  • Debian ‘bullseye’ is now used instead of ‘buster’. Bullseye is the current stable release of Debian. Several images gained Debian support with this move.

  • Adds support for the ironic-neutron-agent image in Debian and Ubuntu binary images. Also adds support for the baremetal ML2 driver in the neutron-server image in Debian and Ubuntu binary images.

  • Improve the way offline scenario are supported:
    • Switching dumb-init installation to distribution provided packages.

  • OVN images are now buildable for Debian on x86-64 architecture.

  • Adds proxysql image. Proxysql provides intelligent load balancing for databases.

  • Allow to set group for user.

  • cAdvisor has been updated to 0.38.7 version.

Upgrade Notes

  • Kolla toolbox is now using ansible-core 2.11.

  • Format of APT keys has changed from simple list into dictionary. For base_apt_keys we now use name and key ids and for remote_apt_keys names and URLs.

    This allows to instruct APT to use those keys only for their repositories instead of trusting them for all possible packages.

    If you override base_apt_keys or remote_apt_keys then please adapt to the new format.

  • CentOS now uses upstream MariaDB repos (thus following the images of the other two distros). This is done to simplify MariaDB version management on Kolla side. The chosen version is synced with Debian and Ubuntu to 10.5. Operators may want to reflect this in their repo mirrors and proxies.

  • Debian now uses upstream MariaDB repos (thus following Ubuntu images). This is done to avoid issues like the related one and have an easy workaround of pinning to chosen MariaDB version if need arises. Operators may want to reflect this in their repo mirrors and proxies. LP#1944410

  • Updates the default image type to source. Users wishing to build binary type images should either specify the --type binary CLI argument or set [DEFAULT] type=binary in kolla-build.conf. This change is to reflect the reality that source images are tested more thoroughly and we (as OpenStack community) have better control over them.

  • The monasca-grafana image has been dropped because it was using several deprecated components and was not buildable. Support for Monasca datasource was added into standard grafana instead.

  • Support for building containers for ppc64le architecture was dropped.

  • Support for using Red Hat Enterprise Linux as base of container images was dropped. Please migrate to using CentOS Stream 8 based images.

  • Gnocchi version has been updated to 4.4.1.

  • haproxy packages have been upgraded to 2.2.

  • Changed default of network_mode to host since Kolla-Ansible bootstrap-servers is deploying Docker without a bridge by default since Wallaby

  • Neutron images now only provide api-paste.ini in /etc/neutron instead of /usr/share/neutron. Custom configuration files will need to be updated.

  • chrony image has been removed.

  • Support for panko has been removed due to upstream retirement.

  • Prometheus v1 image has been removed.

  • The Rally and Tempest projects are not OpenStack services, but clients. Its images and support have been removed since Xena cycle.

  • Ubuntu now uses MariaDB 10.5 to sync with Debian.

Deprecation Notes

  • Support for building ppc64le container images has been deprecated in Wallaby cycle and got removed in Xena.

  • The tempest and rally images were removed in the Xena cycle. The reason is that these are not services of an OpenStack cloud but its clients.

Security Issues

  • Fixes security issue in Prometheus as per advisory.

Bug Fixes

  • Adds an option to the monasca-thresh container which checks if the topology is currently submitted (KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP), with an option to kill it (TOPOLOGY_REPLACE). Topology names and various timeouts may be customized. LP#1808805

  • Fixes missing boto3 library required by glance_store. LP#1884259

  • Fixes location of monitoring_policy in Horizon, so access policy is correctly enforced. Note that by current default, admin doesn’t not have Monitoring access. LP#1928408

  • Fix support for kolla install in ~/.local. LP#1930544

  • Fixes an issue with logs going missing in the Fluentd pipeline by pinning td-agent to 4.0.* also on Debian. LP#1930867 [Debian]

  • Fixes an issue with logs going missing in the Fluentd pipeline by pinning td-agent to 4.0.*. LP#1930867

  • Fixes issues arising from the lack of Debian updates repo being enabled. LP#1931544

  • Fix missing default policy files for debian-binary-horizon. LP#1933759

  • Fixes Debian image build failure caused by the official Debian bullseye release changing the os identification. LP#1933770

  • Fixes user uid inconsistency beetween base and openstack-base Debian binary images. LP#1934753

  • Add missing pacemaker cli utils to Debian hacluster images. LP#1934788

  • Fixes an issue with cinder-volume missing lsscsi and nvme commands on Debian and Ubuntu. LP#1942038

  • Fixes kolla-toolbox ansible.log logging for different users than ansible. LP#1942846

  • Fixes an issue with Elasticsearch curator not working due to too new python elasticsearch library. LP#1941073

  • Fixes an issue with the logstash image which was incompatible with the last OSS version (7.10) of Elasticsearch. Logstash is now pinned to 7.9. LP#1941754

Other Notes

  • Debian images enable the Debian updates repo now. This is aligned with the base Debian image.

  • Removes pymongo installation from images.