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 Create an encrypted volume

Use the OpenStack dashboard (horizon), or the cinder command to create volumes just as you normally would. For an encrypted volume use the LUKS tag, for unencrypted leave the LUKS tag off.

  1. Source your admin credentials:

    $ source
  2. Create an unencrypted 1 GB test volume:

    $ cinder create --display-name 'unencrypted volume' 1
    |            Property            |                Value                 |
    |          attachments           |                  []                  |
    |       availability_zone        |                 nova                 |
    |            bootable            |                false                 |
    |           created_at           |      2014-08-10T01:24:03.000000      |
    |          description           |                 None                 |
    |           encrypted            |                False                 |
    |               id               | 081700fd-2357-44ff-860d-2cd78ad9c568 |
    |            metadata            |                  {}                  |
    |              name              |          unencrypted volume          |
    |     os-vol-host-attr:host      |              controller              |
    | os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat |                 None                 |
    | os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id |                 None                 |
    |  os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id  |   08fdea76c760475f82087a45dbe94918   |
    |              size              |                  1                   |
    |          snapshot_id           |                 None                 |
    |          source_volid          |                 None                 |
    |             status             |               creating               |
    |            user_id             |   7cbc6b58b372439e8f70e2a9103f1332   |
    |          volume_type           |                 None                 |
  3. Create an encrypted 1 GB test volume:

    $ cinder create --display-name 'encrypted volume' --volume-type LUKS 1
    |            Property            |                Value                 |
    |          attachments           |                  []                  |
    |       availability_zone        |                 nova                 |
    |            bootable            |                false                 |
    |           created_at           |      2014-08-10T01:24:24.000000      |
    |          description           |                 None                 |
    |           encrypted            |                 True                 |
    |               id               | 86060306-6f43-4c92-9ab8-ddcd83acd973 |
    |            metadata            |                  {}                  |
    |              name              |           encrypted volume           |
    |     os-vol-host-attr:host      |              controller              |
    | os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat |                 None                 |
    | os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id |                 None                 |
    |  os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id  |   08fdea76c760475f82087a45dbe94918   |
    |              size              |                  1                   |
    |          snapshot_id           |                 None                 |
    |          source_volid          |                 None                 |
    |             status             |               creating               |
    |            user_id             |   7cbc6b58b372439e8f70e2a9103f1332   |
    |          volume_type           |                 LUKS                 |

Notice the encrypted parameter; it will show True/False. The option volume_type is also shown for easy review.

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